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"I Cried Lots" Photos and Video Up

I've taken a number of pictures at the Graceland Wall. "I Cried Lots!" is the latest this year.

(BenQQ) Yes, just for fun I've posted my minor obsession of documenting messages of visitors on the Graceland mansion wall. This is a walk-by of those messages with pictures of them taken from the sidewalk. There is both a slide gallery and 4 minute music video on the same page.

Here is the link to "I Cried Lots" gallery and video.

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Does Trump Get a Fair Media Shake in Democrat Cities?

(10.15.24BenQQ) For most Trump supporters the answer would be a resounding "no." But the question implies wider journalistic issues. Many if not most Democrats have openly said Trump is a racist and/or criminal even in the face of little or no evidence of either. With little criticism from local media Memphis Dem. Rep. Steve Cohen turned his administrations into single minded campaigns to brand Trump as such. He failed.

However, the broad acceptance of such false shibboleths pales to the stunning finding that one researcher said a third of Democrats think its OK that assassins have tried to kill Trump. I doubt the only other time we have been here is the Civil War. Is that the progress Democrats want?

Media are mostly followers. Local media generally takes cues from the legacy biggies like the New York Times and, especially locally, the USA Today. The Commercial Appeal (CA), the main daily in Memphis, is a “part of the USA Today Network,” as the footer of the CA’s website puts it. That network is a conglomerate of newspapers carrying stories that seldom include the perspective of right leaning content.

For example, today’s CA edition featured coverage of a gathering mostly of local male black politicians in support of Harris, complete with group portrait. It linked to Barack Obama telling black men to vote for Harris, saying, “...part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren't feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you're coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that."

Well, it could be that black men just don’t want to follow orders from yesterday’s elite politicos in the face multiple Harris issues that have been raised in other media:

-Harris’ policies will continue to increase inflation, flood the American polity with illegal immigrants that will compete for labor jobs thus lowering wages while taxing local resources and slow job growth.

-Her “border czar” policies has allowed in scores of cartel gang members who have embedded themselves in every medium to large American city, not to mention thousands of illegal immigrant murderers, rapists and other criminals.

-Her border policies that have let in millions of regular illegal immigrants who will sooner or later be given the right to vote Democratic with or without becoming citizens thus assuring the country will forever be one party controlled.

-Her support of eliminating two pillars of American democracy: the filibuster and the electoral college. The electoral college is what protects the votes from “flyover states”—such as, yes, Tennessee—from being overwhelmed by populous coastal states.

-Her support of anti-law enforcement measures, rampant government spending on programs such as the Green New Deal that will put the country into a tailspin.

-Her support of regulation of “misinformation” dissemination. Russia now does the same thing against people who speak out against the Ukraine War which has created reported over 500,000 Russian casualties.

-Her giveaway programs such as her 25k home mortgage that will only serve to increase home costs as all government subsidy programs have proven, for example, school loans raising tuition across the board.

-Harris had the opportunity to accomplish or at least launch virtually all of her programs she now touts during her term with Biden but didn’t. Why?

There is little doubt that old line Democrats will not continue to vote according to instructions. However, a growing portion of them are leaving their party to try other political solutions.

(9.22.24 BenQQ) Sunday Morning News Bits With Links

Harris' own running mate condemns the Harris-Biden record. "We can't afford four more years of this," Tim Walz declared in a Pennsylvania rally yesterday as supporters puzzlingly clapped at his disconnected remark. Harris has been criticized for her own campaign rhetoric that sounds like she was not part of the Biden-Harris administration. Our question: have both Harris and Walz adopted a conscious strategy that assumes their own voters don't understand she was second in line to the destructive Democratic policies of her own administration?

The National Border Patrol Council calls out Biden's claim he was limited in staunching the illegal alien invasion on the southern border. Biden has released over 2.8 million according to border patrol union organization. Illegal uncontrolled immigration hurts working class families by lowering wages, stressing local governments and hospitals as well as destabilizing social polity in communities. Mass populations, estimates ranging from 10 to 20 million, have entered the country during the Biden administration. Border Czar Kamala Harris does not discuss her administration's border chaos. Few in media ever dare to press her on it.

Harris would deliver 'most destructive border policy ever' declares Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

Is Memphis ready for Tren de Aragua? "...a vicious criminal force across America: 'They're coming and they're taking taking over'." The Mexican cartels, specializing in drug, sex and child trafficking, are reported to have set up operations in American cities. Tren de Aragua, called a Venezuelan multinational migrant crime syndicate, is said to be more recently organized. It does virtually the same as the cartels and has set up operations across the 50 states--just like the cartels. You will remember the Tren de Aragua armed gang invading a Colorado apartment complex to extort residents. Both cartels and Tren de Aragua managed to cross the border more easily as a result of Border Czar Harris' and Biden's policies. If domestic law enforcement is not more enabled to combat these lawless groups, we will see not only criminal predation in once tranquil communities but gang warfare among them the likes of which occur in Mexico. The Biden administration, including Kamala Harris, bears sole responsibility for this unprecedented criminal injection into our cities. President Trump has vowed to "deport" the criminal gangs first among illegals. Our prediction: look for violent conflict against law enforcement as well as internal warfare among gangs themselves as mentioned above.

Kamala Prophecies on the Internet

(9.20.24 BenQQ) The Democrats' unelected injection of Kamala Harris into a political system dependent on getting votes from different markets invites different commentary from those publics. These can be different perspectives who are experiencing the candidates in their own personal way and others who read them through their own professions. One example is psychoanalytically such as the ones given about Trump and Harris, an example from Dr. Grande below. For most people commenting onlne from a professional point of view, that is, economically, legally, policies or even expressing tenets for her own party, Harris does not come up with a winner, or at least something that jumps out at you. Joy can only go so far. Likewise, here's another perspective on Harris from a Christian prophecy point of view. The prophet is Troy Black.  The video below is 4 minutes.

Click here to see his full 22 minute commentary. More prophesies about the election may be posted.

Tim Walz' China Connection

(9/19/24 BenQQ) Once again the Democrats prove their affection to hostile adversaries over common sense domestic policies that serve America first.

Kamala Harris actually selected a running mate that has deep Chinese connections. The signal is sent: Harris shows her, at best, naive willingness to stay in the arms of China. This is a relationship that will hurt American workers especially. With virtually no solid questions put to her by even the Democrats' own friendly media, her real attitude toward China is an open question. Will she assign her vice president as the "China Czar?" Who knows.

So, after a lifetime, Tim Walz "Chinese connections" (my term) cannot be denied but they are being ignored by Democrats and their traditional media. Chinese recruitment of star westerners as human resources to aid in China’s economic, intelligence and military expansion is well known.

No doubt they see in Walz their greatest western asset outside of greedy Americans peddling high tech military secrets.

If elected, Vice President Walz will be just another Democrat more than willing to prove his love of China by likely developing policies that would transfer manufacturing jobs to that country. China has both the dirtiest environment and worst human rights record since Nazi Germany. Walz may be just another naive Chinaphile, but he has no place in American government excepting the China desk of the CIA, if there still is one after the current administration. More.

Kamala IS Brat. A post debate analysis thanks to Charli xcx.

(9.11.24 BenQQ) Is Kamala Harris Brat? There is no dictionary understanding of what brat is. The meaning is in the doing. Just go with it, like Kamala and her people go with her even though she offers little in the way of substance.

Brat somehow works for people who express it with their personality, attractiveness, beingness, essence, persona--you name it. Kamala literally says go with me because I’m a new way. But critique is given that she is offering just new extremes of the old way.

Brat is a kind of faddish social media gen-z meme—though older people like Kamala Harris apparently can be Brat as well. We don’t know if Kamala was recruited specifically to be brat, but we do know she was in the orbit of bratters to whom she appealed perhaps because they identified rank brattiness in her.

The idea of Brat is created by English pop singer known as Charli XCX. I'll call her Charli hereafter. Charli declared her endorsement of Kamala this summer, then declared 2024 was a “brat summer” and then declared further “Kamala IS brat.”  

Perhaps the mysteries of bratdom is too arcane for me but I'm beginning to agree with Charli. Charli XCX is brat. It seems to fit her brand.

Charli’s like girls who are in your face, daring you to go beyond yourself and saying dumb things that do not diminish their message or make them even look dumb. In fact, in their world Charli and Kamala might even be Brat because their presence demands it since they are actually coming from bratterdom.

I'm not saying Kamala is dumb, but she says patently dumb things. She gets away with it like only a brat can.

Here’s a 5 second clip of Charli’s video but here's the link to her full video:

I like the video but you won't if you are squeamish about lyrics. The audio is left out of the clip above. My point is that Kamala is much like the persona of the video itself. That is, the video is like an anything goes chaotic splash of music and images and Kamala is full of chaotic (and debunked) accusations. I think we saw that in the debate last night.

At any rate a part of her message it seems to me is 'form follows function'. That is, Brat is a form that doesn’t necessarily have to have substance but yet somehow can be not only acceptable but meaningful in a brat sort of way.

So here's the thing: Kamala seems to be meaningful in a sort of way. Like thee video, she's conceptually chaotic, unformed, insubstantial. During the debate with Trump, her biggest vote getter from those who already hate Trump no doubt was her smirking laughter (and her Brazilian Blow Dry). That passes in bratdom. That's why there is little information about what she would do if she actually gets power. Charlie xcx is dangerous in her own way. Kamala is dangerous in her way.

Kamala Harris is the essence of form without substance. That is Kamala exactly. Kamala says nothing much engaging except for liberal milquetoast slogans. That's enough perhaps to swing mindless young who call themselves independents in swing states. We all know she’s revealed minimum about her political self. She has not acknowledged she is a creation California leftie radicalism—and how exactly that would be better for you than Trump.

Charli’s video is hyper cut, frenetic, youthful, hip, honest, ego-centric, sexy, in your face Charli’s world. Kamala’s world is dishonest, political, avoidance-centric manipulative, in other words, regular old politician but with a better smile than that of her boss.

But maybe if she wins the election we’ll see a video of Kamala rolling down a hill of women’s underwear like in the video.

I hope Charli xcx does more things in her sphere. I hope Kamala does not. But for now I have to go watch that video again.

Noted: Tim Walz lying about his rank on multiple occasions at this link.

This morning in the news...


Outrage over leftie media running with Harris' unfounded allegations Trump disrespected dignity of the families of the 13 military members killed during Biden's failed Afghanistan withdrawal. As it turned out, a spokesperson for the families said she asked President Trump to attend. The images in the news are starkly different of the two presidents: one is at the memorial, the other on a beach. Then Harris attacked Trump for using the event for politics at which point the families issued scathing responses like this one.

Two juxtaposed images: Trump at Arlington memorial and Biden at beach.
Battle of media Images: With a marine at his side, Trump is pictured laying a wreath for the 13 military members killed at the Bagram Air Base. Biden is pictured meanwhile vacationing on a Delaware beach. Further, Harris was criticized for staying in her mansion nearby. Sources left USA Today right New York Post

We wonder how Harris could commit such huge campaign blunders: that is, not attending the event even on a reportedly unscheduled day and then falsely blaming Trump for which he had a ready response. (Even the person who made the complaint had to withdraw it.) Staff? Harris herself not comprehending? Harris' inability to see her remarks would fail politically since she herself bragged she was the "last person in the room" to agree with Biden's chaotic military-out-first abandonment of Bagram Air Base thus abandoning allies, equipment and even service dogs.

The local online Commercial Appeal is part of the USA Today newspaper network. A search found no coverage in the paper of Trump attending the memorial service nor of Biden not attending.

How Polling Companies Manipulate Results, According to One...

(8.31.24 BenQQ) Peter Navarro interviews Rich Baris on Steve Bannon's War Room. Baris explains how polling companies can manipulate the results toward candidates.

With Kennedy, Gabbard jumping into the Trump camp, Democrat manipulations are exposed yet again.

(8.29.24 BenQQ) On the day of the big interview where Harris is supposed to come clean on her real policies, Democrats are panicking as two stars  of their own recently jumped into the Trump camp. The pre-taped short interview with her running mate Tim Walz playing defense—how’s that for presidential leadership?--will be aired tonight on CNN with Dana Bash. (Just know her husband, some intelligence mucky-muck under Obama, signed a letter saying Hunter’s laptop really was a Russian plant. Nothing happened to him.) (Correction: Dana Bash divorced Jeremy Bash in 2000.)

Aparently star Democrats Robert Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard both gave up on their party's dead ghost of yesteryear. No doubt hammering home their decision to jump ship were the decisions not to give Kennedy Secret Service protection and Homeland Security’s placing Gabbard on a flyer watch list. Both these actions showed either incompetence and/or mean spirit of the Biden-Harris administration. A bad taste all around. But what would you expect from a party who is against requiring proof of citizenship for voting?

The latest and revealing gambit from the Democrats is their refusal to remove Kennedy’s name from state ballots. If just some of Kennedy Democrats follow his appeal to vote Trump, its over. At least by standard polls—which I don’t trust—Kennedy could swing the winning margin to Trump. That would be a good thing, considering his traditional Democratic values (that have been abandoned by the Democratic Party) could be well used in Trump’s bailiwick. Same goes with Gabbard.

(Regarding Gabbard, I hope she does not influence Trump to hold back aid to Ukraine any more than he has indicated. This is not a deal killer for me with Trump, but I hope he decides he must keep wearing Putin down before he invades other European countries, as I think Putin will.)

So the Democrats arehoping their rank and file don’t notice Kennedy’s jump? This isjust old school politics designed to manipulate their own membersjust as they did when sidestepping any vote to install Harris intothe presidential slot. My prediction: their plucked chickens willcome home to roost.

Final thought:Harris had no post convention “bump,” numbers remaining prettymuch the same within margin error before as after.

So, let's be real. Would you believe anything this woman especially could say to a crowd of true believers in this pep rally? Its frightening. Photo Democratic National Committee.

The Democrats Gaslight Themselves with Mass Delusion

(8.25.24 BenQQ) Why are those people acting so euphoric? Have their taxes been reduced? Has the Internal Revenue Service fired those 87,000 agents the Democrats want to hire with YOUR money to collect more of YOUR money so they can buy in more voters? Really, you're OK with that? Has Harris declared she will reduce useless government agencies, thus saving billions? Has she declared she will rebuild the wall, thus saving 500 billion a year in health, education and safety costs, not to mention the lost jobs and lives of illegal aliens? Has she declared she will stop unnecessary government spending, thus reducing inflation? Has she declared anything?

So what happened last week? It was mass delusion where people gathered in an enclosed hall to convince each other with hypnotic repetitious rhetoric, signage and costumes that Donald Trump and his people were the most evil entities on the face of the earth. That message has not changed much in the past 3 years.

It was an amazing feat because in the process they frequently had the chutzpah of appropriating his common sense ideas as their own while somehow making an argument against those very policies. Mental pretzels every step of the way. But the crowd loved it with each succeeding content jolt.

It was a mass display of abusive tactics that the deep state loves because the Democrats were actually promoting the mostly failed results of their policies in the last 12 of the 16 years they were in control. Big intrusive government, high taxes, high unemployment, rampant crime, (Memphis, a blue city, is ranked the second most violent), deficient non-competitive education with huge dropout rates and an attack on political opponents with phony lawfare conjured against political opponents, starting with Trump himself and aligning with devolving social activism that undermines our institutions that have managed to keep us going for the past two centuries. These include their vicious attack on individual members of the supreme court, the ongoing plan to pack the court and their ever permanent desire to destroy the electoral college, which would actually devalue the votes of all Tennesseeans. We are, after all, a flyover state not as important as the bicoastal socialists.

In other words, the Democratic National Convention was a kind of hothouse designed from the start to gaslight the American people. Gaslighting is a term most often used in personal relationships where one party is abusing the other with manipulations and lies. Here's Merriam-Webster’s definition of gaslighting:  “to psychologically manipulate (a person) usually over an extended period of time so that the victim questions the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and experiences confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, and doubts concerning their own emotional or mental stability to subject (someone) to gaslighting

Gaslighting perfectly applies to the Democratic elite to its own members and to the American people.  The Dem elite on one hand have little to show for themselves for a total of 12 out of 16 years they've had power. Hence, they “gaslight” as accomplishments their destruction of Trump policies that arguably supported rank and file Democrats more than those of the Democratic Party itself.

The Nazis did this perfectly with the German people when they convinced themselves the Jews were traitors and had stabbed Germany in the back for personal profit. As they blamed the Jews for their national condition they declared there was “joy” in the process.

Last week the Democrats one by one on their big stage declared Trump variously to be an obvious criminal  (as defined by their own made-up laws), dictator, oligarch and simple bad guy. None of their allegations were presented with evidence but they all clapped like barking seals at a fish pep rally. How many times was Trump’s name vilified? 401. That’s all they could talk about.

Because of their gaslighting and lies, the Democratic elite were obviously making Trump the Hitler of modern times. They, like the New York Times and others like local Rep. Steve Cohen (D), gave themselves permission to allege any crime and use any tactic including lawfare, impeachments and denying to hear the substance of 80+ legal challenges. The result: an installed addled Biden-Harris administration that has been a train wreck of catastrophic failures in most everything it touched. Then comes Harris. “Joy” is all they got. Its all their propaganda media have got.

If you are a Democrat or even wavering Republican, don’t fall for it.

I’m BenQQ if you like, follow me on X. My videos can be found on Rumble and Youtube. Thanks for watching.

(8.25.24 BenQQ) Please pass the salad dressing and lots of it. Dr. Todd Grande's wry analysis of why Karmala Harris uses "word salads." He tries to keep a professional face throughout his video but sometimes even that's too hard for this internet psychologist. Bottom line: she is profoundly unprepared for the job but that's not to say she can't do the job with correction. Yeah, we all want that hedge in getting a new job. His full video here. (I'm no psychologist, but I keep with the theme of group behavior with my second piece on the DNC convention below.) However, not to leave him out of his deadpan analyses, Dr. Grande said Donald Trump was a "maladaptive narcissist."

The hangover DNC Convention afterglow...euphoria with a Kamala Temptress?

(8.20.24 BenQQ video) I have to admit, I’m kinda amazed. After you get to know me you might think I'm too easily amazed. Let me know in the comments and don't forget to like and share if like an optional counter opinion now and then. A counter opinion is like a stiff drink, one or two are pretty good, but it takes practice for more. Hey, let's practice.

How about starting with sending me a coffee, link below.

Exactly what were they clapping about last night as an angry unhinged angry man shouted lies and bile against an opponent who took a bullet in the practice of democracy, therefore, rationally, to defend democracy, not to threaten it, as Biden and the secret Democratic Party cabal who ousted him from from his candidacy, would have you believe.

To get the crowd to swoon over Hillary Clinton, a woman who was spared from prosecution for real crimes by Donald Trump, a mind numbing euphoria has to be at play, especially when you consider Trump himself still faces charges that were created by Democratic apparatchiks still lusting to put him in jail. But hey, would not you be euphoric if you suddenly were given a path to power unfettered by that pesky constitution? Oh well, we’ll take care of that in due course.

In order to have euphoria when you are bleeding with self-inflicted wounds, there’s only one thing to do: convince yourself its not your fault. Blame your opposition. That is, Blame Trump as you have done on the illegal immigration mess, economy and crime as you have done over and over and over until the lie is embedded in the synapses of your followers who suddenly feel lighter and joyful.

And to be unburdened with having to think critically IS a joy, isn't it?

Now, the clapping Democrats, perhaps channeling Robert DiNiro via the AARP Magazine, at the Democratic National Convention undermines at least my confidence in the ability for humans to be ethical in the face of overwhelming temptation.

And here is their temptress: Kamala Harris, the siren from California and Willie Brown's uh, mentorship.

The temptress need not be elected.

So all the Democrats got the memo. Don't object to the temptress. She will beat Donald Trump without the resources of brains and, related, the ability to answer questions in a press conference. But she can steal solutions from Donald Trump and add bad policies of her party to create new ones.

So they all clapped to an angry unhinged man whom a conspiratorial cabal within their own party stabbed in the back. It matters not it was just revealed he and his family had collected 27 million dollars from foreign governments. But he's stepping down so none of that matters even though temptress Kamala was in the thick of his administration that created all the problems they say they would fix. So last night you never heard that salesy term as if made up for an infomercial-- “Bidenomics”. All their solutions are just an extension of their failures: price fixing, government growth and intrusion while ignoring illegal immigrant invasion, crime and continued spending until the system itself implodes.

Their applause and tears were squeezed out like juice from a watermelon on the Santa Clause face of Party Official Tim Walz. He has visited communist China 30 times and was even joyously wed there. To me that's suspicious. Its baggage that can never be cleared up. But for some reason temptress Kamala loves it.

Its just one of many reasons rank and file Democrats should have rebelled for an open and honest convention.

But they failed. They failed themselves. They failed the country. If an economically ignorant Harris gets in the white house, we will all suffer the consequences.

Would any of my questions be answered at the Democratic Convention?

(8.18.24 BenQQ) Ahead of the DNC convention this week Fox News implies they are asking Democrats the most important questions. But really, the most important questions are those not asked because they are hard to answer. For most of them, there is no honest answer that I've yet heard. If you have, let me know and I'll discuss with you or others on platform.

So here would be my questions variously to Kamela Harris and Democratic Party officials:

-So what happened to the primaries? Isn’t that the way you decide who gets to be your nominees?

-OK, I get it. Your favorite son Joe Biden had a lot of political baggage—among them an economy not as good as Trump’s, including inflation, his documented bank receipts of payoffs from Communist China, letting in 10 to 20 million illegal aliens some of whom have been apprehended as known terrorists, not to mention all of whom soak up jobs from even your very members, the Afghanistan debacle and more. But on the other hand, your own fundraising rules left you no choice but to replace Biden with Kamela Harris, that is, his own own Vice President who has not repudiated one Biden policy--if you wanted to use the millions already donated, right?

-Why hasn’t the party declared an open convention to choose a better candidate, who, let me say, was deemed inadequate as a competitive candidate to Trump only a month ago?

-So you are saying Harris is so much better than any other Democrat, you are jettisoning the convention election process?

-Again, I’m sorry. I've got to ask: is it because you could not use the money already raised by your own rules that make those funds unavailable to be used for other Democratic executive candidates?

-Is there a body of Democrats who are so repelled by this undemocratic way of selecting a candidate that they are protesting this entire process?

-Are there ANY Democrats actually speaking out in protest to the party that has lectured America that "Trump is a threat to Democracy" for the past several years but then undemocratically kicked Biden out of the race?

-Will the Democratic Party lose members over what some are calling a selection by its elites instead of a Democratic election?

-Will Biden supporters and/or the Delaware delegation protest what some are calling a "coup" against their favorite son that ousted him out of the race? Why not give them the right to choose an optional candidate who was at least like Biden years ago before his mental decline?

-Who in the Party covered up Biden's decline for years?

-What do you say to people who called this alleged coverup a fraud against even your own members?

-So the only option you have is to immaculately rebirth Kamela Harris, who has not yet won one primary vote, into your "joy" candidate that need not be tested in a democratic process avowed by your own organization as the high road to democracy?

Immigration CEO: The Biden-Harris Admin “reshaping the electorate”with rapid rate legal citizenship process

(8.14.24 BenQQ) The chief executive of an immigration assistance firm is reported to have said by the site, “The surge in naturalization efficiency isn’t just about clearing backlogs; its’s potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election.” Xiao Wang said further, “Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even thpresidency.”

The current number of citizen naturalizations in the swing states of Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania is not shown on the site of Office of Homeland Security Statistics. The latest year showing stats for naturalizations for those states is 2022 with a total of 10,223.

Observation: The CEO’s remarks could also reflect the best path of possible election interference from foreign governments who want to place legal voters, as well as key permanent assets, in the country. Considering its ongoing covert warfare against the United States, the country most likely to do this would be China. Harris’ vice president running mate, avowed socialist Tim Walz, has deep ties to China which is well known for recruiting foreign assets it can use on its side.

Bicycle Thieves Strike Again—Its Personal for So Many in Memphis

(8.3.24 BenQQ) I have an old friend who got cut, chopped up and ripped off for his internal parts. Over the years I relied on “him” for to carry things for my projects—photography, video, bamboo plants and sometimes even marketing items for small businesses. My old friend is a 1999 Jeep Cherokee for whom I had installed two engines and had just refurbished his trailer with new flooring and electronics. The thieves took that, too.

Sometime last week a group of thieves broke through a window and cut away every cable that could contain copper. This included electronic cables that worked as a sensor or transmitter. They cut out the main harness as well, not to mention taking a number of electronic tools and trailer. This is not the type of blow equivalent like say to a home invasion, violent assault or gun robbery (the latter I’ve experienced here as well). Then is it all that bad?

The Bicycle Thief, 1948 postwar Italy. A man tries to hold on to his bicycle that is his key to earn a living for his family.
Red circle indicates where the harness that connected most of engines electronics was cut.

Yes. Because it breaks down community. My loss is one of expense and convenience, but add that up with increasing occurrence and the city becomes a victim itself. Business owners and individuals have to deal with this type of victimization every day. You don't hear much about it. When people just can't take anymore of this type of crime (and related political posturing), they move out, close down or retreat inside their individual enclaves. In doing so, they take their tax remits with them.

As one result of going to film school in Los Angeles, I’m reminded of the 1948 film The Bicycle Thief about a working man in postwar Italy who loses his bicycle to thieves. He depended on it to work. Fortunately that’s not me but if local governments de-emphasize non-violent crime to concentrate on the violent ones, expect both to get worse.

There is a solution. Rudy Giuliani brought down violent crime in New York City by going after everyone found breaking a law. The example most often given was subway payment gate jumpers. Memphis is included in a top 20 most violent cities ranking. Local government leaders should consider all crime a municipal emergency--not just the ones that get covered on television.

They should come to work to “think outside of the box” to figure out how they could implement a Giuliani-style solution even though he is a Trump Republican.

BenQQ's Morning News Overview


Proof of Citizenship to Vote: A wild and crazy idea or repressive from racist Republicans?

Proving elite Democrats will do anything to win an election, they are standing in opposition to requiring voters to show they are actually qualified to vote. "Requiring proof of citizenship to vote isn’t a partisan issue; it’s just common sense," said Jake Hoffman, an Arizona Republican lawmaker. Our question: What are the reasons anyone would be opposed to it? Perhaps moving an election in a swing state, like Arizona? Regular Democrats should decide if a political win is worth undermining the value of everyone's vote.

Bail in Memphis: A federal lawsuit targeting the Shelby County bail system would cost taxpayers millions if it follows current state law, says a local judge who is one defendant named in the suit. The lawsuit comes after a new state law allows judges to consider the defendant’s ability to pay when setting bail of repeat violent offenders. The eighth amendment: “Excessive baishall not be required, nor excessive finesimposed, nor inflicted.” However, there is precedent for the compelling interest of government for public safety. Our verdict: less protection from criminals and more crime in Memphis, another deep blue city, because violent repeat offenders game the system, especially if judges are elected to their positions as they are in Memphis. House Bill 1719 Source: ShelbyCounty judge sued over bail reform | News |

A Big Prisoner Swap and Russia Again Plays Into Our Election

(8.1.24 BenQQ) In less than 4 months to a national election in which the expansionist Russian dictator Vladimir Putin could see possible benefits via a Harris victory, we are greeted with an American-Russian prisoner exchange. This can really help Harris if people are willing to buy into Putin’s manipulations. If anything, Putin knows how to manipulate us Americans.

Coincidence? Hardly. The Biden administration virtually gave the go-ahead to the invasion of Ukraine. Biden called it a “minor incursion.” Ukraine is a sovereign westernized, democratic European nation. Along with Chinese threats of imminent invasion of Taiwan and Iran’s supplying money, among other things, to bad actors who massacred innocent Israelis Oct. 7, the Biden-Harris foreign policy has been a disaster.

So when eyeing the presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who never got one primary vote--that my kind of win, says he--Putin may see an American foreign policy that is not so much soft as incompetent and, like him, totally without scruples.

Not to say politics were their only concern, its nevertheless natural that politicians like Putin and Harris want an historic prisoner swap with public homecomings.

Of course, on a Russian domestic level, a prisoner swap gets Putin to take credit for bringing Russian prisoners home.

In the face of an increasingly unwinnable Ukraine war that has killed/maimed hundreds of thousands of young Russian men, forced millions of others from the country, caused Putin to flee into the chubby crazy of Kim Jong Un to beg for arms, set an up till now docile ill-informed population into near revolt and made oligarchs fearful they might be next to take a flying leap from a high rise, Putin needs this deal. It is one rare big win he can crow about.

Same with Harris.

On an election level, Harris gets to take credit for bringing Americans home from unjust imprisonment. Now she can at least tout some evidence of her foreign policy acumen—despite the cataclysmic failure of her only job as Border Czar.

However, one might say Trump also would give an out of his Ukraine mess to Putin as well. Trump has made no commitment at this point to keep imperial Russia out of Ukraine and Europe. Does anybody even care outside of using it as a political issue?

Trump offers little consolation to the Ukrainians. Unless he puts forth a stronger position on Ukraine, he is likely to make a shabby deal like the one that carved up Czechoslovakia before WWll. That didn't stop the war either.

Trump seems to be OK in having MAGA voters abandon Ukraine, if not Europe. That’s unfortunate. It will be an historic blunder.

The only ones who wins is the little KGB chief Vlad Putin.

The Perfect Storm and the Trump Shot

(7.30.24 BenQQ) After listening, reading and watching people talk about it, there seems to be two categories of reasons for the failed Secret Service protection of President Trump: simple negligence (including criminal) or willful intent. Those conversations will go on for some time.

However, there is a third dynamic that gnaws on the edges of both of these discussions. This is the developing popular belief among Democratic voters that Trump is a combo package of Nazi, fascist, racist, crook and corrupt president. Now, in addition, the political drift wants you to believe that Donald Trump is, in its latest jargon, a “threat to democracy.”

Included in this dynamic are two things: Mass media that incessantly pumps out questionable Trump angles if not outright falsehoods and the Democrats' obsessive repetition of those sham stories in their never ending pursuit of winning at all costs. One part of the dynamic feeds the other part, thus creating that "perfect storm" that, I believe, lead to the shooting of Donald J. Trump. But this approach started somewhere.

Hence, an underlying "culture" is developed--either subconsciously or overtly by groups and individuals in those groups. For reasons I won't go into, the DC bureaucracy hates Donald Trump. The Secret Service is ensconced in that bureaucracy, as was and is demonstrated by its hostility to congressional questions. Could such underlying conscious and unconscious hostility have resulted in poorer protection to Trump? It will take more than a congressional hearing to find that out.

Where did this all start? Well, I’m not anyone with a stat degree behind his name to justify my theory, but I’d say when a New York Times scrivener opined in 2017—with the paper’s shocking approval with his words published on the front page—that the Grey Lady would not have to follow journalism standards when covering Trump.

Then, though much of the media had already jumped on the bandwagon, hundreds of imitative media from strong dailies to local TV stations launched into unrestrained self-righteous and shoddy journalism designed to ruin a candidate that most people would vote for anyway. They were scared ****less from their own made up campaigns that was—and continues to be—repeated.

Here in Memphis Democratic rep and rabble rouser Steve Cohen went on what would become two tax payer funded campaigns, like other party elite who could do so without serious questions from the media, to unjustifiably defame Trump before his impeachments. After millions of dollars and wasted time, he failed.

So did the media succoring up to the mob.

Media trust plummeted after they turned into a gang going after Trump. A 2020 Gallup Poll indicated only 9% of Americans trusted mass media “a great deal,” 31% “a fair amount,” 27% “not very much” and 33% “none at all.” That score was up 5 points since the previous year.

Of course there could be other reasons mass media lost and continues to. Among those could be the internet now balances out legacy media positions. Its writers and producers are increasingly seen as limited within their own fishbowl. Further, a loss in advertising to internet media doesn't help (though this one has yet to benefit from that trend.)

At any rate, mass media has lost its luster of yesteryear and going after Trump en masse, I believe, didn’t help. Look what happened to Fox after they did their conservative purge. Did they think people who followed Trump would simply do a brain shift because old line reporters imitated the New York Times with flimsy anti-Trump slants in their stories?

So back to my thesis: Would candidate Donald J. Trump have been shot if the media had covered him in the past ten years or so fairly and professionally? If anything, simple professional standards—such as requiring interviewees to justify their accusations--would have reduced if not eliminated the making of Trump into a villain. That might have changed the highly charged anti-Trump media into a rationally suspicious one, which they are supposed to be anyway.

For example, let’s go back to Memphis' Steve Cohen, who on a local TV show, casually called Trump a “racist” and a “crook” in one of his media tours to get Trump. True to form, the hosts never challenged him as he rattled off his litany of alleged Donald Trump offenses.

Even thinking local Democrats should have expected more.

That Galvanizing Moment
and Is it time for Cohen to apologize to Trump and and his supporters for calling him a racist and crook?

One of a number of variations of the attempted Trump assassination that are sure to be made into journalistic and campaign imagery.

(7.14.24 BenQQ) He was in typical form at one of his massive trademark rallies. My take of the TV angle: President Trump was leaning to his right and looking at the huge stadium screen showing a statistical graph of  the millions of illegal aliens that had swarmed into the country under Biden. In fact, as Trump started to say further, this graph was actually a couple of months old so the numbers are actually even higher. Then it happened.

Reported: From a roof outside of the security zone a twenty year old registered Republican but who had contributed $15 to progressives, fired several shots, one that cut through Trump’s right ear. Other shots killed one attendee and wounded 2 more attendees.

If you were watching it on television, you saw an assassination attempt live in real time. Had Trump been leaning just a few more millimeters, the bullet would have landed center face and his head would have exploded in high resolution before millions of viewers.

But by sheer luck or divine grace, it didn’t go down that way.

On television you could see his ear lobe explode splattering blood on his face. Instantly, the media uniformly treated the story about the shooting which was pretty straight ahead in that moment. Coverage first went to Secret Service emergency procedures. The story was delivered live with perfect visuals for that. The agents rushed him almost instantly, though one commentator said they responded too slowly.

The Media: Within minutes the story of Trump’s attempted assassination split in two directions. For the liberal media, it was all about the great reaction of the Secret Service and shooter. For the conservative media, it was all about the agitation of Democrats and their media that has for years branded Trump as Hitler, racist, crook and the like, thus providing the crazy motivation to shoot him. Two years ago at the height of impeachment fever, Memphis own Steve Cohen(D) devoted his entire term to call Trump a criminal and racist. On one unquestioning local TV show, his accusations were accepted without a challenging question. Cohen’s incessant accusations were all discredited in the subsequent impeachment hearings in which Democrats uniformly nevertheless voted against truth but in their political interests. To date, Cohen has not bothered to apologize nor even bring up his wasteful shenanigans to Trump or to Trump's local supporters. (Now, perhaps it would be a good time to do that.)

But really, can Cohen or other Dem ideologues--Biden himself exploited one of America's iconic birth places, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, to call Trump supporters all but fascist--be responsible at least partly for the shooter? Nah, the shooter is. Nobody told that young man to shoot anybody. He alone did it.

Using military members and theatrically lit Independence Hall in 2022, Biden inferred Trump and supporters were a "threat to democracy." His rhetoric has never let up, though more confused. We ask: Should Biden himself be blamed in part for the assassination attempt of his major political opponent?

The anti-Trump media immediately conjured reductivist scenarios soon after the Secret Service swarmed him. Some genius on CNN said it sounded like one of those colored balls they shoot at each other for sport. Another corporate media platform said Trump “fell” when clearly he ducked, even having the presence of mind to yell to the crowd to do the same.

My expectation: watch the legacy anti-Trump media to minimize this event without sounding vengeful, macabre or even gleeful, though some of their commentariot probably will not be able to resist. Short of that, say anything to minimize the political impact of the would-be assassin’s bullet.

What is that impact? Watch the video that will never go away. As Trump is being surrounded by Secret Service agents, he finds a way to lift a clenched fist in the air and yell “Fight!” Some say he yelled, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Immediately the crowd erupted in defiant cheers, chanting “USA! USA! USA!”

This is one of those galvanizing moments captured on tape before a growing audience that will undoubtedly number in the billions worldwide and will be remembered by everyone who witnessed it.

This was, in contrast to Biden’s warmed over frequently incoherent progressive rhetoric, Trump leadership for the world to see.

In that moment, Donald Trump effectively won the election.

Dog Days in Memphis-a first person story

Taking an injured dog to emergency care presents ethical issues for me.

(6.25.24 BenQQ)

In hot Sat. afternoon traffic, I am driving toward my home studio to do some weekend work after a grocery pickup. But the rest of the day does not work out as I had planned. From the peripheral side of my eye begins to follow a movement that turns out to be like a slow-mo movie.

Sitting with a group of men who had befriended him, a young shepherd mix suddenly gallops into traffic at the corner of James and Rangeline Rds. His run ends violently and abruptly as he slams full force into the rotating wheel of a late model car that was following traffic through the light. Inside my car I heard his yelp over air conditioning and radio.

The men immediately start yelling at the driver, but she drives off.

The impact momentarily collapsed the dog's body. He didn’t bounce but just dropped like loose bag of bones that I thought shattered his frame. In my car directly behind the car the dog ran into, I thought the wheel had crushed him. But the furry bag of bones then rolled laterally two times from the tire.

Amazingly, like some Hollywood special effect he morphed back into a dog running for his life though addled and off-canter in the opposite direction.

He had met the men. He had met traffic. He ran back to the men.

Clearly this one was not familiar with traffic and certainly not the frequent crosses one sees on roads throughout Frayser. Those crosses aren’t for dogs.

This was the second time I had seen dog-vehicle contact. Many years ago I was driving to work in Philadelphia, MS when I saw a large hound try to beat an 18 wheeler. His outcome was far worse that this one.

Immediately eyes on, I thought the worst. I kept driving but made a u-turn after getting through the intersection. Upon arrival the men said they had seen the whole thing. They asked me to help. They had no vehicle.

The dog leaned against the wall panting hard. Some blood dropped from his mouth. He whimpered lightly as he lifted his paw off the concrete.

I lifted the wounded animal into the tailgate compartment of my Scion. He did not resist. He seemed to expect it. Thinking I would see a vet along James Rd., I headed back into the opposite direction toward East Memphis with one of the men who said he lived in that area.  At around 2:30 regular service vets where I stopped were either closed or getting ready to.

We ended up at Memphis Veterinary Specialists and Emergency in Cordova at around 3:00. Keyword here is "emergency" translated "expensive." The diagnosis was that "Stray"--the name they gave him for their records--had a broken leg. It costs over $600 but the situation begged the question: why did I spend that much money on an animal when a human being undoubtedly needed relief that money could supply? I had no answer nor do I want to go philo here but I'd be interested in your thoughts about my ethical issue. You can respond on X.

The adventure ended at around 6:00 where Stray left a parting gift in the drive of the clinic. On arrival back at the house, I lead him to my studio where he has stayed since then. I took him to my regular vet--Wolfchase Animal Hospital--the following Tuesday. It turned out he was not micro-chipped, did not have ticks or fleas, had been well fed, was in good health and very social. He got a rabies shot there as well. Probably, he is somebody's pet in Frayser.

At this point I'm thinking at least I kept him out of a kill center. I'd like to see Memphis look into processing dogs and cats as they do, as I recall at least, in Portland, OR. I also think there should be some sort of informal program to care for homeless animals at vet locations as well.

I hope somebody reads this and claims Stray as his own or wants to adopt. He's perfect for that. Call me at 310.839-6964 or email me at Stray and I will appreciate it. My groceries perished.

Have a lost pet story. Send it to us along with a photo or video. We have a section for that.

If you are a Democrat, you've been duped.

(6.27.12 BenQQ ) Hours after the Tump-Biden debate, when all of the Democratic propaganda media were poised to say how Biden had won it—I bet some already had their tortured paragraphs of how Biden veritably towered over Trump—the conversation switched to two channels:

Channel one: The king is naked and there's no way to cover him.
Channel two: The country is in immediate trouble. Suddenly, as if his condition had not been obvious long ago, people are talking about what the next moves will be from China, Russia to name just these two.

Remember, these are the 'folks' who claimed to know more than you, even though you could see Biden stumbling along years ago--and getting worse ever so regularly. Now, not even the Democrat lackey media can hide behind their unprofessional lack of coverage. But what else is new.

The Dems now find themselves in a runaway conversation on a runaway train. And everybody saw that train going off the rails a long time ago. Just ignore it. It will go away. This has been who’s running your country. You’ve been duped.

Whether Biden is replaced with Michelle, Gavin or even Kamala, its going to get dirty but they will not be able to get rid of this most recent Democratic bathroom smell. To do that they are going to have to fumigate their media and mouthpieces like our local Dem Rep. Steve Cohen who promoted the Russia Hoax nonstop, wasting millions while dumbing down his own local constituency (and some local media) with rank propaganda.

If pictures could have words to prompt your brain...

Image: Biden lets in millions of illegals who will vote Democrat at the expense of salaries, jobs, city state and federal budgets, tax payers.

(BenQQ) Last week Biden signed another one of his executive orders. This time he legalizes hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants. The Democratic machine is determined to collect millions of votes from illegal aliens whom Biden and his cronies (some pictured above) are expected to vote Democratic now illegally or legally under a mass amnesty in the future. It doesn't matter if Trump actually wins. The Dems will always have those votes waiting for instructions. But we wonder at what point will the illegals figure out they can have their own party and elect their own candidates? HEY, THIS IS AMERICA! Ans: Perhaps when they discover the Dems treat them the same way they treat blacks. Blacks, as everyone can see, are abandoning their former party in droves. With Biden opening the gates literally to millions (with tax payer gifted incentives) of future Democratic voters, it won't take long for the illegals to organize their own party. So long jobs, hello more taxes sucked from the middle class and the collapse of the American system. At that point, what will be the next steps of America's current antagonists and future enemies? Right.

4 Things Blue City Democrats Especially Must Do After the Trump Verdict

(6.3.24 BenQQ) You will hear a cacophany of repeated declarations about President Trump after he was “found guilty” of unclear and essentially elevated business infractions by a Democratic judge, Democratic prosecutors and Democratic jury. Seriously? We will learn those New Yorkers, especially the jury that is supposed to make sure this type of railroading never occurs, failed in their respective roles. But I guess an OJ verdict is better than a hard verdict. Anyway, as years go by, they will never live their verdict down.

If you are a Democrat in a blue city like Memphis, consider doing this:

First, start tapping into external information and news. That is, stop using broadcast TV and your local newspaper for your only sources of information. Use preferably your desktop computer or laptop to seek out conservative media online to balance or even discover new information. Some of these are:

New York Post
Breitbart News
The Blaze
The Daily Caller
The Gateway Pundit
One America News Network
Breitbart News
Red State
and which I’ve done for ten years now. Just type them or do a category search in this new interesting search engine

Second, consider the parallels between the civil rights oppression of Trump and his supporters to historic oppression of your group in history. It is going to get worse. Many minorities and rank-and-file Democrats are leaving the party

Third and related to the first, broaden your traditional concerns. Sure, first came rights of members of the group but now comes issues of national defense and societal unity. MAGA is only about “Making America Great Again.” You are part of America. Vote like it.  

So if you are a Democrat as I grew up in Memphis, try experiencing what you might call “information liberation” without condescending manipulations such as claiming Trump is a racist or criminal. These are lies. Now I have disagreements with Trump on two major issues, but they do not stop me from voting for him for the national, that is for all of our, best interests.

Fourth, so decipher propaganda from facts.  Be wary of biased laden media tenets of anti-Trumpism as facts. Especially now, look out for repeated headlines as real information. Be on the alert for commentators and media repeating words like “felon president,” “convicted president” or simply describing him as criminal. These are favorites of such channels as MSNBC, CNN and maybe even Fox, among others. They will use these terms repeatedly to manipulate you into voting against Trump at your country’s  and your own cost.

When you hear these terms, think of my footer line that at least I would use in any news story about Trump's conviction: “Now labeled technically as a convicted felon by a court system alleged by legal experts to be biased, President Trump is widely expected to have the verdict overturned by a higher court.”

Beginning Now: The Movement to Replace Trump

(5.31.24 BenQQ) What occurred yesterday in another Democratic hell-hole where standard norms of American justice are inverted is more than a headshaking reveal of what happens when politicians use lawfare against political opponents. It happens/has happened in every dictatorship from Russia to Germany to South America (hence not just "Banana Republics.")  

In popular memory, one can say it all began when Obama was going after the Tea Party. Remember the IRS executive Lois Lerner who targeted organizations she did not like their politics? Well, the government ended up paying over $600,000 for her defense for not responding to a congressional subpoena. She now collects a good retirement income. Compare that to Peter Navarro who now sits in federal prison for the same offense.

But weaponized government has taken deep roots since then.

It is all part of a plan the seeds of which were sown in the hysterical tears of Hillary Clinton's entitled leftie cry babies upon learning she really did lose in 2016. Then the most vile woman in politics didn't even have the courage to address her radical following in clear defeat even though she soon claimed without any observable justification that the election was "stolen."

From there, the radical Dems resolved they would never lose a fair election again. Like moles burrowing underground, they began setting up the tools of democratic destruction: various election interference techniques including early voting, ballot drops, bad technical counting from voting machines, all supported by most of the "reportorial" media who abandoned their professional standards, much like the New York legal establishment abandoned theirs yesterday under the conflicted judge Merchan.

And it didn't stop there. The wheels of weaponized government and lawfare were set against Trump supporters and even conservatives at meetings.

The Story of an Unconstitutional and Unprecedented Trial Looking for a Crime: While a Politically Biased Judge Gags Trump, an Unhinged Actor Recently Profiled in the AARP Magazine is Dispatched to the Courthouse Steps. The Question Now: Who Will Buy It?

(5.29.24 BenQQ) You will not go further to find a judge more prejudiced against a defendant than Juan Merchan, the judge in charge of the trial in search of a charge against President Trump. From setting a courts schedule designed to keep the leading presidential candidate opposed to Biden off campaign events to gagging Trump’s right to comment outside of the courtroom, Merchan has proven himself nothing more than a toady for the prosecution.

Though not particularly surprising that a Democrat judge would sacrifice his reputation to New York Attorney General Bragg anti-Trump mob that concocted the charges—charges? What charges? Little to nothing came out in the trial that many now refer to as "kangaroo." But lots of juicy insinuations from star prosecution witnesses renowned for porn/stripping and a convicted lawyer who admitted on the stand during this trial that he stole money from Trump. This trial would only be allowed to continue in New York or California.

And the actor in this phony drama that will ultimately prove to be embarrassing to all who promoted it? Try none other than Robert DeNiro who goes everywhere unchallenged about his wild claims against Donald Trump. Scroll Down for recent piece heaping approval of DeNiro from the most read domestic magazine, Modern Maturity, published by the AARP.

Regardless the decision of the jury, drawn from an anti-Trump population, this trial will be taught as a bad example in high school civics classes-if such a class now even exists-as how a judge is not to administer a trial that sets multiple "reversible 'errors'." Further, as reported today, no written instructions? Once revealed, either by piecemeal from individual jurors or otherwise leaked, we will find gross procedural if not constitutional violations. Just wait.

One New York lawyer on TV this morning said the “hardest” bar exam in the country is in his state but now he is “embarrassed” at the abuses of this trial. He conjectured before its all over—presumably referring to lawfare trials--Trump, associates and even individuals expressing themselves—may descend to the level of those in anti-democratic and chaotic countries.

Chapter Two of the Lawfare Trials Against Trump. Have the Abuses of the Lawfare Trials Against Trump Driven Away Traditional Democratic Voters?

Answer: It seems so but that has been covered in the media for quite some time. Example from The Economist and even liberal Newsweek. Formally the media that fell in line for Biden now cannot avoid what racial minorities have always known: abuses will occur by people who have no regards to fair play.

More later.

As Democrats Practice Lawfare against Political Enemies and the Jan. 6 Defendants, Rep Steve Cohen Jumps On An Issue of Questionable Timing

(5/23/24 BenQQ) Leave it to Dem. Rep. Steve Cohen (Dist 9 Memphis) to jump on anything that plays to his side of local Democratic voters in the deep blue political enclave of Memphis, TN.

Hanging question: Did the New York Times in effect "dox" Alito and family with this image?

This time the issue jumps from the pages of the New York Times in a photograph from over 3 years ago taken on January 17, 2021 of an upside down American flag reportedly being flown at the residence of Associate Justice Samuel Alito, Jr.

The timing of Cohen's resolution dug up from old news begs the question: are the Democrats scratching for a palatable issue that could slow the measurable hemorrhage of Democratic Party members from their own party? Even within the New York Times article, Alito's wife was reported to have raised the flag upside down in response to a "F**k Trump" yard sign of a neighbor.

The picture of the upside down flag was not posted in Cohen's 5/21/24 newsletter. Further, no photo was provided on the House Media Center release that had a link to Cohen's resolution.

Supporting organizations to Cohen's resolution include Common Cause, a watch dog group based in Washington; Alliance for Justice a left wing advocacy organization that has a recent article against Justice Alito; Court Accountability that has been called a left leaning advocacy group founded by former chief counsel for Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI). Some of the organizations mentioned above made statements gushing support to Cohen or had or had current supportive articles.

Cohen was one of the loudest voices in what ultimately turned out to be wasteful "Get Trump" (our quotes) campaigns regarding Trump's administration. Now, as reality pierces the shells of increasing numbers of black and other minority Democrats, Cohen apparently has been given marching orders from a panicked Democratic Party once again to jump on an issue just as he did on his old 'Get Trump' impeachment campaigns.

Embarrassing to many Memphians as it was, the world saw a duly elected representative run around to any media that would have him--and mostly it was local and left wing nationals--to convince rank-and-file Democrats that President Trump was a criminal and racist. Few other political districts of the state would not have tolerated--or let's say would have at least actively questioned--such unfounded accusation none of which turned out to be accurate nor challenged locally.

However, it could be said the Democratic Party knows whom to call to jump to. The only question, as they say, is how high? That will be seen depending on the legs of the issue, this one dug up from years ago if the date in Cohen's own resolution is to be believed. Read his full resolution here.

This may be the only "issue" before the election that assists the Dems in indirectly attacking Trump, a president who many Democratic minority members now acknowledge increased incomes across the board for minorities and other positive political accomplishments. The latter includes building a border wall that stopped the loss of millions of jobs to illegals.

Lawfare--The Domestic Threat to our Rights Cloaked in Liberalism

(5.21.24 BenQQ) While a lessening number of Democrats and even their media still slavenly point to what a criminal Donald Trump is because he is being accused of...of...what exactly? The media wrongfully call it "Trump's hush money" trial, though making a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is not illegal. Legal experts have said there are multiple reversible errors New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan has made throughout the trial. What in the world is he thinking?

Observers: his decisions consistently reveal what he is thinking: get Trump regardless the destruction to the legal system. His sole objective seems to be keep Trump off the campaign trail as much as possible. With an addled prejudiced jury, maybe we can even get Trump put in jail. That'll teach the lowly unwashed MAGAts.

But maybe this avowed and familial (his daughter reportedly works raising money against Trump) anti-Trump judge has overplayed his hand. Might the jurors have already reached a breaking point for this prosecution biased judge? For little reason he today put the trial off till after Labor Day when it could have been wrapped up this week. Now even with an anti-Trump might they come back with a hung jury or even a non-guilty? The jury has an opportunity to send the message that even in New York, conservative Republicans, much less a former president, can get a fair trial.

Merchan has proven himself a political hack incapable of objective administration of a courtroom. In fact, objective legal observors say there have been so many bad decisions against the defense of Donald Trump, this whole courtroom circus is destined to be reversed on appeal. Merchan's grossly applied lawfare has been seen in other legal experts where local prosecutors, like the corrupt Fani Willis, appeal to their base to show they eagerly use the legal system as a blunt instrument to get elected.

Let political hacks who have ascended to positions of  legal leadership in states and watch our system descend into chaos. Further they can come after anyone they decide they don't like on "Trumped up" charges.

Once Again My Internet Connection is Gone. How About Yours?

(5.6.24 BenQQ) Once again X-finity is out in my area, whatever that is. This happens way too often, in my humble opinion. The only comparison I have to other internet delivery systems is with the one(s) I had in Los Angeles. Those systems actually competed to service almost 200 cities,  counties, and one tribal government who were members of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to get a license to install cable or, I would presume, to use cables already installed.

My point is these cable companies or internet delivery systems actually campaigned to city admins and to the people who lived there. They had community meetings to get people behind them, promised great things like public access production facilities which I later saw was the least among their “service” concerns.

However, throughout the 80’s to 00’s when I lived in West LA, I cannot remember a single time when a service went offline, though I’m not denying that had to have happened a few times. I was on the internet a lot because I was building web sites then as I do now here. The difference is I’m down more often than ever when compared to LA. (Now, granted, Southern California was and still is on a ‘backbone’ of the internet.) But still, how is it my cable company in Memphis drops offline by comparison so often?

Considering the many outages of service, which can be devastating to personal lives and local businesses, has this ever been a story in local media? (If it has been, I did not find it.) Is this even an issue to anyone but me? Maybe it is. I just haven’t seen it. At one point after an outage long ago, I wrote to the city about what sort of approval processes cable companies went through to win service areas. Never got an answer.

My questions: What were those licensing entities for city and/or county? How do the internet companies approach local governments in our area? Has the question of more reliable internet connections and speed even become an issue to local governments?

Comments and responses invited.

The Democrats Media Info Mesh in a Panic to Defeat Trump

(5.6.24 BenQQ podcast transcript) Hello you info gadabouts.

Observe the info mesh of modern Democrats. Up is down. Night is day. Stealing is buying. Worse is better. Boring is interesting. Ignorance is educated. Coward is hero. Injustice is justice. Stupid is smart. Unless you are completely zoned out, you get the idea. Its kind of Orwellian when he wanted to make a point about the communist sympathizers of the thirties especially to the media elites even back then.

The only things that have changed are the types of media funneling all those things into our brains though some old rags have remained the same. For some reason a certain kind of media loves communism. I believe that’s because most media employees are kind-hearted liberals and they want to keep their jobs so they keep singing the same editorial tune. And that continuous song seems just right to their Democratic readers and viewers.

Such as well is the media ecosystem in Memphis, a typical, midsized blue city overwhelmed by violent crime, lack of jobs and rising taxes, the traditional Democrat solution to drive out tax paying citizens. But like all blue cities, the media imitate the biggies in the big blue “media centers” like New York, LA, Chicago. And who are their stars?

We now have the likes of Morning Joe and his kind trying to sell you their world view so they can hang on to their power and influence in their eternal cycle of villifying Trump as a racist dictator. Amazing. They, like our own Dem. Rep. Steve Cohen, who turned his job of representing all of the people into a single handed publicly funded “get Trump” merry go round during Trump’s first administration. That failed of course.

Unless your innate senses are completely worn down, warning bells should be going off. The smell is wafting. Fewer Democrats are buying it. And of course Morning Joe is not alone.

Morning Joe represents the world of power, careers, packaged messages from Washington’s power elite, something I’m familiar with as I worked that world for years and years.

Its a world of competing messages, including repetitive Democratic messages and emotional manipulations coursing through the old veins of legacy and corporate media. Its a continuing flow to get you to think a certain way.

One of those continuances of course is Donald Trump. Recently it was reported he raised more money than Joe Biden by a lot. Why is that?

Is it because millions of racists think he is the second coming? Some Democrats, especially those who have a self preservation stake in elected offices and others who are hired into cushy jobs, want black Democrats to believe this one big thing: that Donald Trump is a what? RACIST! The opposite is true but that’s not the point here.

Black democrats now have real evidence that all minorities have moved closer to Trump than ever before after Biden’s first catastrophic term. I haven’t seen a complete breakdown of why that is but Biden’s policies impacting jobs seem to be at the top of the list.

Here’s a few results of those Biden policies:

-the jobs the Democratic party bosses are throwing to the millions of illegal aliens that are now or will in the future soak up jobs for individual contract workers and, to be sure, more,

-the trillions of dollars in a range of diverse benefits that have been used to entice the illegal world wide invasion of aliens of our country,

-the replacement of established citizenry—like rank-and-file Democrats themselves—with millions of illegal alien immigrants who eventually are likely to be turned into Democratic voters thus enshrining a one-party America forever,

-related to that, the economic destruction that reduces the value of the dollar because of, among other things, record breaking government spending,

-making government a weapon in itself including precedent setting abusive lawfare charges against political opponents,

-the conflicting messaging of the Democratic Party to the Hamas-supporting genocidal terrorists who have invaded our schools and colleges despite that Hamas captured, imprisoned, killed and tortured Americans in addition to citizens of our Israeli ally and others. On the one hand Biden finally drags himself out to say a few words about Hamas but not before giving Palestine a new port by which terrorists can bring in personnel and materiel. Perhaps that's the final insult but we don’t really know.

Seemingly on a weekly basis, the Democrats find another incomprehensible thing to do that works against their own members and their country. Fact is, more Democrats than ever are leaving their old party.

Hey, I’m BenQQ and I’ll be doing my commentary from the heart of the country—well the lower left ventricle clogged with BBQ—for the duration. Feel free to talk to me. I listen by habit. Sign up for notices of new posts. Cheers folks.

A Lost Puppy, Saint Francis and Gunfire

A small statue of Saint Francis blasted by somebody with a gun. Photo by Ben BenQQ Harrison

(4.18.24 BenQQ) Awake in all hours doing something like writing, processing pictures or editing it’s not unusual to hear what I call “Memphis sounds of the night” from my work studio.  I’m sure, just to be fair, its not any different from other urban places saddled with an epidemic of violent crime.  

The sounds often registered at night: loud voices revealing people enraged at each other, ugly rap music blaring from cars speeding by, sometimes vehicles ramming into each other or my mailbox.

But by far the Memphis sounds that have grown in frequency and intensity are gunfire reports that seem this year especially to be coming from all directions. (And don’t think this is a diatribe against gun ownership. Everybody should own any guns she wants. Just use them legally, such as when you find someone in your house uninvited.)

Now, I can’t tell where the bullets are landing unless they hit a human or animal and I read about it in the socials, that is, the latest media that beat news-speed. (A lady using her first amendment on her home keyboard beats any editorial approval process.)

So this morning I pulled my garbage can to the street and saw something shocking but not surprising: somebody had blasted a hole in my faded plastic 3 foot replica of whom I thought of as Saint Francis of Assisi.

I had found St. Francis in an illegal garbage heap close to my house and planted him in my bamboo facing the street.

Now, you may know St. Francis is the Patron Saint of the Animals. It is said he could commune with all of them. So, as I examined the damage to the good saint, I saw, perhaps because of that divine assignation, a puppy cowering behind the bamboo, watching me fearfully.

I left some dry dog food and water. If you are the owner or want to be, contact me at the business office above. I’m left with the thought that people firing weapons in the city should not only be charged for that crime, but for animal cruelty as well. Humans, in my neighborhood at east, seem to have become acclimated.

A lost puppy in the bamboo. Photo by Ben BenQQ Harrison

Michigan Muslims chant death to America. Enough said. Yet another reason for Democrats to rethink things?

In the Socials...

On Youtube

For no known logical, nor consistent for that matter, reason, American conservatives attach unrelated conditions to supporting Ukraine--such as yes for Israel, no to Ukraine. Both have western values and are democracies. If Owens and others like Steve Bannon don't support Ukraine, then they by inference support Russia rebuilding its empire from the former Soviet vassals who are now peaceful democratic states. And China just loves their position as well. Yes, America cannot step back but it doesn't have to have an active war but continued support with used and new weapons. The Ukrainians have proven their resolve. All America with NATO have to do is wear down the Russian orks to make Putin's war too expensive to his personal security and people who keep him in power. Otherwise we have a repeat of the 20th century with Russia this time being the Nazis (as they always were). I believe its naive to think any other way. BTW, I am an independent Trump supporter and hope he doesn't agree with the Marjorie Taylor Greene(s) of his camp. More at in the heart of Dem country.

Kyle Rittenhouse vs The Crowd

Here's an on the ground look of what happened when Kyle Rittenhouse tried to speak to the University of Memphis people. Video 14:00

Turning Point USA said to be considering filing a lawsuit against the University of Memphis over its handling of the Kyle Rittenhouse appearance yesterday

(3.21.24 BenQQ) Speaking on his program on Real America's Voice (Home - Real America's Voice News ( this morning, Charlie Kirk said he was considering a lawsuit against the University of Memphis actions concerning the speech appearance of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kirk said the event was shouted down and Rittenhouse went to another room to take questions from event attendees. Various comments from outside the event appeared to support the university prevented media from covering the speech itself. More later.

Were you inside the event? Report more and/or send your video via Google Drive to Credit given.

Stealth Biden Support from the AARP?

(3.16.24 BenQQ) Not so surprised I was to see a profane self important actor go unhinged about Trump to clapping members of the wealthy Hollywood elite. Hey, its Hollywood--self-obsessed, acting out, not thinking much about anyone else outside of their class. In short, they love to be idolized and will do anything to get it, including being asses.

And, judging by his profanity and disrespect to his audience, none is more self-important than Robert De Niro.

So what is surprising is to see said actor make cover-boy on AARP The Magazine. You may remember this publication used to be called the more aging-centric Modern Maturity but somewhere along the way consultants correctly advised that talking about aging was not as advisable as catering to the lifestyles of moneyed successful retirees.

But why am I so surprised? At one time AARP, which stands for the American Association of Retired Persons, was careful not to cause problems for itself with the political establishment. This old AARP never indicated political bias in any direction. It carefully maintained a “neutral” position toward all candidates and every candidate wanted some kind of recognition from AARP. There were thousands of members in every district. Still are.

So I drop my mouse when I see the main print organ of my former employer plaster a Robert De Niro portrait oozing sincerity on its cover. The problem as I see it: De Niro is perhaps the most virulent and profane never Trumper ever. It is an editorial blunder that blows AARP’s neutral image.  De Niro’s inarticulate dirty mouth soils itself and the AARP with his Trump attacks at every media moment.

DeNiro’s manic Trump hatred is the one thing pointedly left out of this love profile in the Feb/Mar AARP The Magazine. De Niro didn’t just start politically pandering to his fans and industry recently. He’s been doing it for years. He’s now known for it. De Niro has called Trump every profane name you can think of—and AARP had to know it. Wink-wink.

So, we see in this edition of AARP The Magazine the big story about De Niro amid articles called RISK! How Much is Too Much, Sex Secrets of Extremely Happy Couples, Movies for Grownups, HENRY LOUIS Gates Jr. The Story of His Roots, about 20 years late but admiringly mentions PBS.

Not making it on the front cover but inside are inspirationally intended celebrity stories about Cher, Patti LaBelle, Mandy Patinkin amid nominees for 2024 Academy Awards winners with a standard peppering of pieces about such senior issues as modern laundry, cruising, books, movies healthy eating, painkillers, cataracts, grand children, finances, money management, smelling gas  (in your home) and real people doing great things. In short, compared to others, AARP The Magazine is the kind of friendly content rich mag that you’d read in your doctor’s office to help take your mind off of your impending colonoscopy.

One thing for sure though: you’re not going to see an article about Joe Biden’s mental infirmities or an older person fighting Democratic voter corruption in her town. Maybe that’s for the next generation after everyone else has accepted it as a reality.

But I now wonder if that most membership populated DC organization has found a way to stealthily support the candidacy of Joe Biden without breaking its former image of neutrality. At least this one time when Biden is facing certain defeat?

The Haitian flotilla(s?) even bypass our southern border. Institute a "Marshal Plan" for Haiti to staunch millions of illegal entrants? How about the other countries from which 'migrants' are flooding into the U.S. cities?

(3.15.24 BenQQ) The current flotilla of Haitian refugees begs the question: what is a rich nation next door to a poor one that war lords, street killers and criminals have turned into a hell hole supposed to do? Help out our neighboring innocents, of course, unless you are an isolationist by policy.

So, does 'helping' mean letting in and settling every poor Haitian looking for freedom if not individual survival? (In fact, they more closely qualify as a refugee compared to the usual illegal border crosser who takes advantage of the current migrant welfare system.) It is reported the Haitians actually will receive U.S. Coast Guard escort. They may be off-loaded into Guantanamo.

Or does helping mean something more solution oriented at its home cause? In order to re-institute real immigration policies as well as protect our actual borders, what about something like a "Marshal Plan" for those countries fostering or otherwise sending tens of thousands to millions of people into our system. Would anyone support that? It would cost millions, require an enforcement or at least watch dog presence in receiving countries and require a virtual lockdown of our borders to the illegal hordes. But would the cost (if you are only looking at that) be any more than what the American taxpayer already is shelling out for illegal immigrants?

Academic ivory tower economists are yet personally to lose jobs or be affected by illegal immigration (for now). They will theorize and point to their numbers.

However, most people actually care about the issue of ‘foreign invaders,’ as a growing number call them. Many believe uncontrolled numbers of illegal immigrants are massively soaking up:

1. jobs at lower pay rates,

2. local and state government resources and

3. reducing individual and national security. We have no idea of who is getting in and where they are going but we do know scores of military age males are spreading across the country. (And remember China is being allowed to buy up properties next to military basis and large swaths of farmland.)

But there is at least one advantage to one group: Democrats eventually get to turn the illegals into legal voters if not immediate illegal ones (if recent reported voting standards are applied). Illegal, legal—it doesn’t matter.

What you now see being created by Biden is an underclass that will assure the steady growth of socialist big government leveling out everybody’s standard of living on the common low end.

Biden and his handlers know the media most Democrats consume—the big city dailies, the always supporting TV network news and online commentary shows—mostly won’t report on what’s really going on. Democrats might hear about “migrant immigration,” but they will not connect the dotted lines to how massive demographic changes in their cities affect their own standard of living. Some even say they support it, but rank and file Dems are still influenced by professional politicians salivating for the free votes that will keep them in power effectively for life.

But who is left out in the cold after the millions of “migrants” have settled in? The low-income working Democrats themselves of course. They voted for it but will be encouraged to blame the system, that is, the Republicans and successful businesses--as always.

And there is another chapter to this massive illegal influx to continue on a massive scale until Biden is voted out. And then you can expect another round of impeachment charges as Trump attempts to deport the illegals on an equally massive scale. As he said before, “It will not be pretty.” Again, there will be huge howls and legal headwinds against him funded in part by Soros types. The usual corporate leftist media will join in as well.

House of Reps smarts up, bans Tik Tok. Communist China relies on it to collect data and to deliver controlled messages. Perhaps a unified beginning re Ukraine and Taiwan? Is Trump sending the wrong message to the 21st Century Axis of Evil?

(3.13.24 BenQQ) This morning the House voted to ban the Chinese Tik Tok social media company in the U.S. Hopefully, this is the beginning of an albeit late unified front against the increasing belligerence of the dictatorial expansionist states of China and Russia, the 21st Century Axis of Evil or Axis for short. However, legislators have to make those connections.

As such, President Trump reportedly was opposed to the Tik Tok ban because blocking the social media company would benefit Facebook in the market. Trump also reportedly told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in what appeared to be a mutual love fest, the former president would “not give Ukraine a penny.”

If all this is true, Trump will have a problem among at least some MAGA members who think the free world relies on American leadership and power. At least some will no doubt think the bloody Axis regimes should be more than a throw away footnote in Donald Trump’s Republican plank. Equally as bad, Trump may be thinking the only solution is to give away the independence of countries to solve the problem. Nobody knows. Somebody should tell him this was tried with Czechoslovakia in the last century. It didn’t quite work out. The right thing to do is staring him in the face, though he has signaled some ambivalence.

However, it seems most Trump supporters support a somewhat isolationist position. They seem to assume a successful international outcome for the Axis is inevitable. Nothing can be done about it, thus assuring the expansion (China) and continuation (Russia) of war in both their hemispheres. This would be an international blunder equivalent to Biden’s and Obama’s FUBARS on the world stage.

It means the world will undergo unchanging eons of Axis powers dominating their neighbors, expanding their unfree policies, controlling shipping routes and creating financial instability.

So, is Donald Trump OK with Russia murdering Ukraine as its first step and China taking over the Pacific region? He has made a point in the past not to reveal his strategies. We know Trump knows how to pull the levers of American influence. But will he do it?

Joe Biden yells during his State of the Union.

My New SOTU Takeaway:
Biden's Weakness is America's

(3.10.24 BenQQ) After watching again Joe Biden at his SOTU Thursday night, I saw a chilling moment that I missed at first sight. This was when he easily was thrown off script by Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene over the murder of Laken Riley.

At a moment in his speech, Biden found himself trying to crawl out of the hole that his avoidable tragedy had created for him. It was an American killed on her own soil that no one but his own failed HHS Secretary Alejandro Majorcas and he had enabled.

So Biden utters these words: Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal, that’s right but how many of the thousands of people being killed by illegals...At this point Biden actually turns, brandishes the button just forced on him by Rep. Greene. He looks up at the stands as if he himself had invited Laken’s parents to be there and says: “To her parents I say my heart goes out to you having lost children myself. I understand.”

Looking into the stands above, Joe Biden seems to gesture to imaginary parents of Laken Riley as if they were there for his SOTU.

Let’s unpack: In these few moments Biden reveals his mental frailty in 4 different ways when under pressure: 1) by mispronouncing Laken’s name, changing it to, significantly, “Lincoln.” 2) Then he utters, “...but how many of the thousands of people being killed by illegals…” his mind mixing the exigencies of mass illegals roaming the country. 3) At this point the most chilling sight occurs. It seems Biden is fantasizing Laken's parents watching him approvingly from above? He says: “To her parents I say my heart goes out to you 4) having lost children myself. I understand.” He didn’t lose “children.” One died of natural causes and was not murdered by an illegal alien he himself let into the country. More fantasizing.

It was an unbelievably, even for him, churlish moment that made my skin crawl. It revealed one thing: he and his followers think his rank and file will be influenced, or at least ignored, by his behavior.

But some are no doubt thinking beyond the immediate scene of Biden’s party cravenly supporting his ever more recurring mental lapses and demagoguery.

They are asking: Did you see this China and Russia? This is the image of frail American leadership at the top of the 21st century that has reduced her preparation against Chinese and Russian expansions. Their SOTU takeaway of what they (as well as most Americans instinctively) already know: take advantage now while this guy is still in office. Trump will be too late.

Joe Biden IS the Democratic Party

(3.8.24 BenQQ) So it all came together last night. You didn’t need a chart showing you dotted lines, arrows and different colors to indicate variations. Last night there were no variations. It was the picture of a party that was in the process of corrupting itself to the nth degree for a chance to retaining its brand of poisonous power. The Democrats are at war with American values and in alliance with people that hate us.

After no doubt a daylong rest and being laced with something to keep him awake beyond his bedtime, America’s wannabe dictator played to his seal-clapping party. A traditionally restorative event that should belong to all Americans, he turned it into his first campaign event that reaped ad worthy laps of approval from Democrats who openly demonstrated they cared nothing about unity, civility, the horrible effect of their policies nor truth. To hell with you people who see through it. We’re coming after you as we drop our propaganda into the brain pans of our followers.

And charge that man (a father who lost his son during Biden's pitiable extraction from Afghanistan) who started shouting at a point when he just couldn't stand to hear any more from this doddering Commander in Chief. And charge him with none other than the same charges that the 06ers have been sentenced for too long with loose evidence. Of course, the Big Guy had to pat himself on the back for that one, too.

Big Guy Joe Biden and the Dem elites last night demonstrated a perfect marriage of convenience that has morphed into an ugly union of necessity.

First, both marriage partners—that is, Biden and his minion elite followers--have to retain their power to keep from Biden’s legal and electoral consequences of his benefiting financially from China and Russia, among others.

Second, and here’s his banana republic redux: besides the electoral corruption (that was never looked into by the courts) the Big Guy’s plan is to swamp the country with illegals. He’s even flying them in now. No Democrat—those self- appointed icons of sensitivity—are talking about what these imported new underclass members are supposed to do once they are delivered to the streets. Divvy up cities. Its your problem.

But for the Democratic establishment, these imports ultimately will yield untold millions of Democrat voters to create a one party America forever. This will saddle tax payers with trillions of dollars of support in health, education and welfare. In the meantime, expect to see more bogus lawfare to keep Trump from office. They want to destroy him financially and hopefully imprison him. But the Dems know that won’t work. But what will?

So along comes another crazy Dem. Rep. Jamie Raskin has a plan. Get the new congress to declare Trump an “insurrectionist” before Trump takes office on Jan. 20. That will require winning both houses and it will take even more in your face corruption than they pulled off in 2020 because the Republicans are supposed to be on the ready.

But you just don’t know.

Today 3.5.24

On MSN: Charles Barckley threatens violence to other blacks who don’t agree with him politically. Just keeping his job as he drives away more black viewers from the sinking mothership MSN? Link.

From Breitbart “’Blood Money’: Meet the Secretive Chinese Funded U.S. Left Wing Groups Driving Chaos in Our Streets." Author Peter Schweizer says the Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown riots were not as organic as reported by the corporate media. Says Schweizer: some 10,000 out-of-state activists were brought in to participate in the protests. Read more.

In Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, Peter Schweizer says one group, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, contributed to the 2012 riots in Florida and Ferguson, Missouri. (graphic from site)
Big News for Democrats and Corrupt Lawfare AGs: States Cannot Kick Presidential Candidates Off Their Ballot. Below is the link to the actual SCOTUS Decision today.

(3.4.24 BenQQ) The radical lawfare fantasy of one state attorney general rendering a decision that would prevent a candidate, in this case former President Trump, from being on the ballots in every state is now done. Over. Kaput.

This blows a hole in the Democratic Party gambit to stop Trump at all costs. It also exposes the Dems for who they are.

This probably will not eliminate other lawfare, meaning extrajudicial charges not involving actual crimes like this one today that tried to frame Trump as an "insurrectionist." This is legal corruption intent on practical election interference.

Here is the U.S. Supreme Court Decision.

Other cases may be different. Corporate liberal media is already jumping on the case in DC declaring Trump will not be protected by immunity, which would functionally paralyze all presidents hereafter. And enough said about the embarrassing scandal from the political hack of a DA, Fani Willis in Georgia.

For the past several years Democrat elect from DAs to representatives, such as the impeachment obsessed Steve Cohen from Memphis, irrationally insisted of trying every Trump frameup they could think of. In so doing they painted themselves into a proverbial corner from which the voters will not let them out. They have had enough of these and the soft policies of the Democrats ranging from political and social indoctrination of kids to their instability and weakness on the world stage.

One thing now for sure barring no extrajudicial legal or personal Trump catastrophe: Trump can only be stopped at the ballot by means of massive cheating as the Democrats pulled off in 2020.

Microsoft says Memphis among 17 worsties

(3.3.24 BenQQ) In addition to the usual national unnecessary crises--immigrant takeover, crime, mediocre public education, general instability, among others, that nescient leaders deliver on a government salary to you personally, if you live in Memphis there's more. That's because Memphis locally falls on the losing end of different platforms for different reasons. The most recent one is about Memphis drivers. The main local daily felt compelled to point out that this city-state was not that far ahead of Nashville in the category of bad to reckless drivers. Music City is also listed among the 25 worst cities to drive. Please excuse our editorial schadenfreude the CA seemed to sayeth. We all have driving stories and I've even done one my car wreck in these pages. Spent hours and hundreds trying to find the young racers that caused the accident that wiped out my and 2 other cars with luckily no injuries in any. Until Memphis prevails in the 1. jobs, 2. education and 3. personal safety departments, no amount of happy news releases will help. The picture above is of none other than your friends at To put a cap on it all, three years ago this blogger put out another brutal city review.

Update: More thoughts to "So Its Come to This" below

(2/22/24 BenQQ) If cities and utility companies help its citizens to buy generators to use for power blackouts, why not protective Faraday cages for EMP events?

At some point sooner than later, the ability to ignore this ever present danger simply won't go away. Now we have invasive, dictatorial and technically advanced hostile nations like Russia and probably China parking possible nuclear devices in orbit to kill satellites in space. This would generate an EMP attack on the ground.

I became aware of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from reading about the natural phenom occurring from the sun's coronal mass ejections (CME). CMEs can do the same thing the Russians want to do now:  wiping out all electronic devices we use for survival, communications, travel (including cars), transport and convenience. Understatement: it would be bad. We're already behind the eight ball. Start acting now.

From what I've read, the most granular way to protect yourself from EMP is electromagnetic shielding often referred to as Faraday cages. You will probably hear about these much more unless media chooses to bury the story because, much like the Chinese spy balloon hovering over our domestic military installations, it makes the Biden admin look flat footed in both intelligence and defense. For a few days last week they had congress running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

But the City of Memphis and Shelby County (including MLGW) should not put themselves or us in that position. They should form a task group to look into providing EMP protection options from individual citizens to businesses to government offices. This would include talking to Faraday cage builders and manufacturers about doing deals similar to what they did (or do) with generator dealers or manufacturers. (Don't know how those deals were set up but remember reading about them after one of our storms.)

Along with straight line winds, tornados, floods and arctic freezes taking out our power, Memphis always had a CME threat but now we have actual foreign enemies who could do much the same, only worse. Faraday cages fit right in with the generator program of MLGW. One day when we are reasonably protected, we may hear of an "EMP event" in the same way as a "weather event." I hope the municipals and the federals lean into this aggressively, that is, beyond just military protections but protection for every individual, city and business.

original article:

So its come to this: a hostile nation again is threatening your way of life. Trump's Space Force is the first agency of defense.

(2.20.24 BenQQ) Two days ago it was revealed Russia may be developing or already has an anti-satellite capability that once triggered would upend our lives with something like the equivalent of an electronic magnetic pulse (EMP) that would take out our computers, phones, cars and network systems. At this moment we seem to be vulnerable to being thrown back into the 18thcentury.

In a rational world this would replace all the manipulative politics from the Democrats with an urgent national program to figure out how to “dome” (my words) our country with high tech defenses against EMP style attacks. Washington should be exploding with activity right now.

Recognizing a possible imminent attack, they should pass emergency funding to accelerate existing and begin new research against EMPs. Hopefully, this will include protection of digital equipment of individuals. But something some of us can do right now is store another connected computer in a Faraday cage. Faraday info will be more visible in the media in the coming months as Russia’s war making capabilities get a steady increase in attention.

But relax some will say: if they do it to us, we’ll do it to them. Not so fast: we had better assume they would target our retaliatory capacity first. Further, what’s coming out if reports are true about the new Russian threat is that it could have the capacity to destroy a lot of satellites with one nuclear blast. This would be in violation of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 but you’ll remember we are dealing with Russia hear. At any rate, the damage could range from all inclusive to hit every unprotected computer chip from your cell phone to the largest computers that are not protected in a Faraday enclosure.

One only hopes our military advisors are getting through to Biden and he is grasping their best immediate advice.

This no doubt is one reason President Donald Trump established the Space Force, the sixth branch of the military, to pay close attention to these type of threats. Space Force was quickly debunked by reactive anti-Trump media. Hopefully Space Force is now getting the political and funding support it deserves.

But we don't know about that. It is safe to assume an existential threat has surfaced like a monstrous gremlin on the horizon. Hopefully, let’s hope Trump's Space Force is with us.


Hochul conditions her support of Israel: Gazan terrorists can kill Israeli civilians but Israel has to keep Gazan civilians safe in military response.

(2.16.24 BenQQ) Reality pierced the woke barrier of even New York Dem Gov Kathy Hochul last week and an ever eroding that barrier is. She was compelled but by whom? Her own political instincts pandering to the indoctrinated left or by staffers paid to keep her in good standing with her followers who for the most part gave up thinking long ago.

Her woke crime? She had the temerity to suggest a state had the right to destroy its enemies after said enemy attacks and kills its civilians.

A big mistake this was in the kingdom of delusional politics so intoxicating that a past president and candidate literally can be found guilty of a “crime” that had no victims, be banned from operating his legal business in the state, exorbitantly fined and then touted by the prosecuting DA as a noble victory in the struggle against the man. In this choking political ecozone, the likes of which has developed in so many other states, little wonder New York is in a quagmire of insecurity that’s driving people out who can get out.

It is into this world that Hochul stated these words at a Jewish—yes, Jewish--philanthropy event Friday: "If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I'm sorry, my friends, there would be no Canada the next day." Apparently, not only would there not be no Canada, but she would be forced to apologize for even thinking it.

So the Great Leader immediately backtracked, though still begrudgingly enough allowing Israel in fact to defend herself BUT with this caveat: "While I have been clear in my support of Israel's right to self-defense, I have also repeatedly said and continue to believe that Palestinian civilian casualties should be avoided and that more humanitarian aid must go to the people of Gaza," said the governor of the state in which the largest "sanctuary city" moved migrant illegals to schools for housing.

The lesson for Memphis politicians in our local woke environment: be careful to politically couch your support for Israel even though some of your people may appreciate Jews were the first people victimized by the Nazis and who were the first to be recognized by the United States as a nation. Never mind the enemies of Israel are on the side of the21st century axis powers: Russia, China, N. Korea, Iraq and their vassal killers trying to shut down the Suez. They all would like us dead.

But some Dems are thinking about it for sure and changing how they vote.



A Demonstration on the Bridge-A Review of Some Local Coverage

(02.05.24 BenQQ) You had to have caught it if you dipped into local media over the weekend. Some local media covered the event of a small group of flag waving Palestinians and various supporters reported in size from dozens to “roughly 300.”

The demonstrators' purpose was to protest the Israeli response to the Oct. 7 Palestinian supported Hamas terrorist attack that murdered and kidnapped civilians of numerous nationalities and ages.

The Palestinian protest march this past weekend apparently was among other things to get Rep. Steve Cohen (D) to support cutting off military aid to Israel because that funding was being used to commit genocide of the Palestinian people.

So the media race was on.

The Commercial Appeal (CA) published images that only romanticized the event itself. (Photographers love these type of events for histrionic poses participants give for the camera. I admit I shot enough of them myself when I was working for media.) Problem is, these type of images do nothing to substantially inform the story but they do get clicks.

Nor did the CA pose any probing questions that advanced content about the issue itself. However, the story reported the personal motivations of at least one protester and how authorities handled the event. Further, the story sourced Palestinian health officials claiming 27,000 deaths, among them children and women.  Journalists have warned other media to be sceptical of Palestinian claims. Palestine is a weak democracy at best. No independent Palestinian news organization can check government claims.

I can't help but like this picture but not its message in context.

Great heroic shot by Chris Day of The Commercial Appeal. You’d think you were watching a civil rights march of the 1960s in which protesters were facing down red necks with chain leashes of snarling dogs. However, CA did run a variety of shots here.

But wait a minute.  

The real victims in this story are average people who were just trying to get to and from work or maybe to a hospital or to.... One young demonstrator had the temerity to infer if more people agreed with her, then people could actually drive on the bridge. (That’s the way democracy works for me don’t you see.) In today’s Democratic Party America you can even violently riot and get bailed out by the brilliant Vice President Kamala Harris and the supportive Democrat establishment. So blocking a bridge is nothing. Said one at the bottom of the CA story: "If you don't want us to be disruptive, you should have listened to our demands.”

However, kudos to WREG Channel 3 for using a grainy low resolution capture from a state highway cam that gave you a long shot of the event.

Reported: "dozens" to "roughly 300" demonstrators

It reveals the size of the crowd. Many of the bodies had to include police and possibly drivers who stepped out of their cars to watch a current events spectacle usually seen in bigger cities. And of course there were the media people contributing to the narrative by their own presence.

Understandably, all of these local reports from the Commercial Appeal (CA) to local TV were incident stories that covered protesters' comments, positions and the tactic of blocking  a main bridge. Granted it was not a documentary but just one or two questions could have provided more depth instead of appearing to carry the water for the demonstrators. I have several questions that could have been asked below.

Because there were no opposing questions virtually all media coverage tilted in favor of protesters’ messages.

However, News 3 coverage included an interview of a driver who ever so mildly complained about the demonstration blocking traffic. In looking through all the media, this was among the few criticisms of the actual event.

News 3 went on to include a demonstrator who used the term “genocide”to describe the Israel’s military response to Hamas terrorists who murdered about 1200 Israeli, American and other national civilians in the Oct. 7 attack.  IDF is not committing a genocide in any sense of the term. If the demonstrators were protesting against genocide, they should rethink their terms and media should not let it pass questioning how they are using the term.

Finally I couldn’t help notice cinematic camera work of the barker in front of the small collection of protesters. I missed the credit to the videographer on page.

Action News 5 News covered the event from downtown before reaching the bridge with typical comments from participants. Rare among all the reports was Imani Williams inclusion of related State Sen. Brent Taylor proposing a bill to make blocking a road illegal.

What I did not see in coverage of this type was the usual blood thirsty coded mob chant “From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.” Perhaps this little ditty had been kept away from the cameras on the bridge. This particular trope is recognized as code for Israel’s erasure. This is advocacy of state genocide such as that attempted by the Nazis when they tried to erase the nation of Poland altogether.

In this case the protestors want the media and you to join them in buying into their message. But it is the job of the media to provide counter information and facts. It is not the job of the media to slant reports on a particular side who is demanding uncritical delivery of their message.

Media should do what they are supposed to do professionally. Its just basic. They should be sceptical, probe positions and reveal stuff in that process. In Memphis, most people don’t get all the sides of an issue when consuming local media--especially political issues. What a surprise it would be for people to see the flip side of issues mostly reported in liberal context. I think it would be liberating for everybody.


So here would be some of my questions most of which would be reflective of the event over which the demonstrators gathered. Granted they are aggressive and reveal a predisposition but respondees should be given time to elucidate. And these questions are designed to lead to clarification, such as...

-Isn’t the original Hamas attack a blatant unprovoked act of war against a sovereign country?

-Isn't your demand of a cease fire of beneficial to Hamas so they can regroup and attack Israel again?

-If you claim to respect human life so much, why don't you demand Hamas release the hostages?

-If you won’t condemn the taking of hostages and demand their immediate release, isn’t that supporting Hamas terrorist acts and tactics?

-Reliable media report Americans were murdered and imprisoned, are now as we speak reportedly kept in animal cages with a veterinarian caring for them. Have you called for the immediate unconditional release of these imprisoned Americans?

-Israeli children, women and men as well as other nationals are suffering in the same way. Have you personally called for release of these innocent hostages?

-Might releasing the kidnapped hostages help advance a cease fire like you are demanding? Are you willing to call for that in these demonstrations?

-The U.S. has recognized Hamas as a terrorist organization. Do you agree?

-Why are you calling Israel’s response a “genocide” when in fact the Palestinian population has increased over time? What is your definition of “genocide?”

-Hamas in its Covenant demands Israel to be obliterated. Quote: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it just as it obliterated others before it." Do you believe Hamas does NOT want to destroy Israel?

-What do you think about anyone who would kill a family, mutilate children and reportedly, even cut off a woman’s breast and throw it in the street? Are they soldiers, freedom fighters or murderers? Or are you going to deny this actually happened?

-If true, then what should Israel have done? Is such an act not a tacit declaration of war?

--Would you call for prosecution of Hamas for the torture, murder and imprisonment of innocent civilians? Or do you think Israelis are by definition not innocent like your own Palestinian laws codify?

-Didn’t the Hamas—and the Palestinians who voted for them--bring all this on themselves by invading Israel? Didn’t the Germans bring it on them selves by voting in the Nazis?

All in all, I’d say the coverage in varying degrees would be considered a propaganda success if you are Hamas supporter.


Another Heartbreaking Murder in Memphis

Rick Buchanan with his dog Lucky. Photo from his page. His brother has said he will adopt the dog. There is a Crime Stoppers reward page.

(1/28/24 BenQQ) When I first heard the details of the violent death of this popular Memphis DJ known as “Slick Rick” (not to be confused with the rapper) full name Rick Buchanan, I thought: cartels? Gangs?

He reportedly had been beheaded in his Berclair home. That in itself should make the hair rise on the back of necks everywhere regardless your lack of affiliation to the music scene.

I couldn’t help but conjecture a couple of years ago I wrote a story about the easternmost route from the southern border that would take illegals through Memphis. I asked the Memphis Police Department if it had planned for the massive influx of unvetted individuals illegally crossing the border and traveling through the city. The response? Talk to Homeland Security. It was a throwaway response to my honest question. Homeland Security is not charged with protecting Memphians.

Ever since I wrote about that route to the larger northern drug and human trafficking markets, I’ve been watching for reported cartel activity in local news media.

So, again I go to local media and try to get information about Memphis most recent violent crime. I searched “Slick Rick Murder” and got these results:

The Commercial Appeal: No coverage in the digital issue, despite the crime was reported all over international media three days ago. Today the front page news story was about a barbeque  documentary. Sometimes with the CA I think I could be reading a chamber of commerce newsletter. Here's how other local media I could find carried the story: Fox 13, WREG and, a site that originates in Nashville, pointedly opined, “A person being decapitated certainly draws attention to Memphis, which has had its fair share of wildly violent and inexplicable crimes.In November 2023, a doctor who worked at St. Jude Children’s Hospital was murdered while on a walk with his family in a popular downtown park. A senseless gunman killed four people in September 2022 while driving around the city shooting people at random. That senseless act of violence came less than 48 hours after Eliza Fletcher’s body was found after she was abducted while on a run near the University of Memphis campus."

Let's wrap this heartbreak up: home invasions (as this one apparently was) and crime has continued to happen. Many times we don’t know if that crime comes from illegal immigrants, organized cartel and gangs or from desperation as a result of joblessness, emotional instability or poverty. Any expert will tell you: crime comes from everywhere.

Is the Black Lives Matter Street Painting to Remain in 2024 Despite the BLM Apparently Supporting Hamas and Critics' Previous Allegations of Corruption?

(12.27.23 BenQQ) Worth mentioning at the close of the year is the now more embarrassing than ever Black Lives Matter (BLM) garrish art or otherwise a big street tattoo painted on a midtown street. Now its come out that BLM supports the Hamas terrorists politically, if not officially, in addition to corruption charges and apparent evidence earlier this year.

Here's the problem about the city endorsement of BLM: Every Memphian deserves an objective neutral government that is concerned about increasing police and fire protection, services and growing the business environment to squelch citizen move-outs that erodes the tax base. We can't afford to have a visible symbol of terrorist support officially supported by the City of Memphis.

Allowing that symbol to remain on a city street demonstrates a lack of governing discipline by elected officials who should know better. They need not imitate bigger Democratic cities and local media need not parrot the New York Times. We at MPN hope both break away.

But What Does This Mean to Memphis? Dept

Looks Like Biden Has Forgotten About American Murders and Hostages
amid Multiple Threats, Active War Theatres and Democratic Apologists

(12.28.23 BenQQ) To answer this department's question by name: Memphis had better look to real solutions instead of remaininig an unfazed supporter of the Democratic regime. Democrats have wasted millions in failed frivolous legal assaults against Donald Trump (Cohen) and political propaganda theatre such as the declaration of support to local victims of "systemic" racism (Shelby County Commission). Apparently there have been none unless someone wants to correct us on this.

Those Ivys and Their Public Disasters

(12.14.23 BenQQ) The world used to defer to them. Those tall cathedrals of learning that everybody esteemed and held as the ultimate source authority and knowledge.

And then along came just 3 administrators who managed to put a torpedo into their vessel of wisdom. It was once made of steel but now we know its paper.

Just revealed last week to the average person: well paid administrators were no different than any other ensconced set of professionals more concerned about protecting their turf than simply doing their jobs--which would have been so easy in this case.

If we're supposed to think these schools were the best of the best, what with their "conditional" excuses of verbal attacks on their own Jewish students? Or can the values of Nazi Germany be presented as matters of "context?"

This is wokism in action. So is it any surprise we saw video of Nazi sympathetic mobs marching through the halls looking for Jewish students? What in the hell did they think they would do if they got to one? Throw her over the bannister onto a marbled floor like the Hitlerites did in the 30s? Incomprehensively enough, seems so.

Where were the administrators then and now protecting the rights of those students? Cowering under their desks hoping it would all just go away?

Such administrative cowardice with mediagenic students marching to support Hamas murderers has put an ugly dent in the reputations of the so-called "best schools," especially among their wealthy, often Jewish, benefactors.

Average state schools, such as the University of Memphis, should begin the process of improving themselves to actually compete against the Ivys. They should step up for their students.

Not So Bizarre in Today's Bizarro World of Joe and Hunter with the Hanging Impeachment Question: Is the Alleged President Compromised or Not?

(12.13.23 BenQQ) Hunter Biden refused to appear today before the House Oversight Committee but instead made a "shameless" public appeal for sympathy, as reported by the New York Post. (link below)

His connection to his father, the President of the United States, his  "lifestyle," private predilections and various personal if not illegal corruptions made him a rich resource of information for the closed door session of the House Oversight Committee.

Meanwhile, Congress was slated today to authorize by voting on an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden. Hunter stated this, that is, his appearance before the House Oversight Committee, was all political to ruin him and his father. (Link below.)

Toni Bobulinski, former business partner of the first son, reportedly said China had compromised Joe Biden. Biden's alleged Chinese compromise is a major question that, in addition to his possible physical and mental competencies, has plagued his administration.


Hunter Skips Deposition

Saying Trump is a Threat to Democracy
is like saying Kamala Harris is a secret member of Mensa

(12.11.23 BenQQ) But what if alleged Vice President Kamala Harris IS a secret member of Mensa?  Maybe it was her brilliant plan all along to launch a multi-year affair with Willie Brown into a scheme to become Vice President under a debilitated alleged president who got into office without having to answer to any evidentiary hearings about the innumerable election fraud issues of 2022. Somehow she was so smart she knew local judges were mostly Democrat in the contested districts and were too lazy or venal to allow anyone to contravene their kingdoms.

Democrats want you to vote for reasons that only make you feel better about yourself personally. Don't think about the real reasons to support your country in all the areas that matter, that is, economics, energy, defense, education, crime and even diplomacy.

In Memphis, a deep blue enclave in a red state, Democrats have given their votes to whoever best panders to race, class and wokism--even tho that has failed to yield any demonstrable results. Where are the: reduced welfare rolls, more business growth, reduced crime and education that get young Memphians jobs that matter?

I believe everyone knew what they were getting when they voted for Kamala and Joe. They knew they were a fraud but it felt better to vote against someone about whom they had been convinced was a criminal, racist and generally bad.

Of course all this is to naught. Polls show trump winning handily after the Russia Hoaxes (brought to you in part by TN Dist. 9 Rep (D) Steve Cohen) in addition to numerous gambits from the Dem machine to keep Trump out of office. Shelby County should join the rest of the state for better outcomes.

Yes, Hopeless Waif, As an Unknowing Customer You Can Get Locked Out and Denied Service at a Shelby County Clerk's Location

(12.10.23 BenQQ) You may know I like to write about the experiences I have with government, businesses and people. As such I've written about Environmental Court a few months ago (scroll way down) as well as the health department's mass China Virus vaccination program in addition to individuals and organizations.

Shelby County vehicle registration satellite office
Shelby County Clerk vehicle registration Raleigh facility. Perhaps a testament to locals: there was no visible security present.

An incident occurred on Friday last week that made me think of the penchant of government agencies calling the people they process "customers." At least by my thinking, a customer is someone who willingly transacts with a real business entity in an arena where you have choices from competitors. I had transactions at this agency many times over the years. So if anything I was a "repeat customer" if their own terminology is applied.

So it was full house Friday at a satellite location of the Shelby County Clerk, 3616 Austin Peay Highway, Suite 4 in Raleigh. All 137 chairs were occupied. People from mothers with kids in tow to workers just wanted to get in and get out as painlessly as possible.

Mother plays with child while awaiting service.

It really was an orderly process. Everybody was cooperating, friendly and supportive to others. No troublemakers, except as it turned out, me.

As for me, my goal was to transfer title of a much renovated 1996 Ford Taurus. The skulking algae green low slung Taurus drives like a swaying boat ("You don't park it. You dock it." [John Kennedy O'toole The Confederacy of Dunces]) even though its small in size.

So I got there at about 10:30 and got a clerk at about 12:00. To my surprise the clerk also wanted proof of death of my relative's spouse even though his death certificate, as I pointed out, indicated he had been a widower. The apparent head clerk would not allow the license transfer unless I brought in the death certificate of the previous owner's spouse. The clerk serving me expressed surprise but I didn't object. I was just one of many who had to make another trip after learning more information was required.

So I said 'I'd be back' but not menacingly like Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator. I was able to find the death certificate of his wife. I returned to the same County Clerk's location at about 2:30.

I took a seat close to the service windows. A couple of hours must have passed. There is no clock on the walls probably for good reason.

Maybe more, maybe less about two hours later I was several minutes away from the clerk calling--that is yelling out--my queue number while being displayed simultaneously on an electronic sign. It was then I decided I just might need more paperwork from my car.

That was a mistake. I didn't realize it was a few minutes past 4:45 closing time.

There is little if any obvious signage indicating the door would be locked on the outside and you would not be served if you go out after closing. (So don't rely on your queue number.)  

The queue ticket-fair and proven like paper voting ballots.

As a "customer" I walked back in and heard the chief clerk yell, "You cannot come back in! We are closed."

The customer had suddenly become a Dickensian waif waving a worthless queue slip, that would have proven, uselessly enough under the current administration, I had been in line.

"Oh, I was just here. I have a number," the waif said.

The voice from behind the glass then said and I'm quoting as accurately as memory serves: "That doesn't matter. You will not be served."

At that time, someone in the crowd actually spoke up, "He's been here."

This suddenly became a group activity. People were looking at me and then looking back at the glass as if watching the ball in a tennis match. I protested further. She lobbed her strong shot back yelling she would refuse me service if I stayed inside. I then forfeited the match and walked off the court.

Of course I never believed the county staff really believed I was a "customer."

In fact no business that called someone a "customer" would refuse service to said customer who had waited hours to pay for that service.

Why is that? That's because government service is not a business. Here's a short video about that but you can look up others in the opposite direction as well. It didn't matter to them if they collected money from me or not. They would always have others to collect money from and one disgruntled "customer" would make little difference.

It is, after all, government. We are all conditioned to comply and pay in different ways every day.

BenQQ owns and is based in Memphis as a writer, marketer and visual creator. He may be reached at this site.

Plain Results of Woke. Will Memphis Ever Demand Better?

(11.29.23 BenQQ) Woke ideology seems now to have officially penetrated into our system, much like it has in failed cities elsewhere across the nation. It showed its impact yesterday locally when a judge allowed an accused murderer go free without bail after shooting another 15 year during a gun buy that "went south," as the Daily Mail put it.

Aside from letting the alleged killer on the street to menace others on the pretext that bail is unfair to the poor--the very excuse the Judge used to justify his decision--the judge's decision creates more unfettered momentum for violent crime in a city that already experiences a substandard growth rate. (Sample Sources: Stats 1, Stats 2)

How's that? Certain young thugs in Memphis, having lived in embedded violence without much consequence, nor without parental oversight,  assume they can get away with it as demonstrated by the muddled ideological thinking of our new woke DA and at least one judge. It doesn't matter if later you will see the inside of a jail cell. The damage to residents of poor, more crime ridden parts of the city, is done. Ironically, these are the precincts where people quickly vote for politicians beating the drum for woke policies. And ironically ll, issues of endemic crime, among others, are factors in growing good jobs for those very workers that vote for policies that stop such essential growth for a city. Further, few businesses want to establish where criminals are set free to commit mayhem. Woke political movements in cities, as well as national, have proven to be a failure.

The woke message is clear: business as usual for criminals on the street corner and in your neighborhood. Politicians have learned to exploit the formula to get elected by appealing in a certain way to an historically conditioned electorate.

So far that appeal has worked, but a growing number of traditional Democratic voters are waking up.

It takes a lot of abuse by one country against a whole people to generate the conditions by which images like this one from WWll (credit unknown) can be captured (posed or spontaneous). The abuse is here again from Palestinian enabled Hamas murderers against the Jewish, American and other people who have been captured and no doubt tortured as well as murdered. No greater offense justifies a full scale war against those who committed--and supported--the Oct. 7 massacre of civilians of all ages.

Could Memphis One Day Adopt a "Trump Model" for Growth?
Yes--When People Reject Politics as Usual.

(11/10/23 BenQQ) A group called Wisevoter has recently issued the results of a study that identified Tennessee as the 19th most "Highly Conservative."

In fact, people are moving to Tennessee to take advantage of no state taxes and growing companies. Nashville reportedly is bidding on the '24 GOP convention.

According to various studies, Memphis no doubt benefits from all this with an economy that is growing slowly but with slowly diminishing population. Hey, people aren't crazy about living in Memphis judging by the moveouts.

Politically, Memphis stands out as the biggest outlier with about 65% black few of which demand little from elected officials, such as Rep. Steve Cohen (D) who wasted time and money on going after phony impeachment charges--twice--against Donald Trump. Had the charges any merit and had the local media focused some journalistic inquiry as to why Cohen was doing interview after interview on something that did nothing to benefit his district, perhaps the city would have been helped to break out of its stasis.

But just being conservative doesn't create results. It just lets the state get in the line to use policies that generate more positive results for people. These include broad polices on crime, illegal immigration that swamp jobs, and education--all of which affects the local economy that attracts more businesses to the city. Its not hard. This raises all sorts of good outcomes for residents.

Not that you don't have pockets of progress mostly accomplished by individuals, such as families, teachers, policemen and professionals working in their own unrecognized way to do the right thing. If you think that reflects a poor assessment of local institutions bending over for woke objectives, uh, you'd be right. Politicians who still invoke woke rhetoric that does nothing but insure more habituated votes are plentiful and common.

Perhaps its time for Memphis to adopt a "Trump Model" with new thinkers, voters and contexts of leadership.

Lawfare is now BidenLaw--why we should fear the future

(11/6/23 BenQQ) President Trump takes the stand today in his civil trial to determine the penalty in New York based on a consumer fraud law. The statute they are using dies bit allow jury trial . The goofy Dem Judge, previously lambasted for preening for the camera, has already issued a summary judgement that Trump's is liable and committed fraud. The penalty could be fines and disallowing Trump's companies to conduct business in New York.

Lawfare: You'll be hearing this term more and more in the coming months because there is a Democratic push to make Trump look like a criminal in order to keep off the ballot or in an extreme case actually put him in jail, which by the way, wouldn't keep him from running. Americans see through all this. His numbers are soaring.

But what if you wanted to run for local office and all your opponent do is mount a lawfare action against you? Most likely you'd settle and meekishly slink away to avoid the expense and possible jail term. Not Trump. In fact, a benefit for you and your rights not to become a victim of state or political action groups twisting and making up the law as they go along is Donald Trump fighting every step of the way.

Lawfare is a legal form of political assassination, since real assassination is currently frowned on, but Democrats enthusiastically endorse this old school communist style tactic in their means-justify-the-results scenario. Stalin famously said, "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him."

Lawfare threatens all of us, including the Democrats who think its so great.

As a propaganda tool, lawfare is particularly seductive because it makes your opponent into a villain without cause.

Consider the case that New York DA turned political hack Letitia James brought against President Trump for consumer fraud. This is flat out weird because there was no complaint from a victim, that is, a bank that loaned Trump money to and to which Trump paid back in full. There was no victim.

Nevertheless, in a never before judicial show trial targeting a presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump finds himself hauled before a state court on phony charges to be decided by a Democratic clown judge.

This is lawfare heaven for DAs drunk with power.

This is all going to backfire on the American people, especially Democrats. Once a practice like this gets established in courts and becomes a publicly acceptable practice, its hard to get rid of. Then it becomes the norm.

In Atlanta, Trump is facing charges even from non-existant laws. Fulton County AG political hack Fani Willis just decided to use the state RICO charges (normally used against gangs) to charge Trump with undermining election laws. That's rich enough, but these lawfare charges against a major candidate amounts to election interference.

Willis and James should lose their licenses to practice law, but the means justify the results.

And let's not ignore the parallels.

Going after lawyers for representing their clients is exactly what Putin did to Navalny's (the opposition leader) attorney who died in jail after being tortured. Still other lawyers in Russia and defying Putin's oppressive wrath by defending Ukraine war protestors.

Three Trump Lawyers, among them Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman, were targeted by this ambitious DA who got to the countyl prosecutorial staff in Georgia.

This is another formerly sacrosanct barrier cracked by, let's call it out for what it is; Bidenlaw. A lot like Bidennomics and Bidenforeignpolicy and Bidenpolitics characterized by race baiting and class division. Its all a disaster.

(By the way where are the legal associations representing their members? Since when is it OK for lawyers representing their clients to be charged? This is Bidenlaw in action. Even lawyers and law organizations are turning out to be sniveling cowards in 2023.

But I digress. That's easy to do in Bidenland.

Blackburn Leads Resolution Condemning Antisemitism in Higher Education

(10.25.23 BenQQ) U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), and Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) have lead the Senate in passing a bill that prohibits antisemitism in college. The only thing is, at first thought, is how are we going to recognize this ugly historic head when it surfaces from the usual radical trends professors try to use to politicize instead of teach? Well, Blackburn et al make a credible stab even if something like this will be seen as an intrusion into university teaching space:

"Whereas acts of hate, discriminations, and violence based on religion or ethnicity have no place at institutions that exist to further education and understanding between diverse student bodies, and

"Whereas freedom of speech and expression are foundational principles of institutions of higher education in the United States, but when these principles are used to promote violence, hatred, or discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs, national origin, or ancestry, higher education leaders have the right and an obligation to respond..."

Their resolution goes on to encourage "higher education leaders, including presidents, deans and administrators to publicly condemn any such acts described therein." Presumably, this mostly applies to staff of state universities. However, the resolution only "encourages," but does not require at pain of losing funding for letting their charges beat their chests in support of the Hamas baby killers. (By the way I've heard none of them screaming to release the hostages. No surprise.)

With this definition we don't have to wait for masked Hamas sympathizers and Palestinian apologists throw Jewish students through windows and over balconies onto marbled floors as they did in Weimar Germany not over a hundred years ago, not to mention Mao's professorially murderous Cultural Revolution. Communists long ago proved students are easily manipulated into following movements dressed up as justice.

Not New. When All Else Fails: Democrat DAs Go After Trump and Even Associates Just as They Went After Blacks in the 60's-70's.

(10.21.23 BenQQ) What does Trump, his attorneys, conservative organisations, individuals and his supporters have in common with blacks?

Answer: both have been abused by power mad prosecutors and abusive government law enforcement officials for political gain.

Trump frequently openly expressed his belief the 2020 election was "rigged," a reasonable and demonstrable position, earning him and associates RICO criminal charges in Georgia.

RICO laws have been used against gangs to prosecute individual members. "You are prosecuting different individuals for separate crimes, and you're tying them all into this one big conspiracy, which again, here is overturning the election results," a lawyer said in a Fox5 Atlanta report.

This past week one of Trump's attorneys was forced she would testify against any of the 17 defendants in the Georgia election conspiracy case. In exchange, all of the charges against her would be reduced to one misdemeanor reportedly.

How could this happen in America you might reasonably ask. Well, one Fani Willis, Trump hater and Democratic Fulton County DA, decided to conjure campaign statements she didn't like into RICO crimes. Willis used Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO, law to charge Trump and associates for conspiring to overturn the state's 2020 election results.

If you know history, this is an obvious replay of other movements the establishment didn't like and wanted to get rid of back in the day. These included movements for issues impacting blacks and American Indians, for example.

In other words, those Democratic power mongers who are pursuing--or keeping their mouths shut about--obvious "lawfare" political persecutions, are not much different than the establishment struggle of old to keep blacks and other minorities "in their place."

Then, as today, unscrupulous politicians in alliance with government and corporations manipulated the legal system. Today, as then, they are doing it all over again.

All this is not lost among some blacks, even one associated with an unaffiliated offshoot of Black Lives Matter. Hawk Newsome connects establishment strategies against Trump to that experienced by blacks in the civil rights struggles.

Biden's Wrecked Borders, Geopolitics and Memphis

Subtitle: The Wakeup Call

(10.14.23 BenQQ) At this point its commonly acknowledged that Biden has wrecked the Southern Border.

And that was before the Oct. 7 when  Hamas committed mass murder, torture and kidnapping of Israelis, Americans and other nationals. No country could tolerate this. Yet the left wants Israel to do just that.

Statistics of 2023 US Customs and Border Protection indicate 154 known terrorists (as well as 564 gang members) were stopped from entering the country. However, there's no telling how many other “soldiers” out of the mostly military age men whom the Democrats literally welcomed into the interior, though now their tune has changed. But its too late.

You've seen the large demonstrations supporting the Hamas “baby killers.” This is but one verified fact in a slew of the Hamas atrocities supported by the Pro-Palestinian crowds to chant a leftwing cant. By the way, I've yet to hear any of the demonstrators favoring the terrorists to call for release of the hostages, not to mention justice for the murdered and wounded victims. That's because they don't want to. Reportedly, Hamas says they have already killed some due to Israeli bombing, as if that makes the targeted munitions soooo unwarranted. If

Here's the deal Hamas created for itself: Hamas went barbaric. Israel will go biblical.

So if you are awake (but not woke), you've felt the seismic shift toward regional if not global war. This is not good for the country nor for cities like Memphis. Such cities are soft targets to any number of gruesome organizations with missions like Hamas to attack when orders are received.

Last year I wrote the Memphis Police Department to ask if they had made any plans to thel lifting of Title 42 when possibly thousands of illegal, unvetted persons would cross the border. Memphis is on one of the major routes of the trafficking cartels moving their product north. Obliviously, their answer seemed to impart, the department had little interest. MPD merely said to talk to immigration, the very department that has so utterly failed the country under Biden's leadership. (Regardless, I intended the question to be about crime protection in a city which absorbs its share of illegals. It was not directed to Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).)

Now the question of the “southern border invasion” is even more urgent. If the unfathomable happens in Memphis, or any other soft underbelly city, at the direction from orders of crazies abroad, blood will be on the hands of not only Biden and crew but every Democrat who refused to see our vulnerability at the border.

Why? Hamas and other terrorist soldiers, that is military age men, will easily have crossed the border just to await orders to move. We have no idea how many or where they are now.

Blindly supporting Biden till the end is somewhat like German soldiers supporting Hitler to the end in Berlin—except there are no roving bands of Democrats to shoot everyone who wants to give up. At least for now. (However, Hillary did say we MAGA types should be put in camps. On the other hand, it might be better for them if they just shot me.)

OK, gesting aside, so what should the city do? I'm sure there are tons of good ideas from real professionals in the field, but I have three:

1. Beef up the Memphis Police Department with more police officers.

2. At least have a plan. or better yet, train up all city departments in concert with federal and state agencies to resond to coordinated attacks of any size by armed foreign actors. I think they already do this for bad weather events. Why not some plan on the shelf for a scenario that might be possible? Again, maybe they already do this with Homeland Security. If they do have a plan to respond, inform the public of what to do, where to go, etc.

3. Put guns in the hands of more licensed, that is trained, private individuals. One reason to do that, maybe apocryphal, is illustrated by WWll Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo's decision to avoid attacking the US mainland because so many citizens owned and knew how to use them. Besides, Tojo notwithstanding, one researcher's stats say more guns in the hands of non-criminals leads to less crime, though this is challenged by others. At this point, regardless what they say in New York, the risk is worth the try.

Regardless, we should at least be aware that blood thirsty geo-tyrants want their neighbors wiped off the face of the earth. Stand by not only Israel but also Ukraine and Taiwan. The time is coming.

His Drum is Not Tin.


(10.5.23 BenQQ) Hitting a drum to make consequential points. That's what they did in Hung Cao's campaign video for the US Senate. Also the intermittent drum motif was used in the movie The Tin Drum where a boy bangs a tin drum in desperate opposition to the rising Nazi movement in Weimar Germany. Cao's drum is neither desperate nor tin, but it definitely feels like a warning from him personally. That's why I think it is so good.

Let's unpack.

The 3 minute video works because the Republican candidate penetrates the psyches of Americans that remain steadfastly, well, American, if you still think America is like that. I do.

It obviously doesn't hurt that he is a warrior, smart and frankly overqualified to be around the Dem deadheads and RINOS in Washington. In fact, I would see that craven bunch claiming he is "too smart" to hang around long in DC where Dems cannot tell what a woman, fire alarm or a mass invasion orchestrated by criminal cartels are as well. But lets not quibble.

Link to campaign.

Rep. Bowman Confuses a Fire Alarm for a Door Opener and Inadvertently Makes Us Think of the January Sixers

(10.1.23 BenQQ) Democrats seem to be tripping over themselves over a variety of embarrassments this past week. First there was Sen. John Fetterman, who had recently checked himself into a hospital for depression before the Senate slapped a dress code on him. Of course the poor guy was depressed. Just look how he showed up to work in hoodie and shorts. Second came along Sen. Bob Menendez with his gold bar scandal and most recently is Rep. Jamaal Bowman saying he accidentally pulled a fire alarm as the house worked on a way to keep the government open. He issued a smarmy statement pointedly denying he was trying to delay any vote. Finally, there'sthe biggest cadre of crooks of them all, the Biden family withoverwhelming evidence that ole Hunter played the bag man for Daddywhile the latter was in paid government service.

All together, they round out this irksome quartet. But Bowman rings the bell on the high hypocrisy of the Democrats who are happy to weaponize the power of the federal government against their political opponents.

For example, the January Sixers were charged, among other things for “disrupting official proceedings.” The manipulation of evidence and wild overcharging of the January Sixers by Biden's DOJ notwithstanding, Bowman makes the appeal in his statement, “My hope is that no one will make more of this than it was.”

Yes, Rep. Bowman, it was disrupting an official proceeding. Therefore, you should be charged with disrupting official proceedings and suffer the same “justice” as the January Sixers. Or let's not make any of this “more...than it was” and stop handing down extreme politically motivated sentences and review the current ones for people who were invited to walk into the capital in protest against corrupt elections.

President Trump: Don't Abandon Ukraine. Abandoning Small States to Appease Large Ones Didn't Work Before and Won't Now.

More here.

(9.26.23 BenQQ) The importance of keeping Ukraine free of another Russian reign of terror should be apparent to any person who understands Russia's dictatorial Soviet psychosis that starts with Ukraine but then extends to former Soviet states, including Poland.

Want to really prevent WWlll? Don't want to experience how much WWlll would cost each and every American compared to keeping the Russians in a state of defeat in Ukraine? Then keep Russia contained.

With conciliatory conservative commentators Russia no doubt feels it can bleed Europe of free countries who naturally lean toward the West. Of course Biden's leadership in the conflict has been abysmal. So the likes of Steve Bannon of The War Room, et al on Real America's Voice, with whom I mostly agree. But here I fear Bannon would let Russia once again eat up Ukraine as Nazi Germany carved up Czechoslovakia with the deluded cooperation of Britain, France and Italy in 1938 with the infamous and misguided "Munich Betrayal". Nothing could have been worse. WWll possibly could have been averted. We face the same structure today but with the different characters of Russia (and China.) My reading strongly suggests WWlll can still be averted with a strong unified resolve lead by the US that stops Russia and China from consuming whole nations.

As in everything, Biden does not intrinsically care about tax payer money and he does things that are mostly wrongheaded. He *apparently and reportedly* gave Ukraine unfettered funds. Sure, that's irking. But what's so different about that? Wherever corruption exists, Biden will gravitate toward it because his base still does not stand up to government corruption as long as it benefits their party. However even with this slosh of "corrupt" American dollars and equipment to Ukraine, Russia has been and continues to be pushed back.

If the future President Trump cuts off American aid without renegotiating with Europe (to do any number of deals), he will open it up to a massive invasion driven by a another psychotic Russian mad man. Nazi redux. Remember, Trump kept the Russians in their own cage while he was president. Here's where, in a sea of blue woke, I support Trump policies: https// However, if Trump simply abandons Ukraine, at least I for one, will not support him.

Do Memphis Democrats Get Biden's Illegal Migrant Invasion Means Fewer Jobs, Lower Wages, More Crime?

(9.22.23 BenQQ) If you rely on typical Democratic media, you may not know the hundreds of thousands illegal border crossers into our country are not even being required to provide a real address as to where they can be found for the mythical hearing regarding their immigration status--even though that would be years in the future.

That gives the illegals plenty of time to avail themselves of social, health and educational services while inevitably stressing the system to bad results for the tax payer: Increased crime, more transmittable diseases due to the unvetted masses and lower wages--if not outright reduction of jobs--for legal workers who, of course, are taxed to pay for the Biden no border policies and related complex of services.

This is a personal family disaster for workers, who still are mostly Democrats. Consider the growing "Walkaway" movement that has been operating for years so Democrats could receive the psychological or emotional support for voting for options than old-line Democratic messaging. Young people from Democratic families seem to be flocking to it.

Of course there are other reasons for our current panoply of social ills--such as lack of parenting, exploitational media and group criminality that exacerbate the globalists' downward pressure on jobs and wages. However, the southern border invasion adds to it like gasoline on a dumpster fire. It is not likely to burn itself out as millions of illegals rush to get across the border before Trump returns to the White House. He has vowed to deport the illegals but finding them will be hard. Biden's open permission to cross the border without an address, thus without tracking, sees to that. E-Verify should be brought back post-haste. Then let's see who is serious about projecting American contract jobs. (And don't think that's all about "blue collar" jobs. In California, they are letting non-citizens become licensed attorneys.)

Biden has effectively opened the borders for the organizations administering the invasions, that is, the cartels. Biden's border destruction reportedly actively supports drug and human trafficking to markets north of the border. One such route runs straight through Memphis. There is no keeping up with the hundreds of thousands--including dozens of the *apprehended* terrorists and foreign government agents who could be mobilized at the likely outbreak of war with China and other malign state actors.

The real question is how is it that Memphis remains a Democratic enclave when Biden's policies have such negative impact on rank and file Democrats.

Overrun cities eventually break. Democratic New York City sanctuary city Mayor Eric Adams finally figured that out as legal residents shouted the news into his ear: "Close the border!"

As Shown by the UAW Democrats: What, Me Worry About My Job?

(9.17.23 BenQQ) Nothing could be more revealing than a bunch of privileged Democrats who belong to an exclusive high paying industry marching around with signs demanding you tolerate higher prices so they can get a huge boost in pay. All they need now is for Joe Biden to drop him to utter non-sequiturs until they figure out Biden wants to flood the labor market with illegal workers. Few Dems will figure out more voters means lower wages for the very workers who, yes, support the Democrats. Hand it to the Democrat elites: persuade members to support policies that take the bread off the tables of their members--and say thankyou as well.

The new digital world is finally reaching down into Democratic mind sets with a single message: this ain't 1960. The digital economy long ago began the process to replace jobs. Everybody knows a worker's physical presence is being phased out. Machines are taking over. Workers are disappearing like the DoDo.

But this continues: the bizarre display of Democrats heedless to destructive economic polices except to their own. The UAW bunch is more than willing to raise prices for their product that will soon be awash with more competitors available to the buying public. Such Biden policies will continue to bring down their own jobs as well as the economies of every working American.

Covid in Memphis. So I Join the Club and Get It

(9.14.23 BenQQ) Last week I was diagnosed with Covid--forget the formal name--and was prescribed Lagevrio (Molnupriravir) 200mg CP. Thanks to the evil pharmaceutical and medical industries of the 21st century, I feel myself fast improving and will not be taking the Big Leap at least anytime soon. I don't know when or how I got it. Even with Covid around, I naturally keep my distance and wash/disinfect my hands. I've gotten things in Memphis far worse than this year's Covid strain. Still, the symptoms are lessening though not without light headedness and sore throat. Last Friday, I saw a doc with the usual package of symptoms that hit me then (your mileage may differ): no taste, appetite, headaches, unable to sleep, sore throat, congestion, dizziness, back aches, some fever and on the second day sneezing.

Yes, I'm in the higher risk population by age and "comorbitities," a delightful new term in our health lexicon which means the grim reaper is only a few steps behind me anyway, right? If you live in Memphis, of course other things may get you. LIke a bullet or a pack of angry cops. That was unfair, but, hey, I have Covid.

To be sure, these symptoms are nothing like those of the original Covid strain. My doc assured me: "less virulent, more contagious" (my personal characterization of the virus.) If anything, its more like a short term cold. So why do I see all these Democrats walking around Memphis wearing masks? I refuse to war one, banking on personal hygiene and standing distance between people, despite the disapproving ire of the pharmacy clerk.

There are two possibilities:
1) They don't want to catch or spread a cold and want to over-comply to the powers that be--the same powers that promoted all the misinformation and hysteria about Covid to begin with or
2) They don't want to catch or spread the less virulent Covid strain.


3) They wear a mask for mostly the Democratic manipulators of health behaviors appearing on top of the 2024 election. Thus, we see the final effort after the failed unconstitutional Democratic lawfare persecutions of Trump and his voters to keep him out of the White House in 2024.

And now for a new housekeeping item:

Watch for some new things that might be coming up in video wise.

More content posted later when I'm back more or less at speed. You can contact me as always here.

Cat Saves the Life of Veteran

(8.22.23 BenQQ) Veteran Ron Williams, who lives alone with his feline pal Fluffy, relates this story: he relies on life support and a cell phone if ever he gets into difficulty. When one of his friends "gave" Fluffy to him Ron fell in love. The feline friend turned out to be just that when Ron fell down getting out of the shower. He spent 16 hours on the bathroom floor, hoping someone would turn up before it became "too late." Now, from the first day when his friend have Fluffy to him, he would say "ring-a-ding" to him when the phone rang. OK, you know what happened when the phone rang. Ron said the magic words and Fluffy managed to get the phone to Ron and Ron's life was saved. (We recall when Rin-Tin-Tin spelled "FIRE" in the mash potatoes.) What can you say? People have understood the connection between cats and people for thousands of years. The next time you see a veteran (or a cat {or dog}) in need, remember this story.

Mike Lindell Shows What "Community Organizing" is All About

(8/18/23 BenQQ) Gratifying it was to watch average people make a difference in this democratic republic. And I'm not talking about those 'average people' who extolled the devisive (at minimum) values of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter. I'm referring to people who took it among themselves to rescue America's voting system from a system that refuses to look at obvious (and undiscovered) evidence of election theft in their voting precinct. Throughout it all, Lindell teased us with a solution that would eliminate voter corruption "the next day." I for one hung in there. (Revealed below.)

Overwhelming evidence of massive vote theft since the 2018 election now is readily available in books, films and recorded expert panel discussions with forensic computer experts. Adding to that bolus of data, this week Mike Lindell brought together election volunteers from every state. What Lindell and staff created was a kind of Academy Awards event for activists dedicated to getting America's voting system out of digital voting machines like Dominion and reverting to one day voting, paper ballots, precinct-level hand counting, no mail-ins, fully auditable, managed locally with no ranked choice voting. In other words, "Going Amish."

These activists, mostly women it seemed, had spent the past year drilling into their local election systems frequently starting with "cast vote" records from their local election administrations (that are available publicly), Lindells' data, funded experts, lawyers and other independent organizations.

But what is Lindell's new weapon to stop voter corruption cold? Here's the video:

Tennessee "State Hope Report:"

(BenQQ 8/16/23)

Go to for an assortment of videos, especially if you are an 'election steal denier'.

Mike Lindell's Election Crime Summit on now. Watch it here.

Also now on Real America's Voice program War Room with Steve Bannon.

In case you haven't yet discovered: Joe reaches into your personal life with less light: traditional light bulbs becamse illegal August 1.

Joe Biden's green energy doctrinaire aparatchiks have struck again: once your traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs run out you have to buy Joe's bulbs. On August 1 it became illegal to manufacture, import or sell the old bulbs. The reason: environmental groups want to lower carbon emissions in the United States, though China polutes the atmosphere much worse and at a higher rate. Has the Chinese Communitst Party compromised Joe so much they can demand--through their possible left-wing domestic agents--all sorts of measures to show Americans whose really now in charge? One thing for sure: less 'good' light for more cost. Watch how supportive Biden media cover the story here.

So Democrats wake up this morning and suddenly realize they've changed America's democracy forever.

(BenQQ 8/15/23)

--Kanye West's publicist is even indicted for making a phone call.
--Lawyers are prosecuted for representing their clients.
--Democrat Attorneys General prove themselves to be old school political hacks at constitutional cost.
--Media do not even cover what is fast becoming a constitutional and civil crisis.

Today, Georgia Attorney General Fanni Willis released an assortment of charges designed to portray Trump and 18 others as interfering in the 2020 election. What these charges actually do is limit first amendment free speech rights even in personal communications.

The failure of the legal establishment as well as the old media to hold accountable taxpayer supported government employees who abuse their offices by concocting politically motivated prosecutions is now noted.

President Trump has pledged This coming Monday to release "irrefutable" evidence of the "Georgia election fraud" that will see all charges dropped.

For most thinking Americans, this strikes at fundamental freedoms for everybody, even including rank and file Democrats who follow the marching steps of their party that has shown to be in silent league with the drug cartels, soft on crime AGs, the loss of blue collar jobs due to the saturation of the labor market by illegal aliens and Biden's generation of inflation from excessive government spending.

[This story is in development]

Maui Burns to the ground. People Die, Biden Lounges. Keeps Silent, then says, "No Comment."

Americans and Democrats in particular once again saw the indifference of alleged President Joe Biden regarding people who don't matter. Whether it is a family incinerated on a Hawaiian highway or his illegitimate grandchild sired by Hunter, you heard nothing from the Commander in Chief who could have-at minimum-emerged from his Delaware enclave and said this to Maui: All of America is with you. He didn't.. Just pop over to Crickets.

Most Democrats by now have been trained to excuse Biden's dangerous, um, faux pas, but this one is hard to swallow for those who have not yet been brainwashed by official propaganda that suffuses media in blues cities. Biden said "No comment." when asked about the Maui disaster at his Delaware beach getaway. NO COMMENT? Is this installed president kidding? Is this his inimitable way of being a leader as extolled relentlessly locally by Rep. Steve Cohen and other automaton Democrats?

Well after his no comment fiasco White House press said he was "praying" for Hawaii families. Right.

Yes, pray for the people of Maui, but send money here.

Voter Integrity by Mike Lindell--Do People Dare to Watch?

This Thursday: Another streaming event for voter integrity by Mike Lindell. This is all over the internet. Go to and get registered. Free.

Alleged: Cordova Address Linked to Massive Voter Fraud Operation

(8.10.23 BenQQ) This hitting this morning: this morning links GBI Strategies, a Cordova, TN organization to massive voter fraud. GBI Strategies is said to operate in multiple states and throughout Michigan.

How discovered: a Muskegon, MI City Clerk alerted the local police department after a woman delivered to her office 8,000-10,000 completed voter registration applications that were suspicious. She noted many of them were in the same handwriting, had invalid addresses, wrong telephone numbers, among other disqualifying items. Police officers conducted a non-custodial interview with the woman. The woman said she had been paid $1,150 a week "to find unregistered voters" so they could obtain ostensibly their absentee ballot.

The Gateway Pundit reported Michigan State Senator Ruth Johnson, who is a former Secretary of State, said: “My estimate is over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan." This could yield the same amount of live voter registrations.

How Cordova is connected: GBI Strategies set up its headquarters in Cordova where it allegedly conducted "widespread, systemic, voter fraud in multiple locations around the state," according to the Gateway Pundit, adding, "The Tennessee group is heavily connected to the Biden campaign and various Democrat campaign committees." The Gateway Pundit is apparently referring to Michigan and not Tennessee.

Run by one Gary Bell, according to Compmo Group, GBI runs 70 "organizing operations" in 20 or so states and "lends logistical and consulting support to another 7 states." The Compmo site apparently was taken down when the story hit this morning. Dobbs said Bell has links to a variety of far left groups. A FEC Filings query by the Gateway Pundit show many of those organizations paid GBI Strategies a total of $11,254,919. Bell keeps a low profile on the internet.

Where GBI Strategies operated from in Cordova, TN, 8241 Floral Springs Dr. Cordova is a suburb of Memphis. It is reportedly now closed. Bell purchased the property in 2012,
according to real estate records

FBI Reportedly Kills 75 Year Old Man Who Allegedly Threatened Biden

(8.9.23 BenQQ) Today: Two FBI agents reportedly killed an anti-Biden activist while serving an arrest warrant on charges of allegedly threatening the president, according to court documents. It is said he also is known for insulting the governor of California. Details have not been released. Also reported: he weighed 300lbs and walked with a cane. Threats were made against President Trump, such as those made by celebrity Madonna and others, with no arrests. At this point, comments on numerous social media show further outrage and distrust over an FBI that is now seems to be going after Biden political enemies under direction of Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Joe Biden. Critics point to arrests of Trump associates, school board parents, incarceration of Jan. 06 demonstrators, anti-abortionists, among others, opposed to Biden's polices. One story.

Today's Big Parade

(8.7.23 BenQQ)

The Federal Election Commission records show David Rody, a prosecutor working on special counsel Jack Smith's political cases against President Donald Trump donated thousands of dollars to Democrats to elect Joe Biden. Not illegal but revealing. Obviously prosecutors should objectively do the law and not be political instruments for the party in power. But Biden's politicized DOJ is obviously panicked over the prospect of Donald Trump getting back into the White House when they no doubt believe he will reinstate the Trump policies Biden destroyed as well as launch real investigations into Democratic criminality and the attack on the bloated overpaid administrative state that has made Washington, DC the richest real estate area in the country.

You've heard about the "sweetheart deal" prosecutors offered to Hunter Biden. Read the short 10 pager here.

The Memphis Commercial Appeal reprinted a resume story complete with perky portraiture from The Tennessean about Gov. Bill Lee's new Tennessee Commissioner of Education Lizette Gonzalez Reynolds who said therein she was influenced by "a political science professor who was 'more of  a socialist' who talked about Marxism and the need to 'share everything'." We find her and the story itself questionable though we admit the tone of this para could be way off base. We've never even spoken with her. But still we're thinking: more bureaucratic "experts" to solve simple problems. Why is education so hard for government? Then again she does support charter schools. Best that you read the entire piece here.

Biden's mania to kill your gas appliances may kill you

(7.31.23 BenQQ) It's no accident Biden and his left wing cronies chose the summer, where in Memphis it felt like 102º a few days ago, to announce his war against gas stoves and other appliances. If he somehow is effective in outlawing gas stoves in the years ahead there is no telling how many people will freeze to death in their homes. That's because in Memphis power goes out frequently, especially in bad weather like ice storms. These happen in winter. Biden's gang is betting you won't catch on. After all, its hot outside and Biden is relying on Democrats to go along with whatever he's up to.

So you better believe most of those who will die will be low information Democrats, who ironically insisted on voting for Biden, freeze to death during power fails because life-maintaining gas is no longer delivered into their homes. When the power is down, gas is the only source of energy to heat the house. What the *&%^ is Biden thinking? Maybe he's figured out the number of fatal freezes will be relatively low. The number of supporters he loses easily will be made up by illegals who the Democrats eventually turn into alien voters. His Press Secretary implied hey, don't worry chumps, its a long way off before you can't get a gas stove. Then if Biden's general policies of oppressive overreach by the federal government is allowed to continue, don't be surprised if an overpaid federal employee with a badge shows up to inspect your personal space because you have a gas hookup at your house.

Imagine what would happen in Memphis when we have the next winter blizzard such as the one in 2021 and gas is not available. Below my video I shot in the middle of night when electricity was down at my house and it was about 3º.

FBI 1023. Rank and File Democrats, Stop Endorsing the Corruption of the Biden Regime and Save the Country. Leave the Party.

(7.23.23 BenQQ) From Sen. Grassley (R) in which he alleges strong evidence of Joe Biden getting a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the Burisma oil company (where his son Hunter was already pulling down millions) fired for a secret payoff of multiple millions of dollars. (On TV before a clapping CFR audience no less, Biden braggadociously blurted he had accomplished the firing by getting Obama to threaten to withhold millions in US government aid if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor.) Read the document.


(7.22.23 BenQQ) Interesting Things (IT)

--Most CNN and MSNBC viewers don't know bout Biden scandals and bad news per McLaughlin and Associates poll. That's no surprise. The main stream media rely on keeping their viewers, who we must say willingly make themselves unaware anyway, in the dark. (That is based on conversations we have with local Dems.) We suggest another poll: What is the awareness information level of Biden's scandals from local newspapers and television stations in markets like Memphis where media cater to Democrats? We believe awareness of issues that reflect badly on Democrats would be even lower than this poll.

--Dick Morris, as interviewed by Rita Cosby on Newsmax this morning, is calling for Republicans not to vote on appropriations in order to fight the onslaught of the creative and legally inflated indictments (our terms) of Donald Trump in order to influence the 2024 election. The fallout issue with these indictments is Democrats walk around assuming they make complete sense because their officials like local rep Steve Cohen makes a demagogic display of politically persecuting not only Trump but his associates. The Dems thus make it standard for indictments during political seasons on their candidates from Republicans. This is a politically necrotic foundation of turmoil that leads to real separation. The Democrats are responsible--and we believe Steve Cohen, whose stupid empty allegations against Trump that failed at every turn, would be goofy if they weren't so banana republic. Cohen is the Democrats' most avid local barking dog slinging red meat to his local following.

North Korea ballistic missile caps Biden's quad of foreign policy failures that threaten the United States

North Korea tests its ballistic missile for the second time in 3 months, claims it can carry nuclear payload. Video story.

(7.18.2023 BenQQ) While the Dems are busy coming up with new creative indictments of President Trump in order to keep him out of the 2024 race, the world looms on the precipice of WWlll in large part to the multiple incompetencies of a corrupt president who has been compromised by a number of countries, according to sources. Not the least of these are a business partners of his drug addicted son and an official of the infamous Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

The results: Biden has created a scenario that threatens the United States as only an internal enemy could do. Though he is probably not a Russian or Communist Chinese agent, it appears he has been an "elite capture," a term used by Chinese intelligence officials when they turn powerful people on their side by using money, power or sex. (And, remember, Hunter Biden declared a Chinese intelligence official, which he called the "spy chief," was one of his associates.)

All that notwithstanding, so what has happened in the last 2.5 years since Biden's installation into the world's last and most powerful defender of global peace and democracy?

  1. Russia continues to attack Ukraine in the greatest threat to world peace since Germany annexed the Sudetenland in 1938 with Putin threatening nuclear activation.
  2. North Korea test launches what it called a ballistic missile allegedly capable of reaching the U.S.
  3. Communist China continues to escalate and make noises about invading Taiwan from which we get our advanced cutting-edge semiconductors. The Chinese know we use these very semiconductors in our military and medical applications. Related, China is threatening the takeover of international sea lanes that are major world trade routes.
  4. Last but not least, US borders effectively have been dissolved, allowing for the swamping of our own labor pools, the results of which mean lower wages especially for contract legal blue-collar workers--as well as infiltration by foreign hostiles.

For local Democrats in the deep blue enclave of Memphis, TN, this is all irrelevant to the media and therefore to them. As long as they don't have to think about their political options, its all good.

President Trump had all of this neutralized and/or at least under active strong influence not to upset international norms (N. Korea).

Conclusion: Democrats not under control by their own propaganda mass media, should think carefully about what they want for their country.


One PR Secret--How easy is it to manipulate the media you consume every day?

(7.17.23 BenQQ) For several years I worked as a PR flak for the American Association of Retired Persons. It was then and probably still is the largest membership organization globally outside of the Catholic church. I had no real authority other than to pen news releases and generate positive coverage in newspapers and TV, which I did for ten years.

Unless an editor had an animus against the huge DC based organization, getting PR results was fairly easy. After all, editors no doubt had a relative who was a member and that was a built in positive psychological frame of reference to the organization--not to mention then and no doubt still is-AARP was the big gorilla in NGOs (non-governmental organizations) in the Washington swamp.

So it is with interest I keep up with possible parallels of mass communication, i.e. persuasion, that belches from Washington like an old polluting, but reliable, smokestack. Back then, media cooperation made it easy to get positive impressions about the organization into the minds of readers and viewers.

And still today, government positions are mostly met with negligible criticism--especially if the fat and well oiled Washington establishment feels it is under attack. The 2024 Trump campaign has already targeted the Washington "administrative state" in its crosshairs. Trump and MAGA warriors are over the target.

If the bombardier analogy is to hold, we need to ask what and who are manning the defenses. Its always the media--at least the legacy media firing back with their own facts.

First, government positions are the first facts of a story. Its easy to report on the facts when they are being dished to you. Its hard to go beyond those dished out facts. That takes time, money and talent.

Second reporters are careerists. No criticism for that from me. I was too. But to keep your position in the pig pen so you can keep gorging on the slop thrown to you from the White House, DOJ, FBI, CIA, IRS and all the other government and NGO alphabets thriving on tax dollars and supporting voters, you can't lose your position in the media pecking order. Some have successfully done this, like Maria Bartiromo, but most of the talented ones keep their reporting firmly under acceptable standards--unless its anti-Trump.

So within the Washington media establishment are PR firms that are, as we all know, paid and otherwise rewarded in holding the line for the establishment. (Those not in the establishment don't have the money to hire them.) One of the techniques they use is playing up a story to squelch other headlines.

An example of this technique is framing the Jan. 06 protest against election corruption as an "insurrection." Without going into the details as to why this is absurd, the Washington media without any related questions trolled new allegations against the defendants. However, another serious part of the story mostly ignored is how many federal provocateurs were working the crowd. If the American people saw the defendants as modern political prisoners, it could spin against Washington all the way up to the 2020 election. It didn't.

These are storylines. This technique is not new. Take something that has happened and configure it to your angle.

Writing in American Thinker Jack Cahill wrote: "On August 23, 1996, the New York Times reported on its front page, above the fold right, “Prime Evidence Found That Device Exploded in Cabin of Flight 800.” According to the Times, only the FBI’s uncertainty about whether the device was a bomb or a missile kept it from declaring TWA 800’s destruction a crime."

Cahill writes on that same day a competing headline shouted: "Clinton Signs Bill Cutting Welfare; States in New Role." This headline had to disappear or it would hurt the Democrats. It disappeared. See how it happened in
Cahill's revealing article here.

The lesson: look for other sources of information outside of the legacy and Washington media.


Ted Kennedy called Biden "Dumbest in Senate," according to the Maria Bartiromo Trump interview

(7.16.23 BenQQ) This morning Donald Trump said in an interview with Maria Bartiromo that Sen. Ted Kennedy told him the "dumbest man in the Senate" was Joe Biden.  The story sticks. Considering the few objectively good, (and we're lowering the bar by what we mean by "good.") By 'good' we mean Biden's albeit few decisions that were at least competent in that they did not harm the country's defense, economy or social unity.  

Such glaring Biden FUBARs were and will continue to be ignored by Democratic propaganda media, suckered rank and file Dems, and RINOs only interested in keeping their jobs. Don't expect them to even think, much less talk (or report accurately) about:

-the dissolving of the southern border that allows millions of illegal low wage workers into the national job
pool that lowers wages for the mostly Democratic contract labor sector,
-Biden's catastrophic pullout of Afghanistan that resulted:
- in military members being killed,
-an unknown number of Americans still trapped inside of Afghanistan,
-the Taliban murders of 300 interpreters who were promised protection from Taliban revenge,
-oppression of girls and women,
-the arming of the Taliban with millions of dollars of the most sophisticated weaponry in the US arsenal,
-getting personally bought off by China, Russia and other countries via his bagman son of longtime selling
access to his father,
-as well as numerous bad domestic decisions when he was not too busy dividing the country by painting MAGA members fascists and "white supremacy" the biggest threat to America.

Sunday Morning Futures Link to the Trump/Bartiromo interview


Gas Stoves, Digital Dollars and Joe Biden

(7.13.23 BenQQ) If you can, do you remember the old phones? You know, the rotary dialer that made a turning noise when you dialed a single number?

I don't bring it up because I'm fantasizing about writing a Reader's Digest article (are they still even publishing?) but I'm connecting the old phones to the old currency. Both had more privacy than now. Sure, the rotaries could be tapped but in the early days you had to have a creepy fellow surreptitiously break into your house and plant a bug. Or wire a connection in the street. And paying with cash is still the most private way to buy anything if the government hasn't required the seller to file a report on the buyer.

A story: twenty-five years ago law enforcement still wired street pay phones. I know because once then I started to call from pay phone on Wilshire Blvd. in LA. I heard a firm male voice say something like, “Can you please hurry sir? This phone is under surveillance.” Somewhere beyond the traffic, they were watching this actual physical phone from which I was about to make a personal call. It was not out of courtesy they even informed me. They didn't want their mark to bypass the phone he regularly used to make his nefarious deals to which they could be witnesses.

I only bring it up because yesterday's speakers at FreedomFest Memphis, (streaming live) a kind of roaming chautauqua for the freedom movement, started its 4 day annual convention, this one in Memphis. Their speakers made me link back to that little incident. On their live stream, I was disappointed to see a sparse crowd attending.

Magette Wade, Director of Center for African Prosperity at FreedomFest Memphis

At any rate, my mental connection went like this: old phones and paper currency both took a lot of effort to compromise. Now, with new digital currency you can be compromised at the quick behest of law enforcement, say, teaming up with tech companies.

Also on TV yesterday, FBI Directory Christopher Wray—that's the one with the good hair—smugly told the Judiciary Committee it was normal for the FBI to pay private companies—as it did with Twitter—to advise on bad players.

Except the FBI deemed the bad players were people who wanted to report on Hunter Biden's laptop. Had more people known about that, Biden is highly unlikely to get himself installed in the White House even with the massive influx of fraudulent votes covering the swing states.

The "Laptop from Hell"--who coined that?--is but one of many true outrages attempted and perpetrated by the Democratic Party under the present thuggish president whose many votes came from digital steals.

But here's the segue: Before he's done, as he's done plenty of times before, Biden and the economic socialists surrounding him will have no qualms about chiseling down your purchasing options in a capitalist system that is under threat. Consider the new corporate mantra of ESG—environmental, social and governance as applied to businesses.

ESG will have similar catastrophic effects like the bizarre gender-neutral marketing of Miller Beer, Disney, Target and other companies run by woke infused ideologues. In a sense, it is much more dangerous. And who is the biggest mndless proponent of ESG?

The calcifying effects of ESG ideology can be seen in Joe Biden. Best examples: his ESG based war on energy that raised prices across the board, his recent antipathy to people who use gas stoves. He may not have the raw power right now to stop the sale of these evil utilities—never mind gas is cheaper than electricity and in areas like Memphis when a bad winter storm can knock out the heat by which to keep from freezing and heating food.

Nevertheless, Biden's banana republic Democrats will find a way. Here comes digital currency that will bring you wondrous benefits like “Bidenomics” and soon in the future no doubt: “The Biden Dollar” where mindless Democrats themselves, along with everybody else, will have less spending power while controlling ever more on what you spend his namesake dollar on.

In my humble view, we are standing on the edge of a social credit system used by Biden's personal partners in Communist China. So buying a stove is deemed bad for the rest of society? What about buying more than your allotment of gasoline? And what about buying meat and products considered bad for you as well as the environment? Digital dollars will link--and therefore eventually control--what, how much and when you buy.

The list, as they say, goes on. Digital dollars, like a digital voting system that had enough holes to install the Biden regime, will undermine your privacy and therefore freedom as never before.

Both private paper currency and private paper ballots are the way to go.


2 Big Wins for Religions from US Supreme Court--Memphis Churches Should Be Celebrating

(7.8.23 BenQQ) Pretty good chance you might attend one of the 2,000 churches for Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus in the metro area.

This past week saw religious liberties and the First Amendment expanded and protected by the US Supreme Court.

The first case was brought by postal worker Gerald Groff who sued his USPS employer because it said he had to work on Sundays. He told his employer that Sunday was his religious day of rest but the USPS said that didn't matter. They had signed a contract with Amazon and he had to work on Sundays.

Speaking after the ruling to TV reporters, he said he eventually was forced to "resign under duress" at which point he sued the USPS. Groff sued under the Title Vll Civil Rights Act of 1964. The USPS was working under a 1977 ruling that required employers to accommodate employee religious practices as long as doing so would not pose an "undue hardship" to the employer.

So Groff sued to overturn the undue hardship condition of Title Vll. The court unanimously agreed with Groff and remanded the case back to a lower court. Amazingly, USPS issued a statement it would still fight the decision in the lower court. Nevertheless, regardless how the lower court decides, employees are now given more leeway to assert religious rights in the workplace.

The Second Big Win for Religions

The second big win for religions was the case of a Colorado Christian web site designer who refused to build a web site for homosexual couples. She had placed a notice on her web site defining what she would and would not put on her web sites for prospective clients. For doing this notice, she was charged with violating the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act.

The web site designer then filed a lawsuit against Colorado. She claimed the state law that required her to create web sites celebrating same sex marriages infringed on her constitutional rights. The Supreme Court ruled in her favor 6 to 3.

Tolerance, Not Coercion

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote: "The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees...The First Amendment's protections belong to all, not just to speakers whose motives the government finds worthy...In this case, Colorado seeks to force an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience about a matter of major significance...Consistent with the First Amendment, the Nation's answer is tolerance, not coercion. The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not as the government demands."

Editorial note: Who would vote to require you to violate your personal religious beliefs? Three Justices did. All three were appointed by Obama and Biden. Very radical, if not outright fascist, to attempt to force expressive agreement, in religious belief even, to something at which an individual is in disagreement. Liberal courts have tried this type of control in the past. More of this type of attempted ideo-normalizing to come. When will Democrats ask themselves whose side are they on?

Read the decisions:




Don't Mess With Shelby County Environmental Court--a Personal Saga

(Benqq) If you live in anything that faces or is attached to a public street within Memphis, you are subject to environmental ordinances. Lest you think these are just about major environmental issues such as hazardous waste dumps, think again. They also deal with things like making landlords provide basic servces to renters, keeping yards cut, garbage picked up and dead cars off property. The legal administrtive unit, called “Environmental Court,”  is part of the criminal court system. It operates from 201 Poplar with inexorable practiced efficiency.

I was hauled into Environmental Court Div 8, 10th floor because someone made an anonymous complaint. Yes, anyone can make an anonymous complaint and send an inspector around to investigate your reported property transgressions. Upon questioning we were told even the court does not know the identity of the complainant. After a complaint is made, a city inspector checks the original complaint and adds any additional violations as well. If somebody doesn't like you--which could well be the case considering this publication--its a way to get the city on your case and you never know who started it.

My violations of this rental property: the front gutter was sagging in part, the front yard was uncut, the back yard was overgrown with foot high weeds, the carport was being used for storage and his car itself was full of more junk. I thought what and how much he packed inside his car was outside the concerns of the court. I didn't fight it.

Another complication: my tenant, who at the time worked at night, said in a signed statement to the court he never received any notice of violation while there were over a dozen notices on record. Only the inspector personally calling to let us know we were in violations of missing court dates that could add up to thousands. Judge Paul Dandridge didn't question my contention of not receiving any violation notices. He remarked just judge it up as “bad notification” (sic) or something like that.

We at first thought this was some sort of title stealing scam, but then learned I had not shown up for court some 21 times going back 18months. I had to get into court as quickly as possible and get this taken care of.

This was a court that went beyond making people keep their yards cut. This was a criminal court and owners who had ignored egregious cleanup issues, like garbage in the front yard and out of control grass, were subject to real legal consequences, though I didn't see the judge sentence anyone for persistent violations. Mostly, people showed up, presented some pictorial evidence the citations had been taken care of or were given a period to clean up the mess and reappear at a later date to show compliance via more images.

That was the process for me. I had to go back twice, which was not small inconvenience. The legal process itself is experiential punishment added to court costs ($117.24), parking ($24) and time that ate up all of two mornings. Always attempting to stay out of the justice system and not a lawyer, nor do I write much about crime in Memphis because that would be repetitive to all other media who mostly report on who shot who, I found the process fascinating. To me 201 Poplar was like the Heironymous Bosch painting depicting various levels of after life punishment. I had transgressed the least in the least serious transgressions that were abjudicated in the higher realms of the building. Then somewhere was traffic and finally criminal court in the basement, where one had to pay court costs amid chaotic open space of judgement, punishment and desperation. I swear I saw lawyers in plague masks eating the heads off babies.

So the higher levels consisted of wayward home owners, landlords not providing required services to renters--a favorite of TV crews--and those who were caught up in the system who could not comply for financial or mental reasons or were already in custody. They were escorted from a side entrance. One obviously incapacitated owner didn't seem to have any legal representation or public defender.

Another defendant I met in the waiting room was a nice woman who struck up a conversation with the armed deptuty who was less than eager to talk but nonetheless provided short polite acknowledgements to her verbose remarks regarding positive thinking, God and everything will work out. The bent, four foot older lady dwarfed the 6 foot-plus door sized deputy as she related her story of how she heard a voice tell her that she would have problems with her foot. She said a few days before her court date doctors amputated three toes in response to a disease she said they couldn't identify. She showed me pictures. I demurred.

The big lesson this experienced delivered to my little world: keep your grass cut.


(6.18.23) One trend on the independent Sunday shows--Maria Bartiromo (via Youtube) and Newsmax

While the majority of Memphians are stuck with local news that mainly imitate national media that generally follow the big corporate legacy publications, the majority of Americans living elsewhere believe Joe and Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in exchange for influencing policy decisions from the US government. Or could most Memphians already believe that but nobody asks them?

People want to know the facts. Incredibly, is Joe Biden compromised by the Chinese Communist Party, Russia or even others from whom a manifestly unqualified Hunter Biden has accepted payments?

This question openly surfaced especially after this weeks' unsubstantiated news that a Russian oligarch between 15 to 17 times recorded Hunter and Joe discussing getting payments. Republican representatives who were forced into a SCIF to read even unclassified FBI documents, say they saw records where the current President of the United States and his drug using son received $5 million each. This is frankly earth shattering but media are ignoring it as the ground crumbles under their feet.

This could be a portrait of the worst Cosa Nostra family from the 1960s but its not. Democrats--and those in strong Dem enclaves such as Memphis--voted Joe Biden into office in a highly questionable election with virtually no professional skepticism from local media. (Indeed, media outright supported Biden while propagating the various legal hoaxes against Trump.)

Whether true or not--and evidence has been kept from the American people for years by the FBI and its latest deep state director Christopher Wray--Biden appears to be operating under a massive compromise to foreign powers. Somehow over the years since Obama, government, media and social consciousness began to work against Americans. We now see the results from the top to bottom.

It goes without saying, media should have a natural interest in asking local Democrats about the apparently deep Biden corruption. Are Democrats waiting for "more evidence" to come forward? Was/is the Biden corruption preferable to another Trump administration? What about the security compromises Biden has created with China? What are you pretending not to know? Etc.

Its a natural news story. At least local rank and file Democrats must be talking and maybe even some have opted out of the party altogether. We don't know.

The local corporate news should stop ignoring the Biden family corruption in imitation of their big brother counterparts. If they start reporting about Biden earnestly as journalists, local media would be recognized as the first to break away from the Democratic propaganda machine and bring real service to a low information market composed of people who rarely go outside local television and leftie corporate media.


For how long will the journalism betraying legacy media remain a participant in a practical cover up of Biden family corruption by not reporting on It? Are Democrats finally seeing through it all?

"House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said investigations into President Joe Biden’s alleged “criminal bribery scheme” is likely to show a money trail “beyond 20 million, and it could be more if you factor in the president’s brother.” --Full story, Washington Examiner


What is the Difference Between Dem. Rep. Adam Schiff's lying that he had seen evidence that Trump was colluding with the Russians and Rep. Steve Cohen repeating Schiff's lies in complicit media?

(BenQQ) Dem. Rep. Adam Schiff, then Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, publicly pronounced that he had seen evidence Trump was colluding with the Russians. Steve Cohen's flat factual claims either in support or similar to Schiff's lies should be taken just as seriously. Schiff lead the first impeachment against Trump and used his committee assignment to go after Trump's mythical collusive ties with Russia, even after Robert Mueller's report that cleared Trump completely.

But there is a difference Schiff and Cohen, though minimal.

Schiff held the premiere committee assignment to make his empty claims. Cohen had no such committee position, though being a member of congress lent him almost equal authority to make anti-Trump claims to his Democratic crowd already eager to believe and media slavishly hot to repeat his claims.

Cohen eagerly appeared on soft interview Democratic networks and one local station we know about to repeat Schiff's empty allegations. If his claims had been dietary, they would end up high caloric sugar candy without any nutrients for clear thought. If anything, his comments served to poison the public conversation with, at minimum, gross misrepresentations. Cohen and his Democrat colleagues who hopped on the propaganda train, respected people so little, including their own party members, that it didn't matter they were pandering knowingly or unknowingly to Schiff's lies.

Ran and file Democrats may now arrive at this reflection: stop believing what you hear from the mouths of so-called thought leaders and their supporting media that Trump is simplistically bad and a racist to boot, which Cohen had claimed on his circuit.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna proposed a resolution to censure Schiff for "egregious abuse of the trust of the American people" in the Russia Collusion hoax that was originally financed by the Democratic Party under Hillary Clinton. The resolution had little support. Apparently few members wanted to vote for something that would fine them for lying.

Should Cohen and his lying colleagues be censured for committing the same offense against Trump? Want to get into real interference of an election?

The video below is what I believe to be typical of local media when interviewing Cohen: assumptions that he is telling the truth, not skepticism with head knodding agreement.


Man the Bluffs! The Libertarians Are Coming! The Libertarians are Coming!

(BenQQ) It's not your normal Memphis event. Its not about barbeque. It's not about Elvis. It's not about God. It's not about the Blues. It's about Freedom.

Batten down your mental hatches you liberty limiting, privacy invading, wire tapping, government tracking, big tech censoring and capitalism encroaching authoritarians. Coming to Memphis July 12-15 is FreedomFest Memphis, the annual conference held annually according to their site, "...where free minds meet to celebrate freedom in an open-minded environment. It is independent, non-partisan, and not officially affiliated with any organization or think tank. (I could find no reference even to the Libertarian Party nor Libertarians anywhere in their site.)

By the way, FreedomFest produced a fantastic promo spot that could double as a promotion for Memphis as well. I hope local politicians and media return the favor and attend. The spot is on their site, link below.

Freedom as a product, a utilitarian thing that we use every moment of our lives, is seldom thought about that way. Sure, we politicize it enough but we reduce it with new ever encroaching laws, hysterical accusations of racists, deep state manipulation and more. What's amazing, given the fact that only 5 big corporations control the mass media, any freedom other than to support the ruling class, is left.

If you are experiencing an immediate negative response to the above, then take some time next month to attend some part or all of FreedomFest. The whole idea is for you to think about freedom and what might be taking it away in your life.

An invitation to elected officials of any stripe: If you attend I invite you to write an essay here in Here's the link to FreedomFest:

And speaking of freedom...


Joe Has a Lawn Party...

(6.13.23) Yesterday, another Day Democrats and their propaganda media can be proud of. Biden channels FDR at Pride Day (sic) yesterday on the White House lawn. On that very if statistics mean anything Mexican cartels were transporting children to be sold into sex slavery. Concerned observers say Biden's open border policy has empowered the cartels to spread child sex victims and drug traffic into US markets without much difficulty. This while the DOJ refuses to release documents that are said to show Joe and Hunter receiving $5 million each for US policy decisions. It is said there are several audio recordings of Joe himself in the deal. All this while Joe's DOJ charges his leading political opponent with none other than espionage and other empty accusations to keep him from humiliating Joe in the 2024 election. Though it made little mention of Biden's apparent alliance with the child traffickers, the 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report put an activist face on an otherwise incompetently uncaring administration.

As Biden's political apparatchik ethically challenged prosecutor Jack Smith claims the highest "integrity" in prosecuting Trump, Rudy Giuliani puts out new and firm bombshell evidence that Joe Biden received money from his son's influence peddling the Biden name in Ukraine.

(6.10.23) This morning Rudy Giuliani (RG) sounded as though he was prosecuting the old New York mob. But he wasn't. He could have been prosecuting Biden's family that is mired in influence peddling corruption, among other things.

RG told Rita Crosby of Newsmax that he had tried years ago to give federal prosecutors evidentiary papers linking the Joe and Hunter Biden collecting 5 million dollars each in Ukraine. The feds wouldn't touch it, he said. Further, he said there was someone close to the deal--a finance officer--who would provide details and proof if she were put in the witness protection program. Biden's DOJ ignored it all, said RG. She disappeared. Few know what happened to her. [Correction/addition 6.12.23: according to The America's Voice, Bill Barr killed the investigation and the would-be whistleblower is known to be alive.]

For the first time in US history, the leading political opponent to the sitting US president, the president who is demonstratively accused to being corrupt and doing the bidding of internal radical leftists, if not foreign officials from Communist China, Russia and elsewhere, is prosecuting with his own Department of Justice his leading Republican opponent. Prevailing winds say this unprecedented indictment is no coincidence. The elite Democrats are terrified of Trump. Media talking heads say he is the one political opponent who can take apart the deep state running the government.

Hence, Dems and the establishment itself hate Trump and his voters. It doesn't matter Bidenistas would wreck the previous implied contract of unity and fidelity between Americans--and I do not mean 'fidelity' in the FBI sense. If Trump gets back into the White House, the imbedded Washington power elite will be ripped out. That's why the Washington establishment is waging war on Trump and his associates. (In ultimate mean spirit, they even charged his valet with crimes.) Biden and his communist pals have proven the means justify the ends so get set again to see massive cheating as well as their attempt to put Trump in jail or worse at all costs with another hoax. They can do the same thing to you, dear reader.

Not surprisingly Democratic power elites, along with their regional lackeys like Dem Rep. Steve Cohen, Memphis, who propounded the Russia Hoax with the help of local media, are more than willing to support the Biden racial bull**** as if its real. Better question yet: why do the rank and file Democrats such as those hanging on in the deep blue enclave of Memphis buy into Biden's constant narrative of calling his political opponents racists? Because it works, especially with local media do little or nothing to provide informational balance to the story. The indictment, the latest hoax against Trump bleeds with nothing but political motivation especially when you consider the Bidens and the Clintons committed far worse without a measley whimper from the DOJ. Further, expect to see our local mouthpiece representative at it again--especially in front of the election on local lapping media.

Arguably, Trump is better for rank and file Democratic members because he delivered a vibrant economy that produced more jobs for blacks. On the bleeding culture end, he dispensed no special privileges to the LGBTQ+ contingent of the Democratic Party who have up till now operated at the expense of regular students, parents and women's sports. More blacks are getting it. Blacks now see the damage Biden has wrought and their leaders are pulling out the stops to get them to buy into the lies and hysteria against Trump.

Timing of the Trump indictment is no coincidence. Its as transparently political, if not completely fascist, as Biden standing in front of the Philadelphia's Independence Hall--a sacred place for all Americans, just not Democrats hell bent on heavy handed political demagoguery--and calling Trump and his voters everything but fascist.


Democrats, with permission of the Republicans, stick it to black, brown and all middle class families with the debt ceiling "deal."

Christmas came early for those 82,000 armed IRS agents whom the Republicans rarely talked about during their failed faux struggle to keep Biden from further decimating the dollar, increasing government spending by the billions to expand a weaponized government against political opponents and speeding up inflation as if the administration doesn't care. The administration doesn't. Neither apparently do the Republicans who promised they would keep the menace of Joe Biden and his criminal regime in check with hearings and subpeonas.

Now, the air is out of that balloon. All that fell apart with the vote. Everybody knows it was a failure of leadership from McCarthy and Co. Even though they may tout an "historic" deal to prevent default (right, ABC News). What happened? The Republicans got tired of fighting and once again were only too glad to let the Democrats put the kids of the current generation in debt individually by hundreds of thousands.

And those 82,000 IRS agents to be hired to dig into your life and finances--and let's not miss the exquisite irony the tax payer is paying for them--will soon likely be probing, if the usual Democrat departments are any indicator, Republicans.

These professional Republican politicians should be voted out. Either a third party or patriot takeover of the Republican party should happen poste haste.

So now its come to this: Oversight Committee whistleblower turns up missing. Another reason local Democrats should say enough. Similar to the unsolved murder of DNC staff member?

(Sun.5.14.23 BenQQ) House Oversight Chairman James Comer said on FNC's Maria Bartiromo that the whistleblower witness to information on Biden and family raking in millions in his capacity since becoming Vice President under Obama has gone missing.

While the alleged president of the United States hobbles about calling MAGA members fascists, the oversight committee has proven the highly paid ensconced intelligence employees of the federal government conspired to interfere in the 2020 election by lying about Hunter Biden's infamous laptop. They should lose their security clearances first and be prosecuted second, although their defense has already been uttered by some: coercion. I expect at that level, they should be uncoercible by both a corrupt administration and foreign enemies such as Russia and Communist China. Instead we have weak bureaucrats floundering around to protect their personal interests and privileges even after they've "retired."

Their responsibility is to the constitution and not the political whims of a lawless cabal in suits running the White House.

But what has this got to do with local Democrats in Memphis and elsewhere? Everything.
If you are a Democrat, you voted for it. You enabled the likes of Schumers, Schifts and even more locally, the Cohens to spew obvious lies for years to be seldom, if ever, called out by local media. When media follows lies, the media become the liars.

Unless the whistleblower shows up--who knows, maybe he and his FBI handlers (if there were any) decided to go to a bar and throw down a few, then several--we probably will never see the extent of the lifelong corrupt pandering of Joe Biden and those he has infected by close proximity, including family and possibly Barack Obama.

And that bit of speculation, puts us back into the era of Hilary Clinton who destroyed evidence in front of the world, which included FBI Director James B. Comey, and was never prosecuted. Continuing, it was Seth Rich, a young DNC staffer rumored to soon reveal damaging DNC information. If that was what he was planning, somebody murdered him before he could do it. The murder was never solved. Do we have a similar situation with the whistleblower? By the way, whistleblowers can indeed turn up badly. Here's another account unrelated to this one.

Final thought: it does not serve the Democrats to continue to support a party with banana republic values. Let's hope the whistleblower shows up.

update: Whistleblower was found but is said to be in fear for his life.


Biden delivers new waves of undocumented immigrants to Memphis. Title 42 ends. Things can only get worse.

(5.11.23 BenQQ) In a remarkable disconnect between the majority Democratic voters and their party's policies, Memphians will experience an increased influx of illegal aliens beginning tomorrow. Tomorrow Title 42 ends, opening the southern border even more to massive throngs of indigent people seeking welfare subsistence from the American taxpayer. Not only Memphis but cities across the country will have to absorb millions of people who will ultimately rely on tax supported resources of shelter, protection, health and education. This is a Democratic immigration welfare scheme by any other name organized by activists and drug cartels.

Biden's transparently cynical mission to flood the country with eventual voters is affecting even Democratic cities' capacity to provide municipal services even to their legal citizens. Now cometh the hordes.

And when you inject massive numbers of new labor participants into the blue collar labor supply, you can buy that labor at a cheaper rate because there is less of it. That means legal blue collar workers will have to compete against illegal workers who sell their services for less. This begs the question: why would any working Democrat continue to vote Democratic?

The bad effect on cities such as Memphis is palpable. It is not as though Memphis can afford to take care of an additional mass dependent population. News reports of 10,000 people a day will cross the border--and there is no end in sight.

The corporate legacy media have up till now mostly ignored how Biden's policies have benefited the vicious criminal Mexican cartels. These new drug gangs have set up shop in American cities.

Writer's note: Months ago we asked the city if it has prepared in any way for large numbers of illegal immigrants. The city strangely replied that was for federal immigration authorities.


Fox bails from the fight and settles Dominion lawsuit as 3 most popular hosts are forced to admit they are Trump haters. Meanwhile, Mike Lindell airs a panel of election cyber security experts who say Dominion machines can be easily manipulated.

In what portends even greater erosion of press freedom, Fox News agreed to pay Dominion Voting System $787.5 million without a fight. The steam was taken out of that fight--if it was ever there--when it was revealed the network's 3 biggest prime timer hosts had written letters condemning Trump. Tucker Carlson, the highest rated star making a reported $10 million a year, who could normally be seen defending Trump, apparently wrote he "passionately" hated him. Apparently he hated him because he, Trump, claimed the 2020 election was fraudulent. That was the election that stunk to high heaven as reported by Christina Bobb in Stealing Your Vote:

* In Arizona, Fox News called for Joe Biden with only 75 percent of the vote in. Trump won Arizona with more than 91,000 votes over Clinton.
-Though he never left his hole, Biden got a total of 1,040,774 in Maricopa County AZ (Phoenix)--508,490 votes more than Obama got in 2012. This, despite Trump correcting state issues such as the illegal influx and cartel gang invasion.

* In Georgia, Gov. Kemp blocked any real vote audits. One grass roots group uncovered 35,000 lived out of county at election time. In 2016 the rejection rate of absentee ballots was 3% but in 2020 it was 0.6%.
-18,325 used addresses listed as "vacant."
-86,880 did not show a registration date prior to the 2020 election.
-907 voted with PO box addresses.
-2,326 had mailing addresses listed as "vacant" by the USPS.
-1,377 registered using courthouses, churches, or hotels as their permanent residences.
-4,502 did not appear in the state's Voter Registration File
-2,525 had different birth years in 2020 Voter Registration File than that of 2016.
-2,047 were registered to vote prior to the 17th birthday.

*In Pennsylvania, the numbers tell the real story. Trump was winning by over 700,000 until the state allowed 3 million mail-in ballots. These votes were illegal because the state never changed their constitution to allow mail-in ballots. A congressman filed a lawsuit asking for the court to only certify legal votes but the state supreme court, that already had a reputation of being crooked enough, overturned it on procedural grounds. This is a pattern that showed up in almost all of Trump's legal challenges over 2020.

* In Wisconsin, there was never a full forensic audit, though the election results were highly contested. 44,272 were allowed to vote without identification. The margin of victory between Biden and Trump 20,682 votes. Other numbers:
-120,000 had been on the voting roll for over 100 years. This was explained as a glitch but left the door open for thousands of vote thefts.
-157,758 all had the same registration number.
-7,,098,448 on the voter roll but 4.5 million residents.
-31,872 were registered within 6 months of the election and then moved to inactive the following election.
Without the numbers: Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg donating funds to control the narrative of the election in Wisconsin (as he was doing with other cities nationally) actually amounted to state election bribery according to an investigation of Retired Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman. In addition to Zuckerberg's biased intrusion, Gableman's report revealed the Wisconsin Election Commision violated a range of basic federal and state election laws.

* In Michigan, everybody saw election officials throwing out Republican observers and blocking views from windows third world gangsta style. They weren't embarrassed.
-So William Bailey sued Antrim County claiming that he had been disfranchised as a voter in 2020. Of 16,047 votes, the county reported 7,769 for Biden and 4,509. The first eyebrow raising thing is that in 2016, Trump received 62 percent of the vote. Of 18,059 votes cast in 2016, Trump got 9,783 and Biden 7,289. Trump won 54 percent of the vote. The second time Bailey checked he found out Trump had won by 60.75 percent. Bailey's aggressive attorney found out that in the Central Lake Township that 81.96 percent of votes were reversed because the voting machine tabulator count "was false." Now, the allowable error rate by the Federal Election Commission is 0.0008 percent or one out of 250,000. Bailey uncovered many other discrepancies in the process of requesting an audit. The judge, as in so many other Trump voting issues, denied it on a technicality because the Secretary of State said an audit had already been done despite the new findings of Bailey's attorney.
-Jacky Eubanks canvassed her home town of Macomb County, finding it had 170,000 more registered voters than people of voting age living in the county.
Michigan turned out to be the only state not initiating some kind of closer look at the election in their state. In fact, Republican Senator Ed McBroom tried to get those who questioned the outcome of the election in jail targeted for prosecution.

Much more information available. Don't be a stooge of the corporate mass media. Get Bobb's book here.

Meanwhile, as the big 3 Fox News hosts declared themselves privately against Trump and agreeing to self-flagellate with Rupert Murdoch's billions, Mike Lendell's technical campaign to show the voting machines could be easily manipulated in many ways by bad players as votes were tabulated continued. On the same day as the Fox News cave to Dominion, Frank Lindell produced this panel discussion of real computer and vote tabulation exerts. Here's an excerpt:


After a trail of cabals, the latest one now pops and oozes: the 51 signatures of former intelligence officials regarding Hunter's laptop was another conspiracy to keep Trump from winning.

As a senior campaign official then, Anthony Blinken, now Biden's Secretary of State, got Mike Morell, former acting CIA Director to say the political and legal mess Hunter Biden's laptop revealed about presidential candidate Joe Biden was really a plot of Russian disinformation.

The bombshell flew from the Jim Jordan's House Judiciary Committee to which Morell was testifying. The former executive spook, who had been highly paid by US taxpayers, said he wanted to get the other web of intelligence officials to sign a letter that would help Joe Biden's electoral chances. Apparently, all fell in like bleating sheep in a corral, to support a president that now reportedly is compromised by China and Russia.

Meanwhile Trump continues to be the object of legal warfare even after a trail of impeachment trials and investigations that, again, cost the taxpayers millions.

As if it actually served his black, poor and crime ridden constituents in Memphis, 9th Dist. Rep. Steve Cohen was among a few Democrat mouthpieces who for years became constant cheerleaders for impeachment. In Memphis he was frequently seen on soft interview local and national programs calling Trump a criminal and racist, among other things. Seldom was he challenged.


Kamala Harris makes political speeches to supporters in Tennessee but ignores shooting victims.

In yet another display of incompetence mixed with exploitive guile, the vice president of the United States visited Nashville this weekend to make predictable noise about gun issues. Thing is, she didn't visit any of the families of the victims. Harris actually flew into Tennessee to chastise a sovereign state legislature for not bending to 150 demonstrators and 3 disruptive legislators acting out their own pique that broke long standing rules.

What does that say? Plenty.

First, it says the administration is afraid to meet with people who are probably-we don't know-politically and culturally anathema. Biden never met, although he made noises he would, with the victims of the train wreck in Palestine, Ohio who most likely hated him for his general insouciance as well.

Coming in close contact with critics verbalizing displeasure before the cameras presents awkward moments for both Biden and Harris.When black blogger Charlamagne put the wrong question to Biden he responded with the racially hostile "you ain't black enough" (sic) response. Biden had to apologize but the reveal was done.

Second, it reveals Harris' and staff's willingness to exploit any issue to exploit, to squeeze every drop of political juice that could be put to keeping easily lead Democrats in their camp. No doubt the specter of another Walk Away movement looms, especially with videos like this on the internet:

picture from PragerU Channels

The administration's unwillingness to stand face-to-face with people who are not among their constituents--an American value but who's noticing that loss--is a preview of what his campaign is going to look like; from the proverbial basement with the help of a conciliatory news media.

Finally, what was drowned out among all this noise? Solutions that did not undermine the second amendment, like allowing trained school staff to carry guns, installing safety doors, walk-through metal detectors and monitoring social media for threats. Gun issues from the left hits all the bells of cognitive dissonance. Their only solution is to gnaw away at rights.


The Tennessee legislature sets the MAGA movement back with the expulsion of two young black members

In the emotional wake of a mass shooting at a Nashville religious school March 27, one wonders what the members of the Tennessee legislature were thinking. Sure it was maddening to have 3 legislative members hold a raucous anti-gun demonstration on the floor.

But when those legislators banished 2, now inexorably rising, stars of the Democratic Party, they turned the inappropriate floor demonstration into another racial issue. What Tennessee Republicans did is similar to what the Supreme Court did by rolling back Roe v Wade. Both were technically right, not withstanding any findings to be come out of lawsuits, demonstrations, debates and hearings generated by the 3 aggrieved legislative activists. The anti-abortion Wade decision by the Supreme Court no doubt resulted in the lackluster results for the GOP in '22. Now we have an historic throwback spectacle of older white men throwing out two black legislators with the approval of most of their GOP colleagues but failing miserably in the image department.

Henceforth, meet the Tennessee Three (T3 hereafter) the newest innovation in Democratic political organizing. Expect t-shirts, bumper stickers and Democratic bumblers to utter that phrase in their sleep and on air.)

And image is what the Democrats live on. Their images invariably are based on modern false charges of racism and even the outrageous charge of indifference to the murders of children. These are issues that still trigger in the brains of the Democrats and their media allies--not, unfortunately, issues like the expansionist policies of Russia and China that present real 'existential' issues to every American, not to mention losing our economy, the fall of the petrodollar, loss of voting and related border integrity that ruins the national job bank.

But will average Democrats finally see through the charade? That takes rigor and with old time bells being rung virtually all the time, nothing is likely to change.

The T-3s could not have come along at worse time. Most people who process information by image will see the charges against Trump--and then impending charges by Democratic copycats elsewhere--will not think any deeper than race. Just connect the two--Tennessee Republicans denying black colleagues their positions plus Trump charged with phoney "crimes" and you have zombies following instructions to vote. May not even be a need to steal the vote.

At any rate, a cooler head did not prevail. No one stepped back and proposed mere sanctions instead of behaving like the Democratic demagogues of Jan 06 that arguably has resulted in American political prisoners still in captivity. Apparently one GOP member called the trio "insurrectionists?"

The T-3 were ready for the charges and fired back with their own fact interpretations: the chamber technically was in recess when they held their anti-gun protest with bullhorn and signs, the video of their actions was not shown before the vote, other GOP members had been charged with actual crimes and not expelled. The T-3 went on to describe petty suppression of members the majority didn't want to hear from. So what else is new in a democratic majority? Obama and Biden, who have already chimed in, are masters at that.

In their defense, the young black members invoked the cadence and content of the civil rights spiritual. At least in Memphis, you can't go wrong with that, especially with a backdrop of gun violence which is almost an everyday plague on the city. (Yet, the local district attorney announced a new effort to stop "political corruption," whatever that means.) The body received a black eye and won, but they will find the fight will rattle on and on pointlessly.

The Nashville killer, instead of being vilified was never condemned by the ultra left crowd clamoring outside of the legislative chamber. She was made a victim herself. The crowd wanted to get in but it was reported state troopers kept them at bay. Still their sympathizers were in the peanut stand.

This could be a movie like the Z-Generation's "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" with the T-3 learning to win after being thrown out of the halls the legislature, thus actually facilitating an image of what they are not: racists. It just looks bad and that's all that is necessary.

With the Democrats, imagery is everything. So the T-3 fell into their role as purveyors of righteous wholesome goodness in their struggle against guns and racists. Eventually, their solutions to curtail gun policies will cut into the rights of legal gun owners--many of whom are black--because the issue is a ploy for never ending attention. That issue will be exploited until every vote is milked from the gullible and every gun is confiscated

The shooter reportedly legally owned an AR-15 rifle, a 9 mm Kel-Tec SUB2000 pistol and a 9 mm Smith and Wesson M&P EZ 2.0 handgun (links shown may not be exact models) was under the care of a doctor with an "emotional disorder." Tennessee does not have a "red flag" law that would permit a judge to temporarily seize guns from someone who would be a threat to themselves or others. Tennessee no longer requires a license to carry a gun but does require a background check from pawn or gun dealer shops. Otherwise gun purchases from private owners are permitted without a background check.


The Divisive Democrat Establishment is Ruining the Lives of Regular Democrats

If the Democrats don't again steal your vote with massive ghost voters, ballot box stuffing, electronic manipulation and judicial apathy, I believe and hope Trump will be elected in a landslide. The level of in-your-face corruption exceeds anything in our lifetimes and to let it go on without correction is to relegate our kids--especially those from Democratic families (as I once was)--to a fake Democracy where election results can be easily manipulated. But don't stop there. Officials and their family members can make private deals with foreign, even hostile, governments. Also norms of justice can be thrown out the window to satisfy the power obsessions of even the most small town Democrats salivating for public jobs.

Overweening government infested by deep state operatives is now common. Recently, rank and file Democrats have recognized their party is finally hurting their own financially as well as taxing personal honesty of their members. Their Democratic party is now committing the same offenses against their political opponents that the system long ago once did against them.

Honest American Democrats should stand up and walk away from their party. The Divisive Democratic Establishment (let's call them the DDEs hereafter) spew the same racial paranoia about Trump that has kept them in alignment with the power structure of Washington, the media and the globalist multinational corporations.  Many honest former Democrats have recognized Donald Trump has done more to help their families than the divisive Democratic establishment DDEs dare to acknowledge.

The Divisive Democratic Establishment could care less about a 7% (compared to Trump's 2%) inflation rate that raises prices for, yes, black families. Same for so many failures of the Biden administration and his flunkies that are now spread through government. Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas says there's no problem with the border when we all stand gape mouthed at the largest invasion in history of illegal aliens and the organized criminal cartels that even have set up shop in Memphis. And the DDEs don't want to mention the fact that illegal aliens soak up jobs with cheaper labor. These are the jobs held by, among others, traditional hard working Democrats. If you need it spelled out: plumbers, construction workers, tree cutters, hotel workers, etc. Add this to the Democratic policies of downward pressure on the value of the dollar, domestic energy abandonment and kowtowing to globalist business and you have why prices will continue to rocket up with a recession on the horizon.

As a populist, whether he calls himself that or not, Trump saw the country's slide into what will turn out to be banana republic justice system as exemplified by prosecution of Trump associates, various departments going after organizations, the hyper persecution of Jan. 6 defendants and the ultimate mass denial of rights to every voter: his recent indictment over little or nothing. Such should be the topper in how you don't behave in a country that was once the envy of the world for political fairness.

Democrats have now turned the law upside down to prosecute a fetish they've had for 7 years against Donald Trump. In so doing they have virtually guaranteed his return to the White House. It doesn't matter that, amazingly enough, he may be found guilty of a malicious charge politically motivated from a jury in perhaps the bluest state in America. Americans, and even Democrats if they have a moment of honesty, see through this sham that puts all of us in the crosshairs of a hostile government that has now adopted radical one party justice standards. Remember, our Democratic alleged president stood in front of an iconic historic location, bathed it in blood red and declared war on Trump supporters by calling them fascist.

Rank and file Democrats should wake up and smell the coffee. This is their country too.


Another Establishment Plot Against Trump Falls Apart. Will this be a lesson for Democrats?

What's interesting about the saga of New York DA Alvin Bragg is how much the eastern intelligentsia wanted him to "uncover" at long last a final illegality that would not only stop Donald Trump, but perp-walk him before the salivating commentators of MSNBC and corporate media. Bragg had no problem making his key witness against Trump a discredited convicted former Trump attorney before the grand jury.

This affair is nothing but a footnote in the long story of how the powerful conspire to keep their power. But Bragg's office, like another one upstate, had no compunctions about radically politicizing his mission. Forget that released cameras reveals people being bludgeoned in the street. Get Trump. That's all that matters.

Bragg should be disbarred at least. His office should be fumigated from the apparatchiks who think Donald Trump is an--as our own Representative Steve Cohen calls people with whom his party disagrees--an "enemy of the state."

What continues to be made ever more clear is the willingness of Democratic politicians to sacrifice law and traditions such as the client lawyer relationship, government as a weaponized tool against whom they see as political enemies and the entrenchment of the deep state that results in continued policies favorable to world globalist economics.

Not surprisingly, local Democrats out of habit or lethargy, continue to ignore it all. Memphis media leans toward bringing comfort to the powerful. Memphis Democrats should walk away and vote their security and job interests with Trump. They should start looking and listening.


March 20, 2023-A Day in the Life of News Culture

--from LGBTQ Nation. A Hendersonville Public Library fired the director after staff allegedly disrupted permitted filming of conservative podcast against transgenderism, CRT and the 1619 Project. The library board apparently felt they had the right to fire the director while opponents, not all that concerned about rights of free expression, objected. The issue is why: did library staff infringe on the permitted production of a media product? Work through this article.

--from the Commercial Appeal. TBI identifies woman fatally shot by Shelby Co. deputies Saturday; investigation continues (Bartlett) While not as sensational as the Tyre Nichols beating, authorities shot a Brownsville woman they said was suspected of a domestic violence incident. The story cites the stats of law enforcement shootings in and around Memphis: 10 in 2022 and 4 so far this year. Excepting the Tyre Nicholls case, police fatalities occur within an exceptional scenario but the article does not report if the decedent was armed or threatened the lives of the officers or others.

The City Council's Response to Tyre Nichols--ordinary, not very new.

(BenQQ) Through my years in Memphis, I've noted--probably like everybody else who interacts with them--changes in policing style in various situations by different members of the police force. When I'm out doing work, I'm usually with gear and sometimes make "verbal contact," that is, say hello and maybe ask a question. Most were friendly and enjoyed interacting. Some were standoffish, a few rude and one hostile. No situation reflected a rational continuum or expectation of behavior. Regardless, I think that's a very good average.

However, in that we saw via video a growing group of officers apparently behaving the same way--that is participating in or passively condoning after the fact--the beating of Tyre Nicholls indicates something far more serious than lack of training. I'm assuming that "training" includes not beating motorists nor acting out some personal vendetta under color of law as has been reported in some media.

The Memphis City Council's recommendations are politically based on constituent demands. Understandable, not necessarily a bad thing, but it doesn't answer the real problem.

What worries me is group think among organizations. We see it everywhere. Especially among professions, especially imitative and socially restrained mass media, civil and military governance and, of course, among political parties. Some group think is advisable. You don't want every single member of the group running off doing their own thing except in political discourse. Nor do you want sub-groups to form to go around rules of the dominant group, which seems possibly to be one of the things here.

But you do want your group members to think independently when others are breaking the rules. You have to be psychologically strong, a self-leader by your own standards.

So my question is at this point and barring no further disclosures: how is it possible that not one person officially responding to the incident acted according to their notion of a broader standard of justice? Does "training" account for that?

I ran across this term "just procedure" (that is, "just" as in justice) when researching group think and police in this article. It somewhat applies here.


Drag Queens--the New Media Civil Rights Struggle

(BenQQ) Since I went to college years ago in Memphis, alternative gender related behaviors were always happening in micro-pockets of the city. Not as out there as, say, Weimar Berlin, but nevertheless there with real practitioners.

Giving voice to what some would consider aberrant behaviors has gone to legitimizing and demonstrating such behaviors in front of children. That's what the new state law is about.

Not too long ago, I commented against the Commercial Appeal newspaper running a front page picture of the huge multicolored gay pride banner in a parade (scroll down) as pandering and journalistically imitational. The story reeked of ulterior woke motive to validate the alternative lifestyle.

Local station WMC had to get into the new civil rights struggle but this time more objectively. In response to a station's story in Knoxville, WMC asked a local drag queen performer if he would abide by the new state law that prohibited children from watching drag queen shows. Of course he said he would not.

Not a bad story, but I would have appreciated a view of at least a mental health professional discussing the impact, if any, of a child watching a gender bending male crossing over to female behavior. See the story here.


Now, who should be locked up with, or instead of, the Jan O6 protesters?

(BenQQ) As laborious research on the 2020 election fraud comes to light in both buckets and drips, it reveals what most people with common sense knew, or heavily suspected, after Nov. 2. The fraud was so in your face that a million protesters--like millions of others before them on such issues as civil rights and war policy--congregated at the national capital to hear Trump implore them to be peaceful.

Though their protests to protect the vote from partisan vipers who would steal it were every bit as legitimate as the previous great historic demonstrations, the Democratic comforting media hacks instantly painted them as killers, violent rioters and fifth columnists. It could have been a scene out of a 1930s Bolshevik newsreel.

Unsurprisingly, these great journalists and commentators dismissed as unworthy coverage of the point-blank shooting of one protester by a trigger-happy capital cop and fraudulently blamed the death of a policeman on a beating from rioters. It follows the pattern of modern Democrats we've all seen so many times of blaming others for their own crimes.

Now, new tape that that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy recently gave to Tucker Carlson of Fox News reveals a substantially different story than the ones ginned up and fed to us by state media, politicians and the infamous Jan. 06 kangaroo court sideshow. In fact, Carlson calls many of them crudely cut and ham-handed video lies.

Perhaps someone will dig into this new phenom of how tribal blood reporting works with scurrilous politicians to create a substantially fictionized account to retain power. See Carlson's report here.


How is it that we face a threat situation as bad or worse since before WWll?

(BenQQ) If there is any lesson in today's politics of ephemera and lies spewed by Dems and many Republicans, it is to recognize the end of Pax Americana as we have known it. That means the idea that government exists for the people and not those politicians in government, the oligarchs or the media. But now liberal Democrats, their allies in the Republican Party, the industrial-media complex and current political establishment have ever so progressively aligned themselves on the side of the Communist Chinese. No longer is democracy the thing, but now high-tech Orwellian control over populations is the wave of the future. And they like it.

This international political trend has helped to more easily put our country in the crosshairs of our enemies. Our political environment now actively supports media whipping up low information voters over issues like reparations, supporting the staunching of freedom of expression, weaponizing government against innocent taxpaying citizens, perverting standards of justice, and disunifying with woke nonsense everywhere.

All the while with an addled president whose party is well documented in criminally stealing the election for that very president about whom could be rightfully concluded to be compromised by both future kinetic enemies: Russia and China.

Not in modern times have we been so vulnerable from foreign enemies and so leaderless at the same time. At least the German bund dissolved right before WWll and the country got itself unified to fight. Otherwise, fascism would have won.

Will we ale to unify, that is to show Russian and China we are unified in fighting them? Will we be able to show them we stand by our traditional principles for a world that only recently fought to throw off its shackles? Now Russia and China want to reshackle the world with both military and financial (Belt and Road) enslavement. To quote our president manipulating black voters as a candidate but blind to foreign enemies: "They want to put YOU back in chains!" This idiotic scurrilous quote really applies to the world.

How can we be prepared for the coming alliance between Russia and China and a few other rump states, when:

-our own president is pushing a treaty with the Chinese-allied World Health Organization with little interest in consulting congress. Though unlikely to get past the courts, this is galling and shows where Biden's loyalties lie. If war breaks, is he also likely to declare an American stand-down due to world health issues? Is this a traitorous act toward our own sovereignty?

-our own Director of National Institute of Health was so quick to dismiss Chinese bioengineering at the Wuhan lab to which his National Institue of Health partially funded research. It is alleged he lied to congress to cover up this gain of function research. This is a code term for military bio-weapon development.

-our own Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley revealed he would call his counterpart in Communist China to warn him Trump was preparing a nuclear strike? With China continually expanding into the South China Sea and probably soon attacking Taiwan and her allies, would Milley still pick up the phone? He should be dismissed immediately.

-our own Attorney General Merrick Garland refuses to protect our southern border while launching attacks on political enemies from school board parents to Trump supporters? Hopefully, he will be impeached but there are bigger problems...

Conservative elements are falling away from stopping Russia from invading Europe while China is declaring there will be a future war with America. All this while our alleged president remains incapable of being strong especially toward the very enemies who are raising their nostrils at the smell of our blood where we are now vulnerable. China wants Taiwan. We must protect Taiwan because that is the source of the best computer chips and we need those chips to fly our advanced military aircraft and operate ground assets. If Japan fought over oil in the 1930s, the advanced world will fight over Taiwan's chips.

In response to their previous timidity, the Democrats are now finally seeing what has been in front of the public for years. The danger here: a Democratic over-response that could initiate WWlll. When all you've done in your art of governance is conduct woke policies, you are not experienced enough to calibrate steps through a thermonuclear mine field. Little wonder some Democrats are framing the Chinese as "competitors" and not "enemies" or even "antagonists."

Its time we radically change to a war footing that sends a message to both Russia and China. Don't want to send that message? Then we will likely be at war before Biden's end of term. Tragically, that likely will cause Biden to actually be re-elected.

In the meantime, rank and file Democrats especially who know nothing more than reading their local media and watching TV, should immediately begin consuming other media on the internet. All Russian and Chinese citizens have are state controlled media. All they know is what their government tells them. Thus, instead of being the first stop, they are pushing the world into war. We saw this with Japan and Germany 70 years ago.

Democrats should not put themselves into the same boat with their media.

Unlike in the 1930's, we should be prepared for war and show our willingness to use that preparedness to all who declare themselves our enemies.


What the children's book written by AI Means: Everything Changes, including the argument over Guaranteed Universal Income

(2.23.23 BenQQ) There is a current uproar among children's book writers because it has been revealed that allegedly 90% of children's books have been written and illustrated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Writers are blown over. And its only the beginning.  

For years now, we've been seeing the early stages of robots penetrating the average workplaces and activities like restaurants, driving vehicles, writing, illustrating, phone answering services, technical support and even surgeries and law. There is no stopping it. It's like The Terminator from James Cameron:

"That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." (my bold)

The process is already on for AI robots to reduce work hours. Regardless the political struggle between Democrats and Republicans, the fight over GUI, or Guaranteed Universal Income, takes on a whole different meaning when employers use AI to replace workers en masse. People, as they say, are unreliable, come with all sorts of baggage, need breaks and make unnecessary noise.

In particular, what will Democrats do? Will Dem populated luddite unions demand no use of AI among employers? Of course I believe they will, but that has never been successful. The thing most everybody eventually will agree on is a need for Guaranteed Universal Income (GUI).

In fact, glomming onto something possibly called "AI Subsistence" is the fastest way Dems can gain true popular power based on legal policy. Add that to the millions of illegals they've imported to be voters and their massive cheating operations in elections, their Orwellian landscape will calcify into an inescapable downward spiral into an inhuman nightmare.

Unless Republicans wake up on so many levels--like planning for GUI right now--the future looks bleak.


Biden Surprise Visits and Gifts Ukraine $500 Million. Is apparently incapable of giving Churchillian speech why the West must stand against invasive tyranny once again in Europe and Asia.

(2.20.23 BenQQ) Americans woke up to images of their president doddering along with President Volodymyr Zelensky on Ukrainian soil, much to the chagrin of many liberal commentators and conservative head shakers who are part of a growing alliance opposed to giving further support to fight the brutal Russian invasion that has grown to genocidal proportions.

They apparently don't care enough to want to stop the psychopathic Russian dictator next door who will do anything to reconstitute the old Russian empire. That included of course Ukraine but also Belarus, Moldova, Finland, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Once that is accomplished, Poland thinks they would be next. The opponents have to decide if letting Russia take over other countries is actually OK or if Ukrainian political/cultural erasure off the map bodes the same fate for other countries.

What we saw this morning was our faux president, "elected" under what we now see as growing dubious circumstances, whose weak inaction with Russia and slow support to Ukraine a year earlier virtually assured the invasion. He gave a short uninspiring speech and promised more money.

The problem is, Biden has wasted trillions of tax dollars on ephemera, not to mention draining the oil reserves set aside for emergencies, while increasing inflation. The result: popular intolerance toward dollars going to Ukraine to "protect its borders and not ours," as some media mavins have put it. Its a false analogy.

Frankly, I expect Biden to fubar most everything he touches. Like all of his messes, he makes a big deal "fixing" the problem after he's broken it. Much the same routine with Ukraine. Russia ignored Biden's entreaties to please stand down and pull back from the Ukrainian border in 2021. A big diplomatic fail.

What he should have done this morning was ring out the message the West, lead by the United States, will never allow Russia to throw the world into another European, even global, war. He has European history to point to. Had England not done the Munich agreement and forcefully declared they and western Europe would fight for Czechoslovakia in 1939, Hitler would have backed down. Hitler was gauging England's response. Germany had been given the time to rearm, invade and assess the West's reaction. Biden's message should have been: The free world need not fail again in this century as it did in the last.

Just as with most of the Biden decisions and actions, they are either wrong or miss entirely. His speech this morning should have been a clarion call to the Russian dictator--and to that one in China--there is hell to pay if they try to redraw the outlines of Europe and Asia. It was his chance to genuinely unite the American people over a genuine global threat--that is, something other than white supremacists, fascist Trumpers, and global warming. He could have declared a new doctrine that's always worked: peace through strength. He failed to do that.

What Biden did do was show Russian and China we will continue to throw our tax dollars into the fray until voters are persuaded its not worth it--because he cannot convince them it is. Russia is likely to step back until the US runs out of money and arms (another unseen catastrophe) and Europe can't stand being cold for another winter.

All this while Russians, under the sway of state media, believe patriotically the Russian Mir will rise again. Meanwhile, another crazy, murderous dictator ruling with the support of state media, Xi Jinping watches and waits.


Biden Normalizes More Restrictions on Free Speech.
Meme Maker Faces Up to 10 Years. Your Satire is Not Funny.

(2.9.23 BenQQ) In the first criminal case of voter suppression it could come up with, Biden's DOJ has brought charges against an anti-Hillary Clinton commentator--and other "co-conspirators"--during the 2016 elections.

The DOJ charged Douglass Mackey, dubbed variously a "pro-Trump influencer" by or "right-wing provocateur" by The New York Times, with "election interference" by spreading memes that people could vote for Hillary Clinton by texting.

Mackey is now being prosecuted for violating 18 U.S.C. § 241, a federal law that punishes conspiracies “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person ... in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution.” So satirizing how easy it is to vote can be taken as a lie and a lie about voting is a denial of rights. If the government is successful, campaigns will get even dumber with all sorts of CYA legal language and therefore less funny.

This, coming at the beginning of hearings about the DOJ itself running what could be called the ultimate disinformation campaign against Donald Trump in alliance with Twitter that denied voters of information about the laptop of Biden's son while deflecting attention from Hillary's email server and subsequent destruction of emails. Not to mention about what we now know to be the pandemic-related manipulation of elections.

But that provided no pause on the keystone zealots at the DOJ possibly eager to use a sanctimonious cause to distance themselves from the discredited Russia hoax (relentlessly shilled by our own Rep. Steve Cohen) and Biden's laptop from hell.

Anyway, here are two quotes from the barricades:

From The New York Times: “'With Mackey’s arrest, we serve notice that those who would subvert the democratic process in this manner cannot rely on the cloak of internet anonymity to evade responsibility for their crimes,' said Seth DuCharme, the acting United States attorney in Brooklyn, whose office is prosecuting the case."

From "So, this nasty Twitter troll who had 58,000 or so followers could be facing years in prison because a few thousand people tried to vote by text based on a meme that he posted? He’s responsible for posting a meme that stupid people fell for? / My hot take: If you think you can vote in a Presidential election by text as you do with American Idol or Dancing With The Stars — then you probably shouldn’t be voting at all."

Watch this one. We believe it to be an example of the phenom of lawfare or using laws to damage or delegitimize an opponent, frequently impoverishing him with legal expenses. It should have some hilarious moments in court if it weren't deadly serious for all of us smart enough to appreciate political satire.

Above, Douglass Mackay's work. Do you think media like this should be against the law?
Write or make a video and we will post your thoughts.


Blacks Apologize for Calling DeSantis Racist.
Is the Old Machine Finally Dying?

(2.7.23 BenQQ) The Miami-Dade Black Affairs Advisory Board apologized to FL. Gov Ron DeSantis (R) after one of its members called him a racist last week, according to the Miami Herald. These Florida Democrats may have done more to advance the quality of political discussion throughout America--up to a point.

Our comment: It broke the local headlines just when blacks should be concerned about job losses to undocumented workers entering the county via open borders as well as inflationary policies such as printing millions of dollars for everything from the care of those illegal immigrants to funding the omnibus bill. Last week Biden claimed his policies resulted in a huge job gain. That was another calculated falsehood: most of it was only seasonal.

Back to the story: The organization's head Pierre Rutledge said, "We take it to heart when someone uses the term racist,” Rutledge said, reported Fox News and the Miami Herald, which reported that he made that comment at a Feb. 3 press conference. “Words matter. And so as chair, I must start by saying we want to pull that back. There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘we’re sorry.’ That’s not what we intended to say or be depicted by anyone. And that’s not the feeling of this board.”

But the official statement did not come without the usual rant toward Republicans. Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam claimed DeSantis' policies "“always [seem] to attack black people and people of color,” but he did not say how. Ironically, it could be argued DeSantis anti-illegal immigration efforts actually help black communities by protecting wages from illegal competition.

The issue arose over DeSantis' opposition to the Florida Department of Education's Advanced Placement African American Studies course that he said had topics pertaining to Black Lives Matter, reparations and "queer theory" in the state's school curriculum. The DeSantis administration held these topics are not legal subjects in the state's course curriculum.


"I Cried Lots" Coming Next Week

"I CRIED LOTS!" -- messages to Elvis on the other side. Your editor BenQQ had multiple sessions documenting Memphis' own 'Lascaux Cave Paintings' that reveals Elvis' fans raw emotions in the early 21st century and most recently after the death of Lisa Marie. Sign up to be notified of our King's Wall Voices announcement here.


The 5 Ways Biden and Putin are Alike

(1.30.23 BenQQ) To me, there are 5 similarities in the ways Joe Biden and Vlad Putin operate. Here are my 5 but you may have more in other categories or none. Write me at the link above either way.

They both know how to deploy their respective machines to trigger instantaneous approval from their respective bases. But let's go further...

-Putin fabricated his excuse for his campaign to win approval of war on Ukraine as a battle against practically non-existent Nazis.
-Biden fabricated his excuse to increase political power to fight practically non-existent and over-exaggerated fascists (“white supremacists.”)

-Putin dumbs down and thus wins instantaneous support of his base with repeated emotional patriotic messaging and symbolism, harkening to WWll.
-Biden dumbs down and wins support of his base with threats of a Jim Crow era return, crudely exploiting the civil rights struggle.

-Putin uses state power to suppress and kill domestic opponents. (anti-war protesters and political/policy opponents)
-Biden weaponizes federal agencies to suppress others outside his usual support base using some sort of legal pretense. (Abortion protesters and Jan. 06 political prisoners continued incarceration and over-sentencing.)

-Putin's party controls all of the media to spew one sided lies and self-serving misrepresentations, thus keeping people in the dark and, by the way, blunting life-saving critical thought (Russian state media + more)
-Biden's party relies on normie acquiescent and active propaganda media to influence people already in his camp for continued support. (Time Magazine + more.) Yes, this is a link on my analysis of Time Magazine's rich and famous prop piece on how the Dem's "saved" the 2020 election. Youtube eventually discovered my little video and took it down for being vaguely "dangerous."

True, perhaps all politicians are alike to some degree in these ways but I believe Biden and Putin both are dangerous politicians because people give them power by ignoring or thoughtlessly approving them. Based on any democratic standard, Putin is true evil considering the gratuitous criminal destruction he's doing to Ukraine and his country all for his own egotistic desire to rebuild the old Russian Empire.

Admittedly, Joe Biden is not inherently as bad but merely a politician who is self-entitled and generally oblivious except when he wants to treat other Americans as enemies. And Biden cannot get away with what Putin does because their respective political playing fields are diametrical opposites. Even though most of Biden's decisions have been bad, malign or corrupt, he still can make the right ones to keep Russia and China from starting WWIII by picking up speed to deliver the right weapons to both Ukraine and Taiwan.

The ironic thing is just by becoming aware both their bases can be turned for their own good as well as everybody else's.


You Don't Have Racism to Kick Around Anymore

(BenQQ 1.29.23) I've used this word below in writing about the Nichols beating and subsequent death 3days later: awkward.

In what way is it and to whom is it awkward?

First, it is awkward, of course, because all the defendants are black. There is not one white officer in the initial crew of 5 nor even in other officers groups who arrived on scene minutes after unarmed Tyre Nichols, an employed tax paying black citizen, was yanked from his car after allegedly driving wrecklessly.

The left industrial complex of media, politicians and corporations need the Nichols case to be seen as racially motivated. If this case puts us beyond race, the grip on using racism to secure black votes in order to accomplish globalist objectives that do nothing for blacks, nor the country, is lessened.

Just like Obama said his election puts us in a post racial society, the prosecution of black officers against a black man is an elephant in the room that knocks down the old shibboleths. It puts us beyond using racial animosity as an over-arching motivation from the white dominant culture. This means—or its at least more difficult--to be used as the usual political racial cudgel against independent blacks or whites for that matter.

So how many ways could the MPD police action against Mr. Nichols be deemed racist​?

Well, for this to work the easiest of course is for all the officers to have been white. Less so but still workable is even with a racial combo. Let's say for example 3 whites, 1 Asian and 1 Hispanic. The calculus of “systemic racism” would fit at least rhetorically (but by no means necessarily contextually to each individual officer.)

In the above racial configurations, the political race hustlers in Black Lives Matter and fascist rioters in Antifa would have a factual angle to crow about. But it didn't happen that way. If left commentators are to use race, they must resort to social abstractions as dense as that of defeated and dead Karl Marx.

But commentaors say in fact, Tyre's death is a result of “systemic racism.” Here is an example.

And of course, there are commentators like Van Jones who sees prevalent racism in this case. You decide the merits of his assertions.

Finally, a lawyer gets into the act.

Yes, I acknowledge some sub-units of an organization can break from the rules to persuade some black members of said organization to act against other blacks. That has not been proven here. Maybe it will be. It is also cultish and already illegal on its face.

But the argument I make below along with a growing number of left commentators is that the problem lies within cultures—the culture of the policing body and, unmentioned below, to a lesser extent, the culture of the policed. The “cultural” problem could be procedural aggressiveness, suspicion and hostility regardless of race. I don't know. I'm not in the business.

Lefties commentators say little about the difference between this police action and that of other police actions. They are all racially motivated shootings and beatings. Racism is assumed to be in the culture of the organization.

But it is much harder to make the case racism drove black police officers to abuse and kill a black motorist. Something else was going on.

But even the New York Times says this case is too complex to be only about racism.

My conclusion: we are all better off when we don't try to shoe-horn race in every case. We are way beyond that. If a racial motivation continues to be needlessly used, it does more harm than good by eating up financial resources after the fact and engendering resentments where none should be.


Tribalism, Culture & Mayhem
Beyond “Racism”

(1.28.23 BenQQ) If you have ever worked in any sized company or organization, you know something about external behaviors and internal values. They all add up to the organization's culture. In a complex organization, you can have subcultures that break from the touted standards of the organization.

We see that cultural corrosion today with Biden's Department of Justice, FBI and other departments and agencies. Ambitious federal employees quickly jump into the “culture” to get ahead. They do it without thinking. Did the officers in the recent Tyre Nichols case play into an organizational culture? Therefore, we ask:

How is it that 5 trained Memphis Police Department officers apparently can be triggered to act as single unit gone rogue upon an unarmed driver?

What factors pushed the buttons for all 5 officers, now second degree murder defendants, to act like a street gang punishing a member of another gang for entering their territory?

Was it working in a gang infested part of the city? Was it previous arrests of gang members resisting them? Did the whole incident have a pattern similar to the many previous arrests of gang members in the area? Was the car of the victim driving aggressively away from them? Did any of these issues come together to set in motion a violent mindset among the officers toward the victim?

First, keeping the small crowd under control in Memphis last night—and discounting the hungry horde of national media “covering” the event—was the awkward fact that no one could claim the beating was motivated by race. Otherwise you agreed with some of the pundits that black officers and police chief were racists institutionally. That is, the system is so mired in racism that an organization's public culture cannot squelch it. That's an abstraction only consumed by MSNBC viewers for sure.

Further, continuing on race, this particular police action upsets the popular but statistically discredited narrative of white police committing bad acts on blacks. The role of white cops perpetrating on black citizens has been shown to be overblown. Possibly, it is most represented by this very MPD police action.

Second, that leaves the most often mentioned thing: training. Other media organizations have all brought up bad “training” as the culprit, the real reason all this occurred. But who really believes the officers had not been trained in how to stop and detain nonviolently a reckless driver?

Somehow 5 individuals—and others standing around watching and allegedly even a couple of EMTs—did little to stop the mayhem under color of law on a single individual. They all allegedly kicked in as one. Reportedly by ubiquitous bodycams, no one did anything to stop the obvious outrage occurring before their eyes. Again, they had all been "trained."

Based on history, here's what may happen in the future:

-Good cops, that is those who are not triggered, will weigh each law enforcement action more slowly and deliberately. In a city racked with crime, that could be not so good, depending.

-The current police chief will be asked to resign. She did not even show up for the prosecution news conference earlier this week.

-The fight against predatory gangs has been temporarily stopped or slowed at least until that unit can be replaced or reconstituted. Update as of today: The "Scorpion" unit of MPD set up to fight gangs reportedly has been disbanded. Politicians rush to judgement and the media want to validate. Such a unit can save kids involved in gangs and stop gang activity. It's a big mistake to disband.

-The Memphis Police Department will again be brought under federal control. Some law firm will be appointed to run the department. Legal payments to that law firm will cost the city millions in addition to the winnings to the family and Ben Crump, the lawyer that always pops up in these types of cases.

-The city will announce some sort of new and expensive "retraining" program that probably will miss the hardest part about organizational change: culture.

-Companies considering setting up shop in Memphis will rethink it.

But for sure: One life and the professional lives of the officers involved have ended forever at enormous expense of families and the city.


Memphis is not San Francisco

This picture above could carry the caption "Illustrating the frustrations of many tax-paying business owners trying to maintain customer willingness to enter, an art gallery owner tries to drive away one of the homeless who have set up camps in front of and near his store." He said in the article he "snapped." No, spraying a homeless woman with cold water in San Francisco is a bad thing, but there is even a bigger thing...

(BenQQ 1.19.23) Memphis is not San Francisco. As a former frequent visitor from L.A. to SF, I can tell you I made up reasons to go there. The city was friendly, affluent, artful and tasty. In other words, socially liberal. Now, the great social change from the last century to the present-day San Francisco shows itself not the city to be.

With, in part, policies that are soft on crime, opening doors to a steady influx of massive illegal populations into "sanctuary" cities and record-breaking spending levels driving out taxpayers, visitors should think twice about their destinations in California. In the article above, the only reason given for the conditions of the man above to spray down the woman is the "success" of Silicon Valley. Huh? Memphis should only have that success.

Political culture of cites in Democratic Cali exclude fair solutions for homeless and businesses alike. Apparently, so does the publication itself. Memphis has the possibility of being something like "San Francisco on the Mississippi," but city and county have got to declare a radical unified front for new business growth with protections from crime, excessive taxes and never letting public sidewalks become residential camps.

Final word: Woke doesn't build cities. For profit businesses build cities. Cities should act like they know that and develop policies accordingly.


Biden sneaks in a way for government to invade your privacy further: in your car

(1.16.22 BenQQ) In an astonishing step toward what looks like Communist Chinese social scoring--you know, how Communist China rates and controls every aspect of people's lives by totally monitoring their online life--Biden snuck in a measure in the recently passed 2700 page trillion dollar plus "Omnibus" bill that requires car manufactured by 2026 to monitor your various driving metrics ostensibly to determine if you are driving drunk. Similar to Biden's app that makes it easier for illegal aliens to get into the country, this is another convenient digital device--for government. Dubbed "kill switch" that reportedly can be remotely opened by "authorized third parties" at any time, Biden's measure invades your privacy in your car. Even the "castle doctrine" allows you to shoot someone in your car threatening your life (Tennessee). If such privacy tenets are to be ignored, how long will it be before Biden cooks up with other privacy invasion excuses for your home? No doubt, many Democrats will follow along giving up ever more privacy rights to the government. But for everybody else, hair should be standing on end.

Craftily, the Dems just might have a Trifecta on their hands...

(1.14.23 BenQQ) With the latest never ending series of Biden scandals revealing breathtaking levels of hypocrisy, those secret classified documents continue to be discovered everywhere from the left wing CCP sympathizers at the Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania as well as various open places at one of his homes.

Strictly speaking, in a democratic professing system, those who are truly responsible are the voters. They had every opportunity to learn about the career deep state elitist candidate with personal financial ties to the Communists globally well before the 2020 election. However, the Democrats give themselves a lot of slack.

Instead, the Democrats mounted what is now a well documented strategy of gas lighting and outright theft of votes. Few judicial jurisdictions ever even heard Trump's arguments defending the rights of his voters. The Democratic propaganda media dubbed them "The Big LIe." Of course I've written about that before, but this time, we have a prima facie crime in that Biden or someone close enough to get into his home garage stole and stored classified secrets apparently going back to when he was Obama's corrupt vice president. According to former business associate Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden was doing deals for Joe Biden who was coded "the Big Guy" in Hunter's conversations with foreign governments that Bobulinski said were paying to have access.

But now there is a whole new set of security scandals involving the mostly out-to-lunch administration, that is, classified documents next to the tail pipe of his favorite toy, a classic 1967 Corvette. Bloviating Democratic commentators such as Joy Behar on The View promptly suggested (later reportedly retracted) the discovered evidence against Biden was planted. Let's put that in the category of no real murderer has come forward to satisfy O.J. Simpson's mission to solve the crime for which miraculously he was found innocent.

But wait a minute. Maybe the parochial Manhattan Queen of Dem Group Think is right but not for the reasons she hysterically lays out. My addon to her thinking is If the documents were planted, they could ever so conveniently become the instruments that get the corrupt Biden family albatross from around the Dems collective necks. (Cut to: Biden's incredulously mouthing how he could not understand how those documents got into his garage sounding more like a gangster out of the movie The Godfather rather than a president.)

But wait again, friends, that's not all—and this one is just as troubling—the amount of energy consumed by this effort would deflect from a real investigation formally recognizing the financial connections between Joe Biden and communist dictatorships around the world. A sobering question: is the President of the United States literally be personally compromised by the likes of the CCP and Russia?

Yes, the limited view of The View just might be right in an accidental way. With the classified docs, planted or not, Dems get a fast and easy trifecta win:

  1. The "Corvette Papers" occupy the news cycle to dutifully sacrifice their “most qualified” candidate, thus saving themselves from constant campaign embarrassments;
  2. Hunter's scandals connecting the rest of the family to massive amounts of communist money are likely to be bypassed thanks to RINO Republicans in the House. (With a possible impeachment or resignation due to the mishandling of classified documents, its just too many things to think about.);
  3. Democrats can now crow about playing fair when going after Trump for the same alleged mishandling of classified documents. But Trump arguably never mishandled classified documents because--unlike Biden--he was the actual president at the time. A little detail. Regardless, that may be the last duck the Dems can shoot out of the sky to keep Trump from getting into the White House, assuming another election steal does not work and a fewer people are not fooled by the Dems usual gaslighting strategies. But that won't stop the 4 D's: desperate, dumb, deep state, Dems to keep blubbering the canard: Trump did it too.

Update: as of 12:52 pm CST, reports of additional documents found at Biden's Wilmington Delaware home.


Biden Potemkin Village Springs Up in El Paso for the Regime Visit
Biden again imitates Stalinist behavior in his biggest domestic failure

(1.9.23 BenQQ) First there was Biden standing in front of Independence Hall that his people bathed in blood red with threatening military flanking his sides as he painted Trump supporters fascists. This weekend he's seen hobbling around El Paso that was reportedly cleaned up from the mess caused by his own politically beneficial policy of border destruction. There are many examples of Potemkin Villages through history but old Joe Stalin hosting another Democratic acolyte US Vice President Henry Wallace visiting a gulag penal camp where he believed prisoners were "volunteers" seems another arguable historical parallel.

Of course the whole thing could have been an attempt to clean up a city overrun by illegal border crossers but that even begs the question: what did Biden see and if he saw anything would it make a difference? He was overheard asking (carefully selected?) insufferably polite border patrol agents what they would have him do if he "had a magic wand." It was an insult to a group of officers who have suffered suicides in their ranks, numerical imbalance to cope with the 5 million plus illegal invaders and not even added money to hire more CPB agents in Biden's obscenely wasteful and inflationary Omnibus bill to their overwhelmed ranks. One felt for the agents having to stand before an addled Biden to hear, understand and commiserate to anything they said is nonsense.

Rank and file Democrats never fully grasped what massive illegal immigration means to them thanks to Democratic leaning media. Generally, it means loss of wages in contract labor jobs, low skilled hires and higher community crime from undocumented people who include felons to terrorists. And lets not forget unregistered businesses from plumbers to roofers who compete against legal companies.  One thing for sure: massive illegal immigration does not touch the high paid TV news readers, elite Democratic politicians who are supported by big tech and industries who benefit from lower waged undocumented employees.

Therefore, most, but not all, rank and file Democrats never voted in their own interest to protect their economies and communities.

Texas Gov. Abbott was shown handing Biden a letter pummeling him for visiting a "SANITIZED" city and demanding he take 5 simple (but perhaps complicated for Biden) common sense actions that included rebuilding the wall that had substantially stopped most of the illegal immigrants under the Trump administration. Sadly, Biden is likely to ignore it all, visit Mexico to find a way to allow more illegal immigrants around our laws and then claim wisdom and success before the '24 election.


Why is this not a big story--at least in Memphis?

(1.5.23 BenQQ) From Griff Jenkins, Fox News: of the total 617,250 the CBP encountered or apprehended, 186, 573 were expelled under Title 42. The rest, more than 425,000, were released. Not even considering the gotaways who crossed into the country illegally, Biden released "4,681 illegals every day for 92 days beginning October 1 and ending December 31," according to A CBP source told VDare last month, the border patrol is totally overwhelmed with "0 physical capacity to even begin to process them all."

Biden's trillion+ Omnibus bill gave nothing to the CBP to relieve the pressure on the agents. Jenkins report arrived at the estimation of 69.8 percent who cannot be processed, meaning agents will encounter 2.5 million by Sept. 30 Vdare reported. "Americans will be paying for the welfare, education, health care and criminal justice costs of 1.74 million largely penniless and likely illiterate foreigners."

That is about 3 times the size of Memphis. A large percentage of that mass undocumented population is destined to pass through Memphis. We have asked the Memphis Police Dept. if there are any plans regarding this alien influx but have received no answer to date. Biden is reported his first time border visit for Sunday. More later.


What Killed Gangsta Boo? WAS IT FENTANYL?

(1.3.23 BenQQ) The 43 year old Memphis rapper is reported to have collapsed on her Whitehaven home porch New Year's day. You don't die naturally at 43. Something or someone kills you. In Memphis, it could be one or the other.

We're watching closely because most drug deaths today seem to originate with Fentanyl, the components of which are mostly made in China and shipped across the southern border relatively unimpeded thanks to the open border policies of Joe Biden and his entire Democratic administration, excepting some border state Dems. Fentanyl is sometimes laced with cocaine and some other recreational drugs.

I have written about the damage of Biden's total destruction of Trump's controlled border that allows drug cartels to more easily get contraband, that is, drugs, humans and terrorists, into the United States at the southernmost Mexico-US border opening. That gives the cartels a near direct route "to and through" (My quotes) drug markets in Memphis and beyond.

Gangsta performed in the world of drugs, crime and social deviancy that defines much of her select audience niche. Whether rappers want to admit it or not, her high production videos extolled those worlds to a niche with a niche audience of young black boys and girls living in poverty. Consider her "Kill Bitches."

"I'm gon' hurt one of you bitches Mane
that's why I'm gone stay to myself
Cause these bitches mane, always wanna play
I'm gon' hurt one of you bitches Mane
that's why I'm gone stay to myself
Cause these bitches mane, always wanna play

It's hard not to kill bitches
It's like an everyday job not to kill bitches
It's hard not to kill bitches
It's like an everyday job not to kill bitches
So what's a gangsta do?

As a lifelong white guy, I interpret the song as addressing the age-old threat of losing a relationship to unbridled sexuality from a possible competing mate, but her solution to the issue could easily be taken as legitimate to ghettoized unguided teens and preteens. I suspect there is no filter between concept and action once those lyrics hit home with no other concept to compete with "kill bitches." And so on with all her--and the rap genre itself--pieces. As long as rap (along with social media) are pumped into the brains of poor, black kids with no other guidance we will continue to see violence and group/individual decline.

Yet, that doesn't make me dislike her. At first glance she was a gut sourced artist that put it all out and a lot of fun that could break past barriers to at least some, like me, who listened to her. Rest in peace Gangsta Boo. I would have missed you if I had known you. She seemed to have different personnas. As a photographer I would have loved to have captured her in those other moments.


The Supremes Stay Title 42. Memphis misses the illegal invasion bullet--for now

(12/28/22 BenQQ) If you were wondering what the impact of permitting hundreds of thousands of unvetted unidentified illegal persons crossing the Southern border will look like in Memphis, you have to wait a little longer until the Supreme Court decides whether to keep Trump's anti-Covid measure in place. It was expected Title 42 to expire yesterday but the Supreme Court decided to keep Title 42 on the books at least for a short while. This is not what the Biden admin wanted. Critics say Biden would prefer the border states to be overrun by illegal immigrants as they penetrate northern states and overwhelm current demographics eventually to vote Democratic.

Whether through ongoing open border policy of the Biden administration or the expected huge influx of illegals when and if Title 42 is finally lifted, Memphians should be concerned.

The Heritage Foundation says previous stats show about half of all criminal prosecutions in federal courts in 2018 were illegal aliens charged with murder, drug trafficking, and kidnapping. These were only a "fraction" of their known non-convicted crimes. Biden's policy turned a successful Trump policy of stopping mass illegal alien absorption into the American homeland into an open funnel of drugs, human trafficking and property crime. On the first day of his administration Biden spitefully stopped construction of the southern border wall.

But a true U.S. Customs and Border Protection comparison for fiscal years FY17-23 of arrests of illegal aliens exploded under Biden this FY22 to 12,028 and 1,432 so far in FY23. (Fiscal Year 2023 runs October 01, 2022- September 30, 2023.) To be noted, these numbers show the convictions of illegal alien criminals. These numbers are said to dwarf actual criminals getting into the United States thanks to Biden's open border policy.

Memphis is reported to be on a major drug route used by Mexican drug cartels, heading to and through the city toward drug markets here and further north. Reported services include human trafficking, child prostitution and establishing drug distribution networks.

Does the city think we should be concerned? We've asked the city mayor, police department and council if we should be concerned about lifting of Title 42 and what if any plans are in the works to handle a possible flow of illegal immigrants through the city. We will post responses here.


As 50+ Americans died in winter storm, thousands were stranded in airports, 60% faced some sort of winter advisory and stores were looted, Biden heads to sunny St. Croix for another vacation.

(12.26.22 BenQQ) The thoughtful media are talking about it: in one of his worst displays of mindless oblivion to the outside world affecting Americans, Joe Biden ran off to the Virgin Islands for some sun and fun in yet another vacation. There was little evidence of preparation as "the storm of a generation" seemingly caught travelers and the administration by surprise.

Said Michelle Tafoya, former NFL sideline reporter,: "The optics of this are horrible. Not only is it a vacation, but it's somewhere warm and beautiful while others are freezing, literally, to death."

Government sponsored media NPR downplayed reports of looting and portrayed Gov Kathy Hochul (R) much like another storm victim. However, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown called the looters "the lowest of the low."

Nationally, there were 5,000 airline cancelations and 1,800 delays. We presume the alleged president was not delayed on his vacation.


After Two Years, Has Outrage Fatigue
Already Set In?

Outrage fatique? Probably not. Just outrage. A carport to an East Memphis home. photo by BenQQ.

(12.22.22 BenQQ) The notion that an American president could be conspiring with fellow federal henchmen to launch a domestic enemies attack on political opponents is hard to get. The “hard to get” part makes it that much easier for the Democrats to carry out polices that look more like those in China and Russia than the United States.

With the pretense of rounding up enemy fascists who had the temerity to protest what they believed was the stealing of the 2020 election, Joe Biden continues to make America look more like Red China and Russia. Perhaps that's no accident, considering he reportedly became richer, as well as compromised, via his influence peddling son, Hunter. Forgotten Hunter's laptop? That's by design. Here ya' go.

Not since the early twentieth century has the dominant party acted with such open targeting of its opponents, though the FBI gave it a good try to civil rights and antiwar activists back in the 60's and 70's. What's most disturbing is rank and file Democrats have stood by without raising a voice in protest to Biden's power mongering and family corruption. Indeed, Democrats voted for it.

In just two years, Biden and his party increasingly have leaned toward central government autocracy almost every time you see him totter across the screens of his party's propaganda media.

He has turned the opposition into an enemy so his federal minions at even the field levels of such generally OK government bodies as the DOJ, IRS, DOHS and FBI to act as his party's ideological storm troopers. Biden is testing the limits of traditional American restraint. After his reign we may see a federal government unafraid to go after people in more ways with less reason. I know of no Democrat who voted for that. Yet, they remain silent to the many faces of Biden's outrages that undermine American values.

So now the concept of “loyal opposition” is a thing of the quaint past. Democrats have acclimated themselves to the opposition by painting them as fascists, racists, criminals and “enemies of the state” (As said by leading Russia hoaxer Steve Cohen D-Memphis). Such have Trump supporters been variously personified over the past 7 years by their normie propaganda media egged on by political stooges of the left.  

All this is made easier because we have new young staffers indoctrinated by college professors who rail against traditional liberal American values. They are now working in all levels of government and supporting the deep state by ignorance, apathy or political enthusiasm. One thing we do know: Washington DC is now permanently demographically Democratic. Modern Democrats have thrown away any notion of procedural fairness, as shown by recent Trump associates snagged in DC courts.

As further illustration, the often mentioned CR—Continuing Resolution—would let the Republicans handle the budget in January. But nooooo. The Dems have rammed it through like a penis in a prophylactic and make everybody swallow it without ever even reading it. Gag effect worse: 17 Republicans voted for it with the vapid leadership of Mitch McConnel.

Everybody? That means Republicans and Democrats. As usual, the Dems are not serving even their own party by a bill so huge and full of fat the value of the dollar will continue to shrink. But they think their party members don't understand the word “inflation.” The results of the Nov. 8 “red wave” fiasco shows the Dems were right. There is a straight line between prices and common sense financial policy. Voting Democrats have yet to get it. Democrats may not believe it due to the propaganda media, but Donald Trump worked to keep every working American out of the Democratic financial morass.


Biden Administration Rounding Up More Jan 06 Pro-Democracy "Insurrectionists"

(12.16.22 BenQQ) The Biden Department of Justice, weaponized to the point of launching on what this writer thinks are hysterical, uneven, politically biased charges and subsequent arrests complete with manhunts. These stemmed from the Jan. 06 2020 demonstration in which hundreds of thousands Donald Trump supporters assembled on the U.S. capital to protest their belief the 2020 election victory was stolen from them and President Trump. Up until that time there had been media coverage of Democrats manipulating, transporting votes and hiding voting processes. Few local and state courts looked at the evidence. Democrats called charges of vote theft the "Big Lie."  

Subsequently computer forensic and captured video evidence respectively from Michael Lindell and Dinesh de D'souza have been shown to the public. Lindell provided a team of computer forensic experts who said the ballots were digitally transferred to China where ballots were changed for Biden. Lindell's findings have been generally ignored by media so there are few if any refutations from other experts to challenge his claims. D'Souza's movie 2000 Mules shows boxes of ballots, apparently in an organized effort, being stuffed into ballot drops by single individuals in various voting precincts around the country.

Free speech activist Cynthia Hughes said in a video of Epoch Times there had been 2,000 warrants issued to round up demonstrators. Hughes called for everyone who loves free expression to visit and donate to the legal fund for families and lawyers of demonstrators, many of whom have been put in dire need as a result of the overwhelming legal assault by Biden's DOJ. Hughes said they had helped "probably about 15 or 16 lawyers at this point" who are representing arrested demonstrators.

Speaking on Epoch Times' Over the Target, she said while the wives and children of the arrested and imprisoned demonstrators are her priority, she said she also works to help lawyers as well. "These are not run of the mill criminal charges," she said.

"They [the aforementioned lawyers] are up against a corrupt--I call it 'corrupt'--and evil monster you know in DC. There's really no fair jury..." Host Lee Smith interrupted her at this point to say the federal prosecutors have limitless resources.

Hughes said she had received a telephone call from a disabled veteran, presumably a demonstrator, whose home had been swarmed by 17 fully armed FBI agents.

See the full interview here.